Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Best of Week 5

my computer is being a spaz and won't let me post the best-of on the main page so just check the comments section, i put it under there this week! sorry for any inconvenience (the inconvenience being you have to click an extra button). 

1 comment:

shoutoutcontroller said...

SO to being a math major. It is a perfect concentration for the chronic procrastinator. I'm finally getting around to adding those fall classes, of which they're still all open! 

ASO to being a math major. Expected hot girl count in said classes: 0. Cumulative hot girl encounters in said major: 0. Reads like my GPA!

SO (or ASO?) to my dad for saying my mom looked like a hooker when she was waiting for us on a corner outside of a restaurant. classy, dad, real classy.

ASO to my friend who requested a 2girls1cup cake for his birthday...that brings a whole new meaning to chocolate swirl
Does anyone know when the student football ticket request period is? I haven't heard about it anywhere?.

-oh, me neither. the daily emails, facebook event, chalkings, magnets we got in our mailboxes, fliers we got in our boxes, etc. just don't tell me enough!
-i don't think anyone should tell you. if you haven't figured it out yet at all, you really don't deserve my tickets.

ASO to my roomates for shouting out to my underage sister. ASO to me for being awful at comebacks...Screw You Guys.

if you want my come back you should scrape it off your sister's teeth

SO to all the response re: librarian love. If you'd like to know who I am come to Memorial Library and check out a book after 12 noon on Saturday or Sunday this weekend. I'll have my red hoodie on (I would have bells on, but i don't own any).

SO for me running for 50 minutes straight in 80+ degree heat. ASO for my dad telling me im packing the fat as i walk in the door after my run. WAY TO KILL THE RUNNERS HIGH fat boy.

ASO to being single in a shit-ass town all summer with no one to do.

SO to sex and the city convincing me of the joys of a certain toy, and realizing that i can never be bored (and unpleasured) ever again

ASO to buying a bottle of wine, sitting on the curb waiting for the bus with it, and then accidentally kicking it over and watching it shatter into a sewer. double ASO to the fact that the bus then didn't come until an hour after it was supposed to. sad day.

for shame, and you call yourself badgers. 
anyways, a ginormous SO to you crew team, you rock my world hardcore.

ASO to metrosexuals and my broken gaydar. I don't mind when guys wear $300 D&G glasses, but can't they also be obligated to subtly allude to their sexuality in some way?

SO to my small ass town for making national news with our dam that may or may not break

ASO to the dam if it actually breaks, forcing me to paddle a canoe to work
go wisco

ASO to Six Flags. Exactly who on your staff thought it'd be a good idea to play two songs - "Beautiful Girls" and "Unwritten" - over and over and over throughout the park ALL DAY? 

SO to all the little kids who probably asked their parents what "suuuuicidal" meant.