Wednesday, June 25, 2008

week 8

keep it up


Anonymous said...

SO to the shout-out controller. Each week I wait to see what you are going to write to start the shout-outs. No repeats and its already week 8. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to admitting I want to see Poison in concert and losing respect from my coworkers. Even bigger ASO for them telling me so."

I've seen Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert - they rock hardcore. SO to me. And know what? I'd go see them again! So don't be ashamed, at least you aren't secretly a redneck.

Anonymous said...

ASO to still not making it into the the 'best of' section despite repeated attempts. I guess living back home has made my life so dull that even slightly embelished SOs aren't enough. I feel so pathetic without you, Madison.

Anonymous said...

SO to being so confident about my SOs this week that i actually planned the most amazing rub-it-in-your-face SO for such an occasion. ASO to being overconfident. Hopefully all the partying this week will help drown my sorrows about failing at life.

Anonymous said...

Biggest SO ever to the girls I worked with tonight. Having both of you slather my shirtless body with chocolate sauce and whipped cream was without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Anonymous said...

SO to the ice cream saver!!! ice cream in my 6 person family is gone in an HOUR. sadly, everyone in my gene pool eats anything and everything from aisle 8 that appears even remotely frozen, rich, and creamy :(

Anonymous said...

SO to the buser at the restaurant I serve at, who worked for 1 day and in the middle of that shift took one of our cheap ass paper place mats, wrote "I QUIT DON'T CALL.", and snuck out the back door without saying a word.

Also, ASO to the restaurant's owner's wife who is a nazi bitch. When you took that couple's soup away AFTER they had started eating it because "it didn't come with their meal, so they weren't paying for it" I actually wondered if I was going to need medical attention because I was so appalled. Wow. Good luck keeping any sort of cliental base.

Anonymous said...

ASO to spending 10 minutes carefully wording and crafting my SO only to have my fucking internet quit and losing it when i tried to submit it. it was hilarious, and i will never be able to recreate what was. just know that you are missing out, blame charter. fucking charter.

Anonymous said...

SO to my apartment. 85 to 90 degrees at 1 in the morning is totally awesome! I didn't want to wear clothes anyway!

It'd be nice if you went down to like 80 or so so that when I drink i don't die of heatstroke, though!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the forecast for my two 4-day weekends coming up being thunderstorms for everyday EXCEPT the 3 days in between when I have to come home and work. Really, now is this some sort of twisted joke?

Anonymous said...

anti-shoutout to my ass crack for eating toilet paper like a hungry Ethiopian kid eats rations. I don't like the little white fuzz, Charmin sucks and does no favors to the secks life

Anonymous said...

ASO to admitting I want to see Poison in concert and losing respect from my coworkers. Even bigger ASO for them telling me so.

SO to you. Keep your chin up, I've seen Poison and they put on a very decent show. "I hate every bone in your body but mine" brought down the house.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a dream in which my ex proceeded to get back together with me. Yes, she had a smoking body, and yes, she was horny for me all the time, but fuck me if I ever forget the way it ended.
Stupid penis.

Anonymous said...

SO to the packs of children that have invaded the dorms. You are annoying. Come back in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

ASO to admitting I want to see Poison in concert and losing respect from my coworkers. Even bigger ASO for them telling me so.

SO to you. Keep your chin up, I've seen Poison and they put on a very decent show. "I hate every bone in your body but mine" brought down the house.

Is it bad that the only reason I want to see Poison is because I was obsessed with Rock of Love?

Anonymous said...

ASO to my American Apparel model look-alike ex who tried to have two girlfriends at once until we both found out.

SO to bonding with her over his nonsense. Happy endings FTW!

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommates. Do you know that two of us are dating and are just refusing to acknowledge it or are you actually just completely clueless? One of us did NOT get the memo.

Anonymous said...

ASO to romance novels. While reading about Edward Cullen's beauty, I only think about my lonely life, wishing that I had my own Edward. ASO to me actually having and Edward Cullen, only he is too busy to notice me.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to my American Apparel model look-alike ex who tried to have two girlfriends at once until we both found out.

SO to bonding with her over his nonsense. Happy endings FTW!"

We haven't bonded quite enough yet, if you know what I mean! ASO to fact that the American Apparel model look-alike actually WOULD get jealous by two girls making out. Talk about sexually ambiguous...

Anonymous said...

SO to officer Greg for being a cool guy about our raging party last week. Extra SO for him refering to himself in the third person the whole time. "If officer Greg has to come back..."

Anonymous said...

anti-shoutout to my ass crack for eating toilet paper like a hungry Ethiopian kid eats rations. I don't like the little white fuzz, Charmin sucks and does no favors to the secks life

secks?! You'd better watch your 6 year old potty mouth with those kinds of words or you'll get put in time out.

Anonymous said...

ASO to no one giving me a SO for nailing my TA. I never dreamed that i would cross that one off the college to-do list my freshmen year

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mom questioning my virginity and finding out the two boys i've done are basically best friends.
im never watching soap operas with her ever again; the plots lead her to ask too many awkward questions and i cant lie to save my life.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being confused about my relationship. It's been over a month, the sex is great...but why are you always sad looking?

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy that opened with "anti-shout-out to my ass crack..." Really, that is quality entertainment.

Anonymous said...

SO to having four of my posts on the "Best of..." list thus far this summer. ASO to not having a life...All of this wit, and no one to share it with. *cue emo tears*

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who, when her mom was grilling her about her gyno visit, told her mom to stop getting so excited about the potential to have grandchildren because she 1: hasn't had a boyfriend in over a year and 2: has had so many xrays of her hips that "those eggs are scrambled".

Anonymous said...

ASO to George W and the declining job market. It's almost 2 months into the summer and the only job I have is mowing my grandma's lawn. I can't live off $20 a week!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to forgetting that They Might Be Giants is at Summerfest tonight. I want to go so badly but I'm too drunk to drive and none of my loser friends want to take me.

Anonymous said...

"SO to having four of my posts on the "Best of..." list thus far this summer. ASO to not having a life...All of this wit, and no one to share it with. *cue emo tears*"

seriously? four? teach me your ways, oh wise and witty one!!

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend (me) who just said: "so i randomly just decided that if i ever am dating a guy and he dumps me because he thinks he might be gay, i'm going to ask him to date at least one more girl after me because if i turn a man gay i swear to god that would be the end of me"
i love our 3 am chats...
June 4, 2008 3:12 AM

ASO to this actually happening just 4 short weeks later. Why couldn't i just keep my freaking mouth shut?

Anonymous said...

SO to the ice cream saver!!! ice cream in my 6 person family is gone in an HOUR. sadly, everyone in my gene pool eats anything and everything from aisle 8 that appears even remotely frozen, rich, and creamy :(

well at least when everyone in your family dies of a heart attack, you'll be able to down ice cream to your heart's content. also, refer to last week's "no fat chicks" posts

Anonymous said...

ASO to being such a clutz that I needed stitches to put back on the toenail I basically ripped off while trying to move a dresser by myself. SO to grossing people out with the details.

Anonymous said...

ASO to George W and the declining job market. It's almost 2 months into the summer and the only job I have is mowing my grandma's lawn. I can't live off $20 a week!!

ASO to you, you read too many magazines... Despite recent declines in the market(aka it is not booming anymore) it is still up almost 1500 points(which has a direct correlation to jobs in the market) since Bush has become president so I suggest you stop reading TMZ and start doing some of your own research. Second, if you're a college student looking for a base salary job and can't find one I only have one question for you: can you even spell your own name correctly on applications or does grandma do that for you too?

Anonymous said...

huge ASO to my roomie who doesn't know how to buy toilet paper, take out the garbage, do the dishes, and turn off the lights. you work part-time and aren't taking classes right now, so what's your excuse? these next two weeks are going to be great without you here.

Anonymous said...

SO to having my whole apartment to myself for two weeks. I plan on having sex on every surface like I did the last time my roomies were gone, including your beds :) this is gonna be a great two weeks!

Anonymous said...

ASO to sexual tension at my jeans off and fuck me already!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my lit prof for telling us that the midterm would be one essay question and we should be able to finish in an hour.

One question with ten parts that all need to be explained is not one question.

Anonymous said...

SO to Hellen Keller's birthday being tomorrow...perfect occasion to party it up!

Anonymous said...

SO to a small portion of state finally being re-paved... ASO to knowing that it will take 5 months for them to finish the rest of the damn street.

Anonymous said...

Biggest SO ever to the girls I worked with tonight. Having both of you slather my shirtless body with chocolate sauce and whipped cream was without a doubt the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Where are you working, and are they hiring.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to George W and the declining job market. It's almost 2 months into the summer and the only job I have is mowing my grandma's lawn. I can't live off $20 a week!!"

SO to you! ASO to my parents who seem to think the local grocery store in the middle of a small town is always hiring.

Anonymous said...

ASO to missing sex so bad that EVERYTHING i hear is misconstrued in my recently dirty mind as sexual innuendo. every spare thought is filled w/ memories of great romps and a good 50% of non-spare thoughts are dedicated to what promises to be even greater future romps. Is this what guys deal with all the time???

Anonymous said...

ASO to George W and the declining job market. It's almost 2 months into the summer and the only job I have is mowing my grandma's lawn. I can't live off $20 a week!!

ASO to you. Don't worry, if Obama is elected, his pro-growth policies of massive tax increases will solve all your problems.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC for this week's inspiration. All you made me want to do is say "That's what she said!"

Anonymous said...

ASO to this 7 month dry spell after losing my virginity. Isn't having sex supposed to lead to more sex?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the conservatives posting SOs. Can we say buzz kill! I'm sorry for wanting a candidate that knows how to google, won't put me to sleep, and who is not a fan of short-term solutions. Oh and the whole socially conservative thing is a HUGE turn-off.

Anonymous said...

aso to my fuck buddy, i'm getting bored with you. now taking applications for a new fuck buddy.

Anonymous said...

aso to the goons that work for SOAR

Anonymous said...

SO to my little brother getting his teeth pulled, poor guy. I'd feel worse for you, but once the pain is gone, so is the steady stream of fudgesicles that keep magically appearing in the freezer.

Anonymous said...

SO to having a provider for my party! SO again to it being my supervisor at work. Wouldn't really have pegged you for the corrupting-the-youth type...

Anonymous said...

huge ASO to this political banter. Seriously, folks? why don't you just screw eachother already.

then get on with life

Anonymous said...

SO to reading. And I mean reading for fun, not school textbook reading that rapes people's souls. ASO to the fact that this can only last a couple more months...

Anonymous said...

ASO to missing sex so bad that EVERYTHING i hear is misconstrued in my recently dirty mind as sexual innuendo. Is this what guys deal with all the time???

In a word, "yes"

and ASO to sexual frustration. Goddamn.

Anonymous said...

SO to having my whole apartment to myself for two weeks. I plan on masturbating on every surface like I did the last time my roomies were gone, including your beds :) this is gonna be a great two weeks!

fix'd that for ya

Anonymous said...

ASO to working at Victoria's Secret and having a weird old man with black fake nails tell me he needed some lingerie for his fiance and he didn't care what size or style(?) and then asking me, "Do you sell edible panties?" and "What's the difference between a g-string and a thong?" and then rushing out of the store without buying anything. Who is that lingerie REALLY for?

Anonymous said...

SO to facebooking the murder suspect in the Marino case then searching for the sketch to see if they look alike.

Anonymous said...

SO to the ice cream saver!!! ice cream in my 6 person family is gone in an HOUR. sadly, everyone in my gene pool eats anything and everything from aisle 8 that appears even remotely frozen, rich, and creamy :(

well at least when everyone in your family dies of a heart attack, you'll be able to down ice cream to your heart's content. also, refer to last week's "no fat chicks" posts

and yet, I'm probably in better shape than you! Eating a few scoops out of a carton of ice cream once in a while isn't so bad when you run 3 miles a day and weigh 15 lbs less than a person my height should! So suck it! At least I'm not some drunken slob who thinks he's hot but, in fact, is a total creeper.

Anonymous said...

ASO to reading about politics on the Summer Shout-Outs...let's stick to sex, drugs, and awkward summer job experiences guys.

Anonymous said...

SO to summerfest. I hope this event inspires lots of shoutouts that i can read.
ASO for reloading the comment page over and over and getting no surprises.
come on peopleeee. make my life exciting!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my family for slowly sucking out my soul. SO to the day I graduate and move out of the country and remove the sourge of their existence from my life. ASO to that day being a year away.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC for this week's inspiration. All you made me want to do is say "That's what she said!"

SO to you! that's exactly what I thought when i saw it!

Anonymous said...

SO to facebooking the murder suspect in the Marino case then searching for the sketch to see if they look alike.

I did that too.. only it creeped me out. So maybe your SO should be an ASO?

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to go to summerfest because I have a heinous case of pink eye, and the doctor told me I had to "get over it naturally because it's viral, not bacterial, so you can't have antibiotics."

Maybe I should just go and give pink eye to thousands.

Anonymous said...

SO to the kid i saw from my english class at summerfest. dont think im creepy that remembered you. you came to class late everytime and walked to the front of the room to sit down, how could i not remember you?

Anonymous said...

SO to working for the man. I'm wayyy overpaid for the work I do. Thank you for your generous contributions, taxpayers of Wisconsin! Your donations have eradicated my sobriety and all excuses not go to SUMMERFEST. Red tape governmental bureaucracy isn't so bad after all.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend's mom who dumped out our friend's beer and filled it with lake water when he left for a minute. SO to him for taking two big gulps of it before realizing something was off. I guess that's what you get for drinking Keystone...

Anonymous said...

ASO to realizing my relationship isn't salvageable. Bigger ASO to knowing we'll end up dragging it on for another 4 months.

Anonymous said...

ASO to wanting to reply to the SO I wrote about my family that devours the ice cream from aisle 8...and finding that someone already answered my SO as me??
and yet, I'm probably in better shape than you! Eating a few scoops out of a carton of ice cream once in a while isn't so bad when you run 3 miles a day and weigh 15 lbs less than a person my height should! So suck it! At least I'm not some drunken slob who thinks he's hot but, in fact, is a total creeper.

I didn't write that? However, that description fits me perfectly, but I typically run FOUR miles a day. and ps my family is all extremely in shape. We just love our ice cream. we're from wisconsin, what did you expect?!

Anonymous said...

SO to working in a factory with a bitter college dropout, a drug-fried ex-hippie, assorted Filipino migrant workers, a ridiculously sweaty computer programmer who looks like Jerry Garcia, a stuttering supervisor who strongly resembles a walrus, a lady who is legitimately named Ginger, and a friendly jumble of other white trashy types. ASO to having a powerful feeling that, after only one year of college, I could be running that plant much more efficiently than it's run now. But SO to not caring and just enjoying the people.

Anonymous said...

ASO for spending my summer back in my conservative asian parents' house in a small ass town driving kids around for work.

SO to my friend that lives across the street from me and her mom that buys us beer whenever.

Anonymous said...

SO to Shout Out soap operas. Last semester it was SugarFree Red Bull girl and drink cart guy- Now its the ginger with the horses.

Double SO to getting a behind-the-scenes tour and finding out what happens on next week episode.

All that drama for a couple of dirty texts? Methinks the show needs new writers. Or at least everyone's favorite ginge needs `to work on his acting skills.

ASO to me for being so bored this summer that I actually care.

Anonymous said...

SO to there being 69 amused me a little too much...

Anonymous said...

SO to being so bored at work that I have taken to massaging myself with a die grinder. Additional SO to it feeling really really good. ASO to my supervisor for coming out of nowhere and making it really awkward.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the high school degenerates near Camp Randall doing some band thing. Your off-beat drumming has given me a headache and has forced me to start drinking. Which makes this a circular SO because I am drinking and SO to that.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fact that the ginger w/ horses/fiancee scandal has been off the radar for several weeks. That was brilliant.

Anonymous said...

SO to Spain and its hot soccer players. Only 18 hours and 50 mins until I get to watch you shut down Germany and complete your sexy domination of the Euro Cup.

Anonymous said...

SO to drinking with my manager, his girlfriend, and his other work friend. Another SO to being the one who hooked up with his girlfriend at the end of the night. what a sad night for two boys to wait outside the door while two girls got it on inside.

Anonymous said...

SO to being in madison the last couple days. theres no way i just ran into HIM on accident. that shit's planned. so either God loves me or i have really good karma.

Anonymous said...

ASO to people moving into my place and bringing all their crap and disrupting my flow.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fact that the ginger w/ horses/fiancee scandal has been off the radar for several weeks. That was brilliant.

i have a feeling that the gingy with horses scandal is about to flare up again.

Anonymous said...

ASO to stupid fucking bitches

Anonymous said...

ASO to work tomorrow, I hate brunch service, its just unholy to make cooks work on Sunday mornings...
SO to the fact that the on those days a majority of front and back of the house is either hungover, or still drunk from the night before

Anonymous said...

ASO to still feeling twinges of shyness/inferiority upon running into the old "popular" kids from high school. I go to Madison, you nearly flunked out of community college in North fucking Dakota. Remove the gearstick of your bright red fully restored Monte Carlo from your ass and just talk to me like a normal person.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mother just discovering those "funny" forwards that have been floating around the Internet since the beginning of time, thinking they're hilarious, and sending them all to ME.

Anonymous said...

SO to starting my highly anticipated summer workout regimen...ASO to going for a run, tripping, faceplanting on the concrete in front of Whole Foods, and turning around to run home with blood dripping from my knees.

Anonymous said...

SO to Top Gear marathons. Who thought a car show would be so amusing? Also, I now have these strange fantasies of getting it on in the back of a Bugatti Veyron with the Stig, the only problem is he keeps on his helmet :(

Anonymous said...

for the person who posted about their relationship being unsalvageable...i have this sneaking suspicion my fuck buddy of the past 5 months is your boyfriend. please break up so i stop feeling so bad.

Anonymous said...

"SO to being in madison the last couple days. theres no way i just ran into HIM on accident. that shit's planned. so either God loves me or i have really good karma."

SO to wondering if that's me... even a weekend out of town can't get HER out of my mind.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being friends with not one, not two, but ELEVEN hot girls who I will NEVER get the chance to date. It truly sucks being stuck in the friend zone forever.

Anonymous said...

"SO to being in madison the last couple days. theres no way i just ran into HIM on accident. that shit's planned. so either God loves me or i have really good karma."

"SO to wondering if that's me... even a weekend out of town can't get HER out of my mind."

ASO to false hope...but tell me where you went and what you did
because HE did go out of town this weekend...better yet just call me and tell me about it...

Anonymous said...

Anti-Fucking-Shoutout to breaking up completely out of the blue. We still had time. We still had time.

Anti-Shoutout to Karma really hitting me hard. I didn't know my punishment for bad shit in my four years of high school would last all four years of college. Hopefully it won't extend through Law School too.

Anonymous said...

SO to the person who dropped $130 on the floor at Vintage. In all fairness, my buddy waited for ten minutes for someone to claim it. We assure you that it was well spent on a few rounds of booze with some cash left over. ASO to the hangovers we had this morning at your expense.

Anonymous said...

SO to watching the jon&kate+8 marathon for 5 hours today.
ASO to Mady... that girl is a real bitch!

Anonymous said...

SO to 5 full days of cowboy hats, cutoffs, bonfires, and weird neighbors that turn out to be awesome party animals. ASO to the torrential downpour that canceled kenny chesney's concert and forced the drunks to slip n' slide in the mud and spin their truck tires. You're cool, I swear.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Summerfest. You suburban buffoons don't know how to drive in a city. HUGE ASO to the person who parked in my reserved parking spot tonight. Enjoy your parking ticket!

Anonymous said...

ASO to ESPN for shoving this soccer bullshit down our collective throats. We hate soccer, its fucking stupid and boring and we dont want to watch it.

Anonymous said...

SO to two of my best friends getting married this weekend!

ASO to the pictures of some of the groomsmen enjoying the whirlpool in their room at 3 AM. The pics and videos of the three of you drunkenly singing "Mockingbird" in your non-swimming suit boxers have scarred me forever.

Double ASO to you guys calling/texting us bridesmaids to come and join you in the too-small whirlpool, claiming there was room for three more. No thank you... but at least we all had a kick-ass weekend!

Anonymous said...

SO to the unconditional love from my dog. At least someone wants to cuddle with me at night...

Anonymous said...

SO to being a lifeguard this summer. I get paid to get a tan and people watch.
Double SO to the themed pool parties we've been having this summer. On speedo/cowboy hat day I learned which of my extremely attractive coworkers is also extremely well endowed :)

Anonymous said...

ASO to being in the friend zone for 20 years.

Anonymous said...

SO to having sex in one of Frank's coolers! That totally makes up for all of my ASOs regarding that place for the past 3 years.!

Anonymous said...

SO to watching the jon&kate+8 marathon for 5 hours today.
ASO to Mady... that girl is a real bitch!

i totally did this too. i feel useless but that show is so good i just can't turn it off!

Anonymous said...

SO to being in the best shape of my life now that the SERF is open late and I have nothing to do besides work out. ASO to my bf being out of Madison for the summer and me having no one to appreciate my new dedication to the gym.

Anonymous said...

SO to coming back to visit madison this weekend. Originally on the car ride up i was telling my friends that i had way too high of expectations going into the weekend and that i shouldnt expect it to be like welcome week, halloween or mifflin. Huge SO to this weekend completely exceeding my expectations. one of the best two nights i have ever had in the past two years of going to this wonderful school. i now feel more inclined to come visit, and i expect myself to be up more often. Good brew, good tunes, good girls, good times. if you wanna know who i am, im the guy who will be always having an awesome time. hope to see ya.

SO to the new up top place at Johnny O's

Anonymous said...

ASO to old high school friends who now go to a different school and think I want to hear all about your drama - there's a reason I don't call you. I never gave a shit then, and certainly don't now!

Anonymous said...

SO to the irony of me killing bugs with the book: The World's Greatest Treasury of health secrets

Anonymous said...

To the girl with the 5 month fuck buddy-- he's all yours. BTW, you should probably get tested.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a dryspell at home. I'd rather be sexless at school, at least it'd give me an excuse to study. wtf i'm horny.

Anonymous said...

"...i now feel more inclined to come visit, and i expect myself to be up more often. Good brew, good tunes, good girls, good times. if you wanna know who i am, im the guy who will be always having an awesome time. hope to see ya."

since when did the shoutouts become the personals?

Anonymous said...

SO to going nuts and buying a completely new and amazing wardrobe while abroad... now to lose those 5 lbs i put on while eating the amazing italian food!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being heartbroken in the middle of the summer. At least I have two jobs, classes, and volunteering to get me through it.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to ESPN for shoving this soccer bullshit down our collective throats. We hate soccer, its fucking stupid and boring and we dont want to watch it."

ASO to you! Just because you don't understand or appreciate the game doesn't mean there aren't others that wanted to see one of the most exciting match-ups of the decade. Besides, what else is ESPN going to show? Baseball? Please, at least in soccer there's more than just a game of catch going on.

Anonymous said...

"SO to being in madison the last couple days. theres no way i just ran into HIM on accident. that shit's planned. so either God loves me or i have really good karma."

"SO to wondering if that's me... even a weekend out of town can't get HER out of my mind."

"ASO to false hope...but tell me where you went and what you did
because HE did go out of town this weekend...better yet just call me and tell me about it..."

Yeah, I called... different girl. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

huge, HUGE shoutout to whoever turned in my wallet at copp's.

in fact, SO to everyone who turns in wallets, ipods, cell phones, etc without taking them for their own. karma will be good to you!

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy who comes into the SSR library to check out a computer every four days. Seeing you never fails to make me smile.

Anonymous said...

aso to going running for the first time in four months and getting heart palpitations before i'd even gone a mile. maybe i should reconsider my alcohol consumption.

Anonymous said...

SO to my personal war with the world's worst SOC. I hope you don't do this for the Badger Herald because you suck at it. Btw, you have no appreciation for good music. You listen to country and rap don't you??

shoutoutcontroller said...

SO to my personal war with the world's worst SOC. I hope you don't do this for the Badger Herald because you suck at it. Btw, you have no appreciation for good music. You listen to country and rap don't you??

ok, having a "personal war" with an anonymous poster is beyond meaningless. if you don't like the way things are run you have no obligation to participate. maybe what you write is just blatantly unfunny.

and no, not really a big country or rap fan, and i'm not really sure what gave you that idea in the first place.

Anonymous said...

ASO to forgetting to wear a bra today. Double ASO that it was 60 degrees in the office all day, so my nipples were clearly visible under my shirt. Yet another ASO to my middle-aged male co-workers who kept looking at my chest. Come on people, I'm an intern! You probably have daughters my age!

Anonymous said...

So to working at a shoe store where I sold a pair of black heels to a 50-year old drag queen one day and then some Uggs called FlufMama (yes, in the heat of summer) to a guy for his stripper girlfriend the next. I wonder what tomorrow will be like!

Anonymous said...

"SO to my personal war with the world's worst SOC. I hope you don't do this for the Badger Herald because you suck at it. Btw, you have no appreciation for good music. You listen to country and rap don't you??"

"ok, having a "personal war" with an anonymous poster is beyond meaningless. if you don't like the way things are run you have no obligation to participate. maybe what you write is just blatantly unfunny.

and no, not really a big country or rap fan, and i'm not really sure what gave you that idea in the first place."

SO to cage matches. LETS GET IT ON

Anonymous said...

a shout out (or ASO) to me for just realizing NOW that ASO stands for 'anti-shout-out' NOT short for 'a shout out'.

my God I am the most retarded person I know. and I hope everyone replies and says Im a douche..because seriously. wow.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC...without you we would have no means of entertainment this summer (well at least the rest of us NOT in madison to have drunken hookups...I need to live vicariously through everyone else!)

Anonymous said...

So to America's Best Dance are my guilty pleasure.

Anonymous said...

huge, HUGE shoutout to whoever turned in my wallet at copp's.

in fact, SO to everyone who turns in wallets, ipods, cell phones, etc without taking them for their own. karma will be good to you!

I rescind my previous shoutout. Fuckers stole my cash!

Anonymous said...

SO to the shout out controller for telling it like it is.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC! Don't listen to that fool! You're sexy as hell.

Anonymous said...

Another ASO to the soccer hater. Heaven forbid ESPN play the world's most popular sport for two or three weeks every 2 years. No one made you watch it. So how about you stop whining and pull your head out of your ass.

Anonymous said...

ASO to working at an all-girls camp and the first week of the pill making me unbelievably horny. One night off this week isn't going to help me much. Why did I decide to work here??

Anonymous said...

"Huge ASO to my mom going on a diet and now weighing less than me. Awkward SO to her being a MILF now."

Huge SO to the exact opposite happening to me this summer. My job keeps me active, and my mother can no longer say that she weighs less than her college-age daughter!

Anonymous said...

"SO to the ice cream saver!!! ice cream in my 6 person family is gone in an HOUR. sadly, everyone in my gene pool eats anything and everything from aisle 8 that appears even remotely frozen, rich, and creamy :("

For God's sake, keep those people away from your friendly neighborhood sperm bank.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to my mom questioning my virginity and finding out the two boys i've done are basically best friends.
im never watching soap operas with her ever again; the plots lead her to ask too many awkward questions and i cant lie to save my life."

SO to my mother for offering to talk my father into letting my boyfriend sleep in my room instead of in the guest room. I love you, Mom!

Anonymous said...

why does everyone keep ripping on other shoutouts? come on, stop calling everyone fat/lame/etc and come up with something original. i want happy shoutouts, not feuds between multiple shoutouts.

Anonymous said...

ASO to reading a book during the summer. Even bigger ASO to it being my chemistry book for next semester.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 80 yr old man at the Serf who asked me to spot him. Every rep I was worried he would break a bone/have a heart attack/die. I think I may have sweat more then he did.

Anonymous said...

a shout out (or ASO) to me for just realizing NOW that ASO stands for 'anti-shout-out' NOT short for 'a shout out'.


Anonymous said...

ASO to people deleting unsavory pictures of themselves off of my camera while i'm passed out... either 1) tell me to delete them and I'LL DO IT, 2) untag yourself, if it makes it to facebook, or 3) don't pass out with your shoes on after one drink!

Anonymous said...

SO to my interesting habits. I have no problem toweling off next to a window with no blinds, but I refuse to get dressed in my room with the blinds open.

Anonymous said...

SO to hooking up with ex-boyfriends. Ladies: i would seriously recommend it. Not only does he already know where your g-spot is, but he probably also learned some tricks from his new slutty girlfriend. ;-)

Anonymous said...

SO to great summers in Madison. Motor-boatin' ain't just for the lakes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to ESPN for shoving this soccer bullshit down our collective throats. We hate soccer, its fucking stupid and boring and we dont want to watch it.

Huge ASO to you! you just made me the angriest i've been all summer. but ASO to ESPN because it revolves around football. i don't care about the NFL draft 20 weeks in advance, nor do i think you need to cover the superbowl starting week 4

Anonymous said...

why does everyone keep ripping on other shoutouts? come on, stop calling everyone fat/lame/etc and come up with something original. i want happy shoutouts, not feuds between multiple shoutouts.

fuck you, fatass

Anonymous said...

"For God's sake, keep those people away from your friendly neighborhood sperm bank."

-Massive SO to you, you are awesome.

Anonymous said...

Jerry! Jerry! Now, the SOC has to go: Bitch, you don' knooooooow me!

Anonymous said...

SO to discovering my favorite place in the world is in his arms.

Anonymous said...

SO to my kind of maybe but probably not still boyfriend. can we have sex when I visit anyways? PLEASE. you are still the 10 on my scale of "how much I like sex," and I wanna get it on like rabbits.

Anonymous said...

ASO to only realizing how fast summer was going when i saw the title "week 8" on the shoutouts...where has it gone?!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to ESPN for shoving this soccer bullshit down our collective throats. We hate soccer, its fucking stupid and boring and we dont want to watch it."

Only presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial "we".
- Mark Twain

do you have a tapeworm? then speak for yourself

Anonymous said...

SO to my guilty pleasure being going to pixar movies. SO to my newest potential seeing the shelf of animated movies in my room and taking me to Wall-E. Someone's going to get lucky.

Anonymous said...

"SO to two of my best friends getting married this weekend!

ASO to the pictures of some of the groomsmen enjoying the whirlpool in their room at 3 AM. The pics and videos of the three of you drunkenly singing "Mockingbird" in your non-swimming suit boxers have scarred me forever.

Double ASO to you guys calling/texting us bridesmaids to come and join you in the too-small whirlpool, claiming there was room for three more. No thank you... but at least we all had a kick-ass weekend!"

...Seriously? Get a fucking livejournal.

Anonymous said...

SO to Sara's pimp apartment. Fo sho.

Anonymous said...

"SO to discovering my favorite place in the world is in his arms."

Shoutouts like this make me want to dropkick kittens and drown babies.

Anonymous said...

ASO to facebook not have "sex" in the looking for category.

Anonymous said...

ASO to feeling depressed while in Madison for the summer.

God someone save me before I drown myself.

Anonymous said...

SO to my epic battle with the City of Madison busses. Me on bike: 2, Bus cutting trying to cut me off: 0.

Anonymous said...

SO to putting my A*Teens CD from like, 7th grade on my iTundes and STILL loving it!

Anonymous said...

SO to the old-school carpets which are now plastered on the ground in place of the sidewalk on the corner of Lake and State. The city probably can't afford to actually re-pave it.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my sister's strange boy situation...a guy that, in his own words, "DQ'd" (aka failed) out of the local community college instant messaged her and asked her to loan him money. "like, i kno we dont kno each other that good but we can get to kno each other better. im not just talking to u becuz i need money, i really wanted to c wut u r up to." There's a winner.

Anonymous said...

SO to being at my lab job and being tempted to take a shot of the ethanol buffer i'm filtering.

Anonymous said...

SO to going up to Madison last weekend and coming home with massive brusies on my legs which I am not totally sure how they got there. It could have either been from skinny dipping in Lake Mendota at 4am or falling into the foutain at Library Mall.
Oh Madison, how I miss you in the summer time.

Anonymous said...

SO to never being caught in the friend zone, but ASO to never really being in the friend zone in the first place

Anonymous said...

SO to discovering my favorite place in the world is in his arms.

HAHAHA my "Fat Lonely Chick Who Just Got Her First Real Boyfriend" radar is going crazy!

Anonymous said...

definitely not being able to get around my emotions. I know we're having lovely sex, but the fact is that you and I get along too well for me to be able to totally avoid developing feelings. Damn you.

Anonymous said...

SO to teaching my dad's dog how to high-five. The Todd would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to Grainger construction. My one day to sleep in this week, and I'm woken up by a symphony of jackhammers at 7am. WTF.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy behind the counter at Five Guys singing "Freefallin" into the mic. Yet another way that Five Guys rocks

Anonymous said...

SO to craig's list "Hard Working Man Seeking African Qween"
qween? you are 45. you should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

We happen to feel that we have the right to write however we see fit, and if that offends you, we think you should go fuck yourself

Anonymous said...

SO to having amazingly perfect long brown hair.
ASO to not being able to wear it down during the summer without feeling like I'm wearing a parka.

Anonymous said...

Best college dating advice: Everyone you date now is just practice for who you'll be with in the future. Take it, love it, hate it, fuck it, and make sure to have a damn good time doing it, and doing it often!

Thx boss.

Anonymous said...

ASO to ESPN for shoving this soccer bullshit down our collective throats. We hate soccer, its fucking stupid and boring and we dont want to watch it.

SO to you. That's what ESPN Deportes is for.

Anonymous said...

SO to Pomegranite Swirl Fat Free Frozen Yogurt.... You may sound gross, but you are far, far superior to chocolate ice cream anytime

Anonymous said...

ASO to women's grand slam tennis sounding like a giant orgy.

Anonymous said...

"SO to putting my A*Teens CD from like, 7th grade on my iTundes and STILL loving it!"

I've got Aqua Aquarium on mine. From 1996. I win. I mean, Barbie Girl totally beats Upside Down.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a huge crush on you and not being able to tell you because im a chicken. i think youre perfect.

Anonymous said...

"SO to teaching my dad's dog how to high-five. The Todd would be proud."

MAJOR SO to you...Scrubs is amazing! ASO to the "season finale" of scrubs being an episode completely out of time you better not disappoint me.

Anonymous said...

SO to myself for going on a longer than usual run tonight. ASO to myself for scaring myself shitless when i saw my shadow on a wall that i dont usually run by because i thought it was a rapist/murderer.

Anonymous said...

SO to teaching my dad's dog how to high-five. The Todd would be proud.

The Todd would tap that doggy-style.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the douche who flipped me off after waiting for three minutes at the drive-through window. You had four kids in the back dude, you bring a new meaning to the word "class."

Anonymous said...

SO to Summerfest and the OAR concert! Thank you for getting my mind off work but also reminding me that "its 3 am and i want to go to bed."

Anonymous said...

SO to the cookie truck outside the UW bookstore. Those were some DAMN good cookies.

Anonymous said...

"SO to craig's list "Hard Working Man Seeking African Qween""

I'm pretty sure that guy stalked my roommate and asked her to be his "ebony goddess". No joke. ASO to that whole situation and the fact that she entertained the idea.

Anonymous said...

SO to having amazingly perfect long brown hair.
ASO to not being able to wear it down during the summer without feeling like I'm wearing a parka.

All these hilarious SO's and THAT's the best you can do? How about a "Worst Of" list, SOC? This one would be front and center.
P.S. No one read that and got jealous of you. But now every time I walk down the streets of Madison and see some girl with nice hair all tied up I'm going to glare at her and think she's a self-centered, not to mention really boring and lame, ho.

Anonymous said...

definitely not being able to get around my emotions. I know we're having lovely sex, but the fact is that you and I get along too well for me to be able to totally avoid developing feelings. Damn you.

SO to you. I'm in the same boat. Sucks, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the soccer haters. We (the rest of the world) thinks you should shut up and besides, it's on ESPN2 so it won't disrupt your shit Sports Center. Get over it. Soccer can stop violence in countries that have been present for decades whereas no one outside of the US gives a crap about football - just saying.

Anonymous said...

I've got Aqua Aquarium on mine. From 1996. I win. I mean, Barbie Girl totally beats Upside Down.

That CD is definitely lying around somewhere....! Let's not make this a competition and just be friends who enjoy pre-teen, late 90's music together?? We can discuss things like how Lollipop (Candy Man) has a totally different meaning now that we are in the sexual know...

Anonymous said...

SO to working in IT. Being on a computer for 8 hours a day seems to lower our productivity in all areas except our epic games of Scrabulous.

Anonymous said...

SO to driving into a storm and feeling like my life is that terrible 90s movie "Tornado." Thank you, Wisconsin, for this Hollywood moment.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all these craigslist personals. I hope you're all looking at them for a joke. If not, I offer you one piece of advice: go to a bar, get drunk, hit on somebody and regret it in the morning.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all these craigslist personals. I hope you're all looking at them for a joke. If not, I offer you one piece of advice: go to a bar, get drunk, hit on somebody and regret it in the morning.

ASO to you, you havent yet realized the awesomeness that is reading Craigslist personals, but more importantly the missed connections page. Its amazing, go there now!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the random ads on Facebook about the Madison homeless characters, has anyone else seen those?? So far I've seen one about the orange-wearing piccolo guy and one saying "Who's your Scanner Dan?"... wtf?!?

Anonymous said...

ASO to all these craigslist personals. I hope you're all looking at them for a joke. If not, I offer you one piece of advice: go to a bar, get drunk, hit on somebody and regret it in the morning.

ASO to you! i'm allowed to make fun of ridiculous craigslist ads when i have nothing to do at work. just relax and laugh. cause they're FUNNY.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the random ads on Facebook about the Madison homeless characters, has anyone else seen those?? So far I've seen one about the orange-wearing piccolo guy and one saying "Who's your Scanner Dan?"... wtf?!?

hahaha i just saw one. "Scanner Dan and friends" it's for some stupid madison dictionary thing i guess?? WEIRD

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fact that the ginger w/ horses/fiancee scandal has been off the radar for several weeks. That was brilliant.

LOL I remember that..that girl must live an interesting life