Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Best of Lucky Week 13

SO to looking up euphemisms for boobs. I never knew there were so many ways to express my appreciation for flesh melons...or lactoids...or blouse bunnies...or Prisoners of the Playtex Penitentiary.

SO to finally finishing all four seasons of House. Hugh Laurie = DILF...Diagnostician I'd Like to Fuck.

ASO to the love triangle's bigger brother, the love tetrahedron.

SO to taking the laptop to the bathroom while i poop so i can continue talking to my crush. im sure he wouldnt mind.

SO to ikea. Your swedish-ness is just so silly.

aso to my little sister learning to drive and playing the entire "whisper song" aka wait til you see my dick... while my mother was in the front seat. kids these days.

so to my mom who just drunk dialed me and told me that my dad was taking advantage of her

SO to my mom and dad for planning a trip to paris the week after my little brother leaves for school and they become empty nesters. At least pretend you're sad we're gone?

ASO to not learning to leave boys at the bar.

aso to the batteries in my vibrator for dying when i needed them the most.

SO to the mallards for signing Gary Coleman. ASO to seeing him get ejected. WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT BLUE?

SO to not being a freshman and knowing what the Allison shoutouts are all about.

shout out to me for getting head from another intern in my MP's office during my internship in the houses of parliament this summer. rather ironic was that i was taking classes at the london school of economics where monica lewinski got her degree.

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