Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Best of Week 9

SO to you, SOC, for the AMAZING Week 9 starter. I fucking love King's! Let's get together & play... but I call little man.

ASO to dog farts. Seriously not cool.

SO to playing kings and making the best rule ever. It is actually super hilarious to make someone play standing up if everyone is playing on the floor.

SO to week 9 bust a rhyme! I'll go Suckers.

SO to my brother for warning me not to go upstairs for a couple hours. ASO to the ugly pictures he put in my mind of my parents in bed and the fact that I can hear the waterbed swishing. One of those things that makes you go 'uuuuuuuuuuugh'.

ASO to whoever the "controller" is here for not posting my SO. who are you too judge, bitch. $10 bucks you don't even post this.
i can't wait till summer's over and you get off your little power trip. i'm protesting by not posting another single SO the rest of the summer.

oops, looks like somebody owes the shoutout controller $10. well played, making a bet with the person who directly effects the outcome of said bet.

ASO to people who signed up in the lottery just so they could sell their tickets for a higher price. I hope Bucky eats your soul for pricing out my friends.

SO to hitting the refresh button repreatedly solely in order to see the hit counter increase by one each time. please tell me this hasn't been here the whole time, otherwise my summer has been a waste until now.

ASO to the huge disappointment of eating Ian's while sober. You were so delicious when I was trashed and sitting on the curb. Daylight, a table, and no alcohol apparently takes away your magic.

ASO to pEoPlE wHo TyPe lIkE tHiS. iSn'T tHiS aNnOyInG!? eVeRyOnE bUt yOu sEeMs to tHiNk sO. tHeRe sHoUlD bE a lAw, mAnDaTiNg tHaT yOuR fInGeRs aRe bRoKeN uNtIl yOu cAn uSe a kEyBoArD pRoPeRlY. n0oB.

ASO to bad haircuts and to people who say "don't worry, you're hair will grow back". It may grow back, but in the meantime, I look like a 4 year old took a pair of safety scissors to my head. Maybe I'll just shave it all off and get a wig.

1 comment:

Jordan said...


orange - door hinge