Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 13

Only a few weeks left shoutmonkeys... make us laugh


Anonymous said...

SO to making "that's what she said jokes" in any and all situations. I have no respect for political correctness or social boundaries. I hope my teacher remembers this for the next time she says, "OK, if you could finish now, that would be great" after the bell rings during an exam.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Badger Herald confusing me... now they ARE doing summer shoutouts? I kind of think they missed out by a few months..

Anonymous said...

ASO to the emotional devastation I experienced, when I realized that I hadn't submitted a single SO last week. This addiction has gone too far. Oh well, back to playing with the visitor counter...

Anonymous said...

SO to Jack Handey! I don't believe that we should make the future safe for our children's children either, because kids are too young to be making whoopie.

Anonymous said...

SO to looking up euphemisms for boobs. I never knew there were so many ways to express my appreciation for flesh melons...or lactoids...or blouse bunnies...or Prisoners of the Playtex Penitentiary.

Anonymous said...

ASO to working at Union South this summer and dealing with all the f'ing stupid SOAR parents.

SO to scoping out the new froshies.

Anonymous said...

SO to Concert On the Square. I'm not sure what genius came up with amps+wine on the lawn of the state capitol, but they made my alcoholism tonight seem way more classy. Another SO to the wine we were drinking with the "imported from Middleton" label. Seriously?

Anonymous said...

SO to finally finishing all four seasons of House. Hugh Laurie = DILF...Diagnostician I'd Like to Fuck.

shoutoutcontroller said...

fuck the badger herald until the first week of school...what have they done for us since finals week?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the love triangle's bigger brother, the love tetrahedron.

Anonymous said...

SO to taking the laptop to the bathroom while i poop so i can continue talking to my crush. im sure he wouldnt mind.

Anonymous said...

ASO to wanting to slit my wrists going the long way because I lost magically lost the battery cover of my cordless mouse.

ASO to logitech for laughing at me when I called to order a battery cover.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy running down Van Hise with a tiny dog singing out loud. I hope you shared your joy with the rest of campus too.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Lance Smith... what were you thinking? if you were at all...

Anonymous said...

SO to Wordscrape on facebook, same people as scrabulous, and a few tweaks the the make your own board...yay scrabulous is back

Anonymous said...

SO to me being a moron and posting various shout outs under the wrong week. i guess i was just inspired by all the shout out genius and thus blind to the date...

Anonymous said...

SO to receiving a voice-mail on my phone for a potential job that sounds perfect and that I hadn't actually applied for. Double SO to the fact that I came "highly referenced" by a complete stranger.

ASO to the fact I will probably be mugged sometime this week due to karma...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the chippy fuck that is Eric Gagne. Maybe if you guys won the previous 3 games, you wouldn't be stuck in.. third, throwing at my boys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Edgewood. It doesn't count as a real college if it's connected to a high school, it's expensive, and it's a mediocre education at best. Plus, my arch nemesis is going there.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we all posted enough shoutouts if the SOC would stop them at 420 like they do at 69?

Anonymous said...

SO to ikea. Your swedish-ness is just so silly.

Anonymous said...

SO to having TWO shout out websites back and running, at least now we can check both the Herald and the summer SO page...for a couple of weeks, that is!

Anonymous said...

SO to the Badger Herald coming back with their shout outs because of the success of this site....

you know that's the reason. not "the sever is down"

double shout out for this site rocking harder than the badger herald!

Anonymous said...

SO to living in fucking madison this summer! hell yes.

Anonymous said...

aso to my little sister learning to drive and playing the entire "whisper song" aka wait til you see my dick... while my mother was in the front seat. kids these days.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend for asking me, "um, why was your mom reading a book with a vagina in it?"

oh, menopause.

Anonymous said...

SO to being really drunk right now. oh my f'ing god, i'm horny as f**k. i don't even care if the beautiful guy i hit on at work has an std, i just want to get some! hot damn

Anonymous said...

SO to sweeping the shit out of Wrigley North.

Anonymous said...

SO to brett favre if he turns down 20 million dollars to sit on is ass and ends up in a a Vikings uniform.

Anonymous said...

SO to the cubbies showing the brewers where to shove it and properly putting them in their places

shoutoutcontroller said...

just wanted to commend you guys on your particularly funny/witty shoutouts this week. there's only 3 weeks left so keep it up!

and FYI- if you guys make it to 420, we will absolutely let it pause there. make it happen!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the f*ckin brewers. you let me down this week guys. i do not enjoy watching my boys get raped by those i truly despise. i'm so disappointed in you...

Anonymous said...

ASO to being the wild one in a long distance relationship. someone needs to tell my square boyfriend that a little phone sex never hurt anyone.

SO to you!!! I know exactly what you are going through. where have all the dirty boys gone??

Anonymous said...

ASO to always finding the perfect guy for me (who is also interested) three days or a week before he or I are going to leave town for several months (in the last year this has happened at least three times to this seriously picky girl).

Anonymous said...

those axe commercials! how dirty boys get clean! they're over-using the product!

Anonymous said...

SO to the cubs sweeping the brewers. BOOYAAA!!!

ASO to the Brewers, at least you guys could of at least kept the series entertaining and not have every game be an absolute blowout. I stopped watching that last 3 games at like the 6th inning

Anonymous said...

SO to getting wasted studying abroad in Europe the past 8 nights in a row. ASO to having finals on monday morning

Anonymous said...

SO to kicking back at work, eating free dairy queen, reading summer shoutouts and mentally preparing for the weekend in madison.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me....I should not have neeb driving to work this morning, since I was still pretty plastered. And I work with kids. I'm a bad role model, but at least I didn't get pulled over!

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom and dad for planning a trip to paris the week after my little brother leaves for school and they become empty nesters. At least pretend you're sad we're gone?

Anonymous said...

SO to classes almost being over! Let the real summer begin, for at least two weeks.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the badger herald. We've found a better way to waste our summer.

Anonymous said...

SO to you, shoutout controller! You're a way better overlord than whoever it is at the BH.

Anonymous said...

SO to SO posters. Come on, lets make Bucky proud! More Shout-outs!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the BH. You better have better comics this semester. I'm not going to waste my time in lecture being bored by something that looks like a six-year old figured out how to draw a triangle and a square.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not learning to leave boys at the bar.

Anonymous said...

SO to taking the laptop to the bathroom while i poop so i can continue talking to my crush. im sure he wouldnt mind.

SO to you!! I'm pooping as I type this!!

Anonymous said...

SO to SHARK WEEK...the greatest week of the year

Anonymous said...

"ASO to always finding the perfect guy for me (who is also interested) three days or a week before he or I are going to leave town for several months (in the last year this has happened at least three times to this seriously picky girl)."

I'm glad to know that girls also have the same problem.

Anonymous said...

aso to completely downgrading to a shitty apartment this august. Living closer to the bars better be worth it.

Anonymous said...

SO to my life. you are rocking so hard right now. will be, once i get my period.

Anonymous said...

SO to being underage but going out to dinner with my parents and getting trashed.
it's gunna be a rude wakeup call when i have to switch from high class martinis back to the cheapest beer i can find...

Anonymous said...

so to my mom who just drunk dialed me and told me that my dad was taking advantage of her

Anonymous said...

ASO to the BH. You better have better comics this semester. I'm not going to waste my time in lecture being bored by something that looks like a six-year old figured out how to draw a triangle and a square.

dumbass, that's the daily cardinal. the herald has white bread and toast which puts square and cone to shame

Anonymous said...

ASO to being another year closer to dying. Let's throw a party to commemorate it...

Anonymous said...

"ASO to always finding the perfect guy for me (who is also interested) three days or a week before he or I are going to leave town for several months (in the last year this has happened at least three times to this seriously picky girl)."

I'm glad to know that girls also have the same problem.

ASO to you ladies because you didn't spend more time with the guy than weeks to realize you aren't perfect for each other.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the horny girls that post on this why don't i ever meet you in Madison?

Anonymous said...

ASO to running 20 minutes home barefoot from my birthday party because "I'm old enough that I don't need shoes to get me home" My feet hurt.

Anonymous said...

aso to the batteries in my vibrator for dying when i needed them the most.

Anonymous said...

SO to the mallards for signing Gary Coleman.

ASO to seeing him get ejected. WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT BLUE?

Anonymous said...

SO to my neighbors. A year ago I came to college as a pure, innocent freshman. Then you guys came along and convinced me to watch porn with you and turn it into a drinking game. I ♥ you guys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the people complaining about finding your "perfect someone" right before you leave for school... Better poor timing than never at all! If they're perfect, suck it up and figure out the long distance thing.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a knack for attracting Stage 5 Clingers. I try to screen em, but its so pointless. SO to my friend who said every guy liked girls who are a little fuckin' nuts.

Anonymous said...

SO to finally coming to my senses and realizing the booty call guy that's been after me is so not worth my time. next time you play in the gus macker, make sure that you don't expose your stomach...i gagged numerous times.kthanks:)

ASO for it taking me this long.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the super cute guy I met tonight. I kept hinting all night that I thought you were cute and I know you thought I was cute, so what's the holdup? Why no move? I haven't gotten any action since I was in Madison at the end of the school year... I'm not looking for a meaningful relationship, I just want some!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the hot guy I met last night automatically assuming that I'm conceited when I told him where I go to school. I know my school is better than yours but that doesn't mean I am!

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the horny girls that post on this why don't i ever meet you in Madison?

ASO to you. we exist.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting plastered and having a heart to heart with my brother. ASO to finding out the next morning that he was completely uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the decreased quality of my shoutouts, I have no more wit, summer has dried it up. i need mental stimulation aka being back in madtown to get it back. sloooowly dyyyying

Anonymous said...

shout out to teaching flip cup and beer pong to international students at summer school in newcastle. also to that happening in a university building with alcohol paid for by the university. i love england.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy on the bike path wearing only tighty whities... Your grandma must have picked those out for you.

Anonymous said...

SO to watching Bridezillas with my parents and having my dad say "that's going to be you, I feel bad for the poor guy who marries you. Who am I kidding you'll never get married"

Thanks dad for increasing my fear that I'm going to die a cat lady :(

Anonymous said...

WTF??? no shout outs today? what has this world come to? did everyone really have that lame of a weekend???

Anonymous said...

Dear Shout Out Controller,

I would really appreciate it if you updated more. I know you are probably busy and have a life, as do I and most others, but seriously, I need some form of entertainment while I'm at work!


Avid Reader

Anonymous said...

ASO to SOC cuz I'm pretty sure we just went beyond 24 hours without new shout-outs. ASO to me noticing and the lack of excitment elsewhere in my life... 3 weeks til I move back to my REAL home!

Anonymous said...

SO to HD wraparound sunglasses. You look like tinted visor gogs.

Anonymous said...

ASO to 64 shoutouts. comeon we cant get 5 more guys?!!?

shoutoutcontroller said...

you fools need to relax... one of the SOC's has been drinking all weekend and not sleeping. tried to make it up to you and love you all

Anonymous said...

SOC, we aren't fools.. we're just obsessed with Shout-Outs and expect you to hold your end of the deal :P

Anonymous said...

"ASO to not learning to leave boys at the bar"

I have the same problem. but at least we know how to get some action!

Anonymous said...

ASO to this sublet situation. Ten days and I am fucking OUT of here. Geez.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in the cubicle next to me for ripping ass and taking names. thank god i can't smell them through my carpet-walled prison.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy wearing the Favre jersey at Pat's steaks last night, good to know I'm not the only Packers fan in Philly!

Anonymous said...

SO to the favre/rodgers throwdown. ASO to it not being a ticketed or televised event.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having such a high alcohol tolerance and being so broke that I can no longer afford to get drunk out at the bars anymore.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the daily pennsylvanian, Penn's newspaper, and their sorry excuses for shout outs.

SO to UW for keeping it real.

Anonymous said...

Lets bring back the anti- Allison shout-outs.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the sudden influx of people I've seen riding their bikes while talking on their cellphones.


Love, your grandmothers

Anonymous said...

SO to my pillow smelling like a guy.
ASO to said guy having a girlfriend and me not finding out about this until AFTER a fun filled weekend together.

Anonymous said...

major SO to tostitos and all the delicious condiments eating them implies!

Anonymous said...

SO to Edward Cullen. You make human lovers look so incredibly inadequte.

Anonymous said...

SO to not being a freshman and knowing what the Allison shoutouts are all about.

Anonymous said...

SO to attempting to flirt with two different guys simultaneously at a bar. ASO to them leaving with each other...

Anonymous said...

SO to quitting my job with 10 days left because I got my 35-year-old boss blogging about how much she hates me. Mature.

Anonymous said...

Since when were there ever anti- Allison SOs?! And why in the world would anyone need to bring them back?

Anonymous said...

I kissed a girl ~ and I definetly liked it!
OMG, does that mean I'm gay now?...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend not being here this summer and the guys at work being really cute. I'm horny. DANGER DANGER

Anonymous said...

ASO to Bloomington for being a smaller, shittier version of Madison. You might be a pretty place, but you got no soul. Wisconsin ftw!

Anonymous said...

shout out to me for getting head from another intern in my MP's office during my internship in the houses of parliament this summer. rather ironic was that i was taking classes at the london school of economics where monica lewinski got her degree.

Anonymous said...

SO to having some EXCELLENT upside down sex last night.

Anonymous said...

SO and ASO to the free counter. It's not at all interesting to keep hitting refresh, yet I can't stop!

Anonymous said...

SO to teaching Frenchmen how to play beer pong in a dive bar in Paris.

ASO to them almost beating us.

Subsequent SO to beating them every single game and having them buy us countless pitchers of beer at ungodly European prices.

Anonymous said...

ASO to feelings getting involved in a perfectly functional friends-with-benefits triangle. The only solace? I'm leaving in just over two weeks.

Anonymous said...

ASO to stupid people who come to libraries. I know you want to better yourself or escape the heat or whatever, but we assume that since you're comming to a library, you can read the fucking sign on the door that says "NO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED. THIS INCLUDES WATER." So don't fucking get pissy with me when I ask you to put away your precious pretentious granola bar or coffee.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom. after telling her that this girl i can't stand got kicked by a horse, she said "it's about time!"

Anonymous said...

shout out to getting a job at a bar...i can already hear the endless opportunity of hook ups knocking.

Anonymous said...

ASO to move-out/in days! I am dreading next week! Furthermore, ASO to the guy currently occupying my new place for being a douche bag Danny K.

Anonymous said...

SO to Edward Cullen. You make human lovers look so incredibly inadequte.

Wouldn't that be an ASO? Unless you're a vampire lover of course...

Anonymous said...

SO to the end of summer classes and the best 2 week long summer ever! ASO to me thinking summer school was a good idea.