Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 7

Go for it


Anonymous said...

SO to being back in madison next week and being able to pregame to "i love the new millenium." There's gotta be a drinking game in that show somewhere, right?

Anonymous said...

SO to my parents leaving home for the week. ASO to them leaving my car without gas, the Fridge without any food and the secret stash of cash without any reserves. Oh well.. there's always Gumby's Pizza.

Anonymous said...

SO to going on my first run of the summer. ASO to being chased by my neighbors pet pig on that run this morning. Is that supposed to be some sort of sign?...

Anonymous said...

SO to the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual sale coinciding perfectly with my first summer trip back to Madison to see my boyfriend :)
SO to getting the D wet.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Hannah Montana's four continuously run episodes at my department store job being the only fun I have while working.

Anonymous said...

SO to those people who couldn't ride i nearly got taken out by (i am not kidding) a little girl who i swear was barely three. on a two wheeler. no training wheels.

Anonymous said...

SO to hermits. Another SO to people who love hermits.

Anonymous said...

SO to hot lifeguards. You make my 50 hour workweek not only doable, but enjoyable.

ASO to me for having 13 year olds go do my flirting with the hot lifeguards for me.

Anonymous said...

SO to tricycles. I can't ride bikes. I would look so cool with a tricycle. A red one.
ASO for probably realizing that with my biking skills, i'll probably need a helmet too.

Anonymous said...

SO to drunken charades on a tuesday night. Double SO to the guess "having sex in the water killed you!" when the answer was really "sand in the vagina".
ASO to a knee wound and massive amounts of blood whilst acting out "immigrants crossing the border". Beware of the dangers of charades.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual sale coinciding perfectly with my first summer trip back to Madison to see my boyfriend :)
SO to getting the D wet.

SO to you!!!!!! I was dead broke and thought I was going to miss the sale before I got my first big fat paycheck for the summer. Got paid today..... your wonderful message appeared.... I checked online.... sale STILL going on TOMORROW.... I am also traveling to see a certain boy this weekend and all awesomeness that ensues this weekend will be attributed to you

Anonymous said...

ASO to only attracting girls with boyfriends. Someone said I might have a self-defeating personality, but that can't be right. I think i'm awesome...

Anonymous said...

"SO to "k" for tearing those tards a new asshole. I happen to know you and you really are a crazy smartass bitch...and real hot"

I second that, SO to "k" (Now I'm curious about who wrote this cuz I bet I know you too haha)

Anonymous said...

ASO to the flooding in my city.
Fuck it, I'm going water skiing!

Anonymous said...

so to training wheels, you are way underrated

Anonymous said...

aso to my roommate being a fucking bitch and not drinking this summer. regrow your sack and get to work son!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a housekeeper at a hotel and finding all sorts of weird stuff in rooms.

and seriously...if I wanted the used condom I found in your bed, I would have just had sex with you. at least then I would know how it had been used rather than picking it up and flinging it to the garbage wondering what it had been on/in/near.

Anonymous said...

ASO to jury duty. i had to take a week off work and was only called in on monday. does the term "poor college student" mean anything to the state of WI?

Anonymous said...

SO to the man on craigslist who claims "I love to date large white woman with a pear shaped butt." what is a pearshaped butt?.

DOUBLE SO to him saying "i show affection in pubic." hahah oh lord.

Anonymous said...

SO to the man on craigslist who claims "I love to date large white woman with a pear shaped butt." what is a pearshaped butt?.

DOUBLE SO to him saying "i show affection in pubic." hahah oh lord.

Anonymous said...

SO to Tiger Woods being an absolute badass by winning 2 majors on a torn ACL.

Yeah, because golf is SOOOO difficult?? Not. Try playing a real sport with a torn ACL.

Anonymous said...

SO to having my job be to look at the hot girls that come swimming at the pool, ASO to having to also lifeguard for the 40 year old guys with beer bellies or worse speedos, seriously, there are some people we are better off not seeing in a swimsuit.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the apocalypse; Gas is $4 a gallon, half of the Midwest is underwater or tornado ravished, Colorado and California are on fire, and I can't have a goddamn tomato

No, the midwest looks far from "ravishing" because of tornados. Perhaps a better choice of words would be "ravaged", as in, the tornados destroyed my fucking house.

Anonymous said...

SO to finally starting to lose weight. ASO to doing some form of exercise 6 days a week. Why does being skinny again have to be so much damn work!?

Anonymous said...

SO to going to Dairy Queen and licking penis sculptures out of our soft serve cones. Double SO to a bus load of summer school kids pulling up while we're doing not so decent things with our ice cream penises.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for watching The Happening and secretly liking it. Is there something wrong with me?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the apocalypse; Gas is $4 a gallon, half of the Midwest is underwater or tornado ravished, Colorado and California are on fire, and I can't have a goddamn tomato

No, the midwest looks far from "ravishing" because of tornados. Perhaps a better choice of words would be "ravaged", as in, the tornados destroyed my fucking house."

Maybe before you criticize others' grammar, you should learn the meanings of words yourself:

rav·ished, rav·ish·ing, rav·ish·es

To seize and carry away by force.
To rape; violate.
To overwhelm with emotion; enrapture.

Anonymous said...

ASO to people. Why is it that the majority of Americans will not watch ANY more golf this season just because Tiger is injured? These people cannot be called sports fans. Any true golf fan knows that it isn't fun to watch one person win every tournament anyway. For shame America, for shame!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the idiot who doesn't think golf is difficult. Not only is it strenuous, but it is rewarding, too. I bet Tiger Woods has better control over his club than most guys in Madison.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the shoutout controller's moderating skills. Two posts. Exactly the same. And they're one right after the other. FAIL.

Anonymous said...

ASO to waking up to my neighbors doing it... as if the moaning isn't disgusting enough... can you shut your blinds please?!? we can see right into your room I see your naked bodies more than I see my own.

p.s. he got past your snaggle tooth... but that nasty tattoo on your tit ??... things that make you go bluuuuuuuuuh....

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to read SO's about segway guy because the semester is over--they were too great and a good laugh. anyone have any/know what he's up to these days?
fall semester i'm just going to chill at social sciences with a boombox and follow him around blasting "final countdown" on max volume

SO to the Arrested Development reference, and SO to SOing a SO of a SO.

Anonymous said...

SO to sailing & pirates Saturday. Major SO to dressing up like a pirate, attacking other boats, and claiming booty while drinking & having a blast.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy who came into my work today not knowing his own phone number or where he worked, checked out my chest and felt the need to comment, and proceeded to walk along a 5 lane highway upon leaving. I hope you get hit because I don't want you in my store again.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fat bitch at thursday lap swim. you can shut your fat face in the locker room. I don't care that you swam farther than me. I actually have to work to stay afloat, I don't have arms and so blubbery that they work as floaties. but let me tell ya, if we're ever on the titanic together, I'll make sure to hold on to your thighs so I don't drown.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fat bitch at thursday lap swim. you can shut your fat face in the locker room. I don't care that you swam farther than me. I actually have to work to stay afloat, I don't have arms and so blubbery that they work as floaties. but let me tell ya, if we're ever on the titanic together, I'll make sure to hold on to your thighs so I don't drown.

SO to you! that made me laugh out loud and I needed that. awesome. that is damn funny.

Anonymous said...

SO to the trashy woman on the Today Show this morning that got an eye injury from her VS thong and was suing. I truly laughed through the entire news story, especially at her lawyers comment : "Victorias Secret may have angels, but their devils are in the details."

Anonymous said...

SO to Monk. That show is awesome.

ASO to slowly turning into Monk because Im watching too many episodes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to working for the city and weed-wacking all day. The constant onslaught of dirt, sand, wood, rocks, grass and pine cones that fly in my face and down my shirt are becoming too much. There have been so many things in my mouth this summer, and none of them have been the thing that I've wanted...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy who gives free massages. Not only is that creepy, but telling me that you see me everywhere and that you "don't bite...yet..." is NOT going to get me to stop to talk to you! My Farmers' Market trips are forever ruined.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Jon and Kate plus 8. who knew that 6 half asian sextuplets could capture my attention for hours upon hours.
SO to Aiden being the most adorable!!"

omg. SO to you! Not many have had the privilege of discovering this show. Greatest show ever. I'd have to disagree and say Alexis is most adorable, however. haha

haha alexis is the most adorable girl. but i just can't get over aiden's cute little glasses!

Anonymous said...

ASO to accidentally swallowing one of my contact lenses. that was weird.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for watching The Happening and secretly liking it. Is there something wrong with me?

dude, SO to you! I saw it yesterday and wondered if there was something wrong with me too! sadly I think there is.

Anonymous said...

SO to hulu having all of the new episodes of the daily show and the colbert report

Anonymous said...

ASO to working at walgreens on park street and all the people who come and steal shit right in front of me, try stealing a bar of soap since you all stink

Anonymous said...

SO to the chick on the Today Show who hurt her eye with a thong. Did I miss a memo? Because last time I checked you were supposed to wear those on your ass.... unless you're robbing a bank in Denver.

Anonymous said...

ASO to working with an ex-stripper at Dairy Queen, but big SO to all the drama she causes. Drama for this week: She thinks she is pregnant and has narrowed the daddies to four, and one of them is our manager. Oopsie!

Anonymous said...

SO to making drinking festive, with things such as case races and mexican nights, just to make our raging alcoholism seem celebratory.

Anonymous said...

SO to reading Week 5 Shout outs on the toilet

Anonymous said...

SO to Cookie Monster for admitting that he was the "Robert Downey Jr. of cookies" in the 70s and 80s.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the idiot who doesn't think golf is difficult. Not only is it strenuous, but it is rewarding, too. I bet Tiger Woods has better control over his club than most guys in Madison."

Really? Golf strenuous? try playing'll realize that golf really isn't strnuous.

SO to rugby players...we do it for 80 minutes in 15 positions with no protection and three ways to score.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 4-year-old I babysit, who, when I asked him how old he thought I was, said, "I don't know...11?"

ASO to me. My fake ID that says I'm 34 is NEVER going to work.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the girl wearing a sundress and eskimo boots on State St. this morning. Seriously?

Anonymous said...

SO to adding a special ingredient into my roommates mayo jar. that will teach you to stop drinking my beer and eating my food.

Anonymous said...

ASO to sleeping with my unattractive and creep of a neighbor and now completely regretting it and working extra hard to avoid him at all times. Worst decision I've made in my life!

Anonymous said...

ASO to sexual innuendo sports descriptions. You are so highschool and so over, so get over yourself already. I'm sure the rest of everyone else who plays sports really enjoys hearing you brag about the sexual prowess of your sport.

Anonymous said...

aso to the 8 year olds i was surrounded by while waiting in the check out line at victoria's secret. you have terrible parents.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the shitty shout outs. Come on, people. I only laughed three times. Hearing about people's annoying roommate's obnoxious sexploits is getting old. Let's try for a little variety.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy from the Meriter ER. Come visit us up on 6T the next time you transfer someone up there. ;-)

Anonymous said...

SO to the compliments...I think being a hot crazy, smartass bitch could be worse. But...WHO ARE YOU CREEPERS?


SO to the Victoria's Secret Semi-Annual sale coinciding perfectly with my first summer trip back to Madison to see my boyfriend :)
SO to getting the D wet.

SO to you!!!!!! I was dead broke and thought I was going to miss the sale before I got my first big fat paycheck for the summer. Got paid today..... your wonderful message appeared.... I checked online.... sale STILL going on TOMORROW.... I am also traveling to see a certain boy this weekend and all awesomeness that ensues this weekend will be attributed to you

No...SO to YOU and all the ladies who are fans of matching their push-ups with their panties. And you're welcome and so is your man.

Anonymous said...

Shout-out to spending so much time on boats this summer that I feel wobbly on solid LAND

Anonymous said...

Antishoutout to my sheets smelling like Mondays...specifically Mondays.

Anonymous said...

SO to Monk. That show is awesome.
ASO to the 60 year old man posting shoutouts

Anonymous said...

SO to long nights and awkward mornings! At this rate, I won't be able to ban my kids from doing anything, because I've already done it all. ASO or SO to living by the motto, "an awkward morning beats a boring night?"

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a serious case of nostalgia and watching the first Land Before Time movie. I can't believe that 20 years after its release, I still cry through the whole movie. Further ASO to the fact that I watched it with my young nieces and nephews, who didn't cry during the movie, and calling them "emotionless bastards" after they made fun of me for crying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a super weird feeling hangover. I don't have to throw up and I don't have a headache, but I have NO balance, I have crazy chest pain, swollen eyes from something, blood coming out of my nose at random moments, and snot and vomit on my sheets.

Yeah, I'm a winner.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the cop who pulled me over and suggested I could "work off" my ticket. SO to reminding him our mom's are cousins. double SO to my friend recording it on her camera and to the fun I will have in court. Burn and rot in hell you piece of shit little town!

Anonymous said...

SO to Jack for coming to Alpine Valley for the first time in a while. But major ASO to getting out of the Port-a-john and seeing your ex-gf standing next in line. Awkwaaard.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to having a super weird feeling hangover. I don't have to throw up and I don't have a headache, but I have NO balance, I have crazy chest pain, swollen eyes from something, blood coming out of my nose at random moments, and snot and vomit on my sheets.

Yeah, I'm a winner."

... I didn't know that Amy Winehouse posted shoutouts

Anonymous said...

"ASO to having a super weird feeling hangover. I don't have to throw up and I don't have a headache, but I have NO balance, I have crazy chest pain, swollen eyes from something, blood coming out of my nose at random moments, and snot and vomit on my sheets.

Yeah, I'm a winner."

... I didn't know that Amy Winehouse posted shoutouts

Epic win.

Anonymous said...

SO to working for a Budweiser distributor and getting beer at a discount of $5 a case.

ASO to drinking a bunch of said beer, a bootle of merlot, and assorted shots, and peeing all over my parents dining room and waking up naked and having my dad scream at me.

SO to it being one of the best nights ever and willing to do it all again!

Anonymous said...

ASO to vicariously living my summer through other people's facebook photo albums. today i went to new york, noah's ark, several friend's apartment parties, and got my senior pictures redone. i'm glad these are anonymous.

Anonymous said...

SO to me and this great weekend. The Cubbies dominated over the White Sox, the weather was gorgeous for the most part - which made beer at the terrace delicious, I saw a sailboat capsize and almost sink right in front of the terrace, I discovered breakfast at the come-back-inn with dollar bloody marys and gorgeous waitresses, and I was nicely buzzed the entire time.

Anonymous said...

"SO to being back in madison next week and being able to pregame to 'i love the new millenium.'"

Really? REALLY? You = ridiculous alcoholic. Let's kick it with Franzia and "I love the 80's."

Anonymous said...

SO to getting head by telling the girl that come is good for her teeth

Anonymous said...

SO to the urban dictionary definition for aliens, which reads "Aliens:
People from outerspace. Generally peace loving and wise, they've come to Earth because we've got velcro and they love that shit.
I've got some Aliens living in my basement.
Thank you, Quicksand Jesus.

Anonymous said...

SO to the little boy meticulously looking through his box of animal crackers for the seal because he read on the box, "Do not eat if seal is broken."

Anonymous said...

ASO to being forced to go to the bars even tho i had no ID, was completely shitfaced, and was already walking around with a drink. Double ASO to not getting into said bars and then getting stopped by a cop ON A BIKE while walking back. SO to celebrating my first underage ticket by smoking for the first time...

Anonymous said...

SO to thinking in the Sex and the City age one can be young, single and fabulous.

ASO to some 6-year old telling me that if I don't have a husband or boyfriend, I must at least have a baby-daddy, because no one is still single at my age. Since when is 22 old?!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my summer job that has me waking up at 6:30 AM five days a week. What the hell was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

SO to driving behind a red truck with an Illinois “BADGERS” license plate. Yesss!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the family I was babysitting for thanking me and me responding, “No problem, it was fun!” and meaning it. I need a liiiiiiiife.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey girls, you can hit on guys too- shocking I know, but it works both ways. Have a little confidence, I'd love for a hot girl to approach me randomly. Unless you're ugly. Then you're exempt. For the love of God, exempt yourself.

Anonymous said...

SO to youtube-ing videos of the Badger student section at 3am.
ASO to putting me into an insomnia-induced depression as I remember the gamedays that seem like a dream and not know if I'll experience them again this year thanks to the new system. Is it July 7th yet?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to drinking a bunch of said beer, a bootle of merlot, and assorted shots, and peeing all over my parents dining room and waking up naked and having my dad scream at me."

Bootle is a funny word.

Anonymous said...

SO to all the senior citizens living in Towers right now. You're way nicer neighbors than the coasties were, and I'll take your tour buses over their endless cabs any day.

Anonymous said...

SO to going bar-hopping in Milwaukee with an ID that says I'm 30. Really? I'm 18. I don't know whether to be pleased or insulted.

Anonymous said...

SO to random facebook friends. I got drunk with you one time like four years ago and haven't seen you since. And if I ever did run into you, I'd probably act like I don't know you to avoid that awkward "Hey what's up, you graduating this year?" conversation. This sadly does not stop me from looking at your new photo albums and just "checking in" every once in awhile...PS, have you gained weight?

Anonymous said...

so to road tripping back to madison with my 2 best friends from. even bigger shout out to talking about pooping sizes and styles everyday and saying that's what she said for everything.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the American Apparel ads using sexually-ambiguous models. You confuse me. And when did Taylor Hanson start modeling clothes?

Anonymous said...

Come on, Madison! Is it so shocking that your neighbors don’t want to listen to your blaring music? At least karma will fight my battle for me when you need a hearing aid at 40.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the summer shoutouts not being the number one result on google anymore. Was anyone else weirded out by that?

Anonymous said...

SO to George Carlin. You will be missed. May your soul be with the other frisbeetarians and forever stuck on the roof.

Anonymous said...

ASO to sitting at work all day waiting for the shoutouts to be updated.. and they haven't. wth?

Anonymous said...

ASO to waking up confused with a sombrero tattoo on your arm and glow sticks scattered about you...guess that techno-pong-a-thon party was fun?

Anonymous said...

Huge SO to getting drunk @ a campout & doing the dirty on the hood of a car. And in the back of another- neither of which was ours.

Bigger SO to my friend who couldn't figure out how she lost her underwear or who she made out with.

ASO/SO to having 1 of my friends yell "**** had sex with ###" out the door of McDonalds & across the parking lot to the rest of the group... the looks we got were priceless! And hell, I wasn't even going to go!

Anonymous said...

Hey girls, you can hit on guys too- shocking I know, but it works both ways. Have a little confidence, I'd love for a hot girl to approach me randomly. Unless you're ugly. Then you're exempt. For the love of God, exempt yourself.

SO to this, i cant agree more. but please, no fatties. i cannot emphasize that any more. for the love of all that is holy, no fatties

Anonymous said...

aso to moving away from everyone and having the worst week of my life... ugh i need my friends!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my friend for getting a Blackberry. SO to him for linking it to facebook and email so that my friends and I could send him emails every 10 minutes while at work... hopefully his phone is constantly vibrating

(ps - I need more ways to make fun of him)

Anonymous said...

aso to driving to visit a friend and getting a ridiculous sun burn on half of my arm.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the summer shoutouts not being the number one result on google anymore. Was anyone else weirded out by that?

haven't you realized that people have bookmarked the page by now??

Anonymous said...

SO to outrunning a cop on a bike (not a motorcycle...this douche was on a Huffy) by cutting through my own backyard. ASO to not turning around and stealing said bike when he got off to chase me.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in the townhouse above me who always whistles when he comes and goes. Wish I'd have had the guts to go to your party back in Fall. Oh well! Stay cheerful!

Anonymous said...

SO to a local DJ playing The 7 Words You Can't Say on TV this morning. ASO to the headache that ensued from the constant beeps. But it was still funny.

Anonymous said...

"SO to long nights and awkward mornings! At this rate, I won't be able to ban my kids from doing anything, because I've already done it all. ASO or SO to living by the motto, "an awkward morning beats a boring night?""

SO to having found my new life motto!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being among, literally, just fucking stupid people at my job who work paycheck to paycheck. i can't wait to be back at school among educated students and people who are actually going somewhere w/ their lives and are excited to be doing so. if i have to work w/ anymore white trash, whore women who live for their smoking breaks and complain the FUCK ABOUT EVERYTHING for any longer i am going to FUCKING QUIT MY JOB.

Anonymous said...

ASO to "the guy".. "Guy", why you gotta rock the boat? i was perfectly happy just getting it on.. stop being such a girl and let's just keep doing what we do best

Anonymous said...

ASO to seeing that I had a tick on my ass...and no one being around but my dad to pick it off for me. Family bonding never got weirder.

Anonymous said...

SO to the delivery guy at Jimmy John's for accidently delivering his personal stash of crack with some subs to Meriter hospital. Were you high? ...Probably.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls, you can hit on guys too- shocking I know, but it works both ways. Have a little confidence, I'd love for a hot girl to approach me randomly. Unless you're ugly. Then you're exempt. For the love of God, exempt yourself.

SO to this, i cant agree more. but please, no fatties. i cannot emphasize that any more. for the love of all that is holy, no fatties

see i can respect your desire for no fatties. but you do realize that most girls are self conscious and therefore will see your SO and do quite the opposite...just saying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the 17 girls from ONE high school being pregnant at one time because of their "pregnancy pact."

"We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy," the principal says. WOW.

Anonymous said...

ASO to life. I hate my hometown, I hate my jobs, I don't like my high school friends, and I can't stand my family anymore. It is SERIOUSLY still only June? I feel like I'm dying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to people who wrong-way bike lanes. They're conveniently labeled with the direction of travel, and they even follow standard roadway rules about which traffic direction is on the left and which is on the right.

Would you kindly go play on the freeway now so people with brains don't need to worry about asshats like yourself?

Anonymous said...

Hey girls, you can hit on guys too- shocking I know, but it works both ways. Have a little confidence, I'd love for a hot girl to approach me randomly. Unless you're ugly. Then you're exempt. For the love of God, exempt yourself.

SO to this, i cant agree more. but please, no fatties. i cannot emphasize that any more. for the love of all that is holy, no fatties

ASO to the fat uggo men who don't abide by these rules. We are not, and will never be, drunk enough to blow you so please stop touching us.

Anonymous said...

ASO to bikers who think they are above the rules of the road.
The pavement called, and would like to meet you soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey girls, you can hit on guys too- shocking I know, but it works both ways. Have a little confidence, I'd love for a hot girl to approach me randomly. Unless you're ugly. Then you're exempt. For the love of God, exempt yourself.

We do. The fact that we don't hit on you is unrelated.

Anonymous said...

so to being a classy hot bitch. you know why you were denied honey, because my ass doesn't hang out when my clothes are on, haha. aso to my classy hot bitchiness getting me in trouble.

Anonymous said...

SO to lolcats. You make my morning. I wish I was a lolcat, everything would be so much cuter.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the guy whose drink I accidentally picked up at starbucks.
What in the hell did you need FOUR shots of espresso for?!

Anonymous said...

SO to abc's new shows Wipeout and I survived a Japanese game show. I can finnally watch stupid Americans make fools of themselves instead of early 90's japanese guys on mxc with horrible voice overs

Anonymous said...

SO to forced, premature nostalgia via "I love the new millenium". too soon? perhaps. but i love it anyways.

shoutoutcontroller said...

you people are lagging. post!!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having pink eye. . . again. Fuck you pink eye, fuck you.

Another ASO to ruining four pairs of contacts in a month.

Anonymous said...

it is a sad, sad day when even the SOC is complaining about a lack of SOs... come on people, step up your game! there must be someone out there who is seriously worried about whether or not their boss' ex-wife's new husband was the cop who bust up that shitshow this weekend... oh wait, that's me...

Anonymous said...

SO to celebrity family feud. I can't wait to watch Kendra and the Kardashian sisters make a fool of herself on another national tv station! Too bad they weren't facing off against each other, bc I would actually pay for that

Anonymous said...

SO to my crackberry, without you I might actually have tried crack

Anonymous said...

fat chicks need lovin too

Anonymous said...

SO to being purely content after vaping and then sitting on the beach watching the sky turn as the sun sets. ASO to not having someone to use as a pillow.

Anonymous said...

ASO to chem. It's only been a week, and I already want to slit my throat on a broken graduated cylinder.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the obese biker I saw the other day while going on my daily run. Maybe you should get off your hog and your ass and try it sometime instead of sucking face with your equally large girlfriend...and next time keep your shirt on. No one wants to see that.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl with the mullet walking down Gorham this morning. You've got balls

Anonymous said...

ASO to otherwise attractive guys who self identify as hard-core Republicans. We might have the same tastes, get along, and you might be hot, but if you honestly believe that the world is a better place because Bush was elected president or that gay marriage matters to anyone outside of the wedding ceremony, we can be friends but can't date.

It might seem ridiculous, but people who still believe that shit seem ridiculous to me.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex-roommate who nearly ran me over with a soccer mom minivan today. SO to me for moving out!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to otherwise attractive guys who self identify as hard-core Republicans. We might have the same tastes, get along, and you might be hot, but if you honestly believe that the world is a better place because Bush was elected president or that gay marriage matters to anyone outside of the wedding ceremony, we can be friends but can't date.

It might seem ridiculous, but people who still believe that shit seem ridiculous to me."

Major SO to you. does this line sound familiar? "that guy was so cute until he said he was a republican..."

Anonymous said...

ASO to construction on state street and having no outdoor cafes to kill time. It was hard enough finding cuties who don't make me want to quit my job because the shit they order every day, and now there are even fewer. Pretty sure the city of Madison is just trying to kill my dream of hooking up with someone through work this summer.

Anonymous said...

SO to knowing I had crossed the border into Wisconsin when I saw (all within the first 5 minutes, mind you):
a. An old man with tiny cut-off denim shorts, steel-toed boots, shirt off and hanging from his pocket, 40 in hand,
b. Another man with a bleach-blonde mullett riding a hot pink bike complete with a basket and horn
c. A hugely obese couple (also with mulletts) riding power scooter wheelchairs down the middle of the fucking street at 6 miles an hour then stopping in the middle of the god foresaken road to take a drink of they were exhausted from all that hard work they were doing.

ASO to loving it and feeling like I was finally home.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mother who said she knew some sign language then proceeded to flick the middle finger saying, you know what that means, don't ya? (This is all during a church sermon of course)

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to my mom going on a diet and now weighing less than me. Awkward SO to her being a MILF now.

Anonymous said...

ASO to chigger bites in my asscrack. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

ASO to letting my friends walk all over me. I love you lots and always waste my gas to come see you, why can't you return the favor just once?
ASO to hoping they'll see this and recognize themselves because I'm too much of a doormat to say anything to them.

Anonymous said...

I take it back...
ASO to chem because the only reason I should be getting hives right now is from the bugs, the pollen, or maybe those bumps are from something else...

Anonymous said...

ASO to scanner dan grabbing and holding my hand at work. SO to sanatizer water in the back sink.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my dock still being underwater, my beer in the fridge freezing and exploding, and working every single day. How am I supposed to have that party now?

Anonymous said...

SO to FINALLY having a party to go to! Here's hoping the single gals wanna party enough to make things interesting for me!

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy at Einstein's today, who saved my ass at lunch by making me a delicious breakfast sandwich. You have no idea how much better my day went because of that.

Next time, maybe I could buy you lunch instead.

Anonymous said...

Fat chicks hitting on dudes is like cornbread... "Ain't nothin' wrong with that!"

Anonymous said...

ASO to "iLove the new millennium." It is too soon, the other "I loves" where nice and nostalgic, I don't need nostalgia for this decade, which is not even over, vh1.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy who posted an ad on Criag's List for free semen.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the state street UPS delivery man.
I'm pretty happy that we're now on 'smile and wave' terms.
Does this imply a special delivery in my future?

Anonymous said...

fat chicks need lovin too

gotta have something to hold on to

Anonymous said...

"shout out to the guy whose drink I accidentally picked up at starbucks.
What in the hell did you need FOUR shots of espresso for?!"

ASO to you. pay fucking attention and that won't happen. do you know how annoying it is to have to remake a drink because someone picked up the wrong one? listen to the barista who SAYS WHAT THE DRINK IS. and then look on the side of the cup where is also SAYS WHAT THE DRINK IS. maybe then you'll only have to deal with your 1 shot, half caf, soy mocha with a shot of hazelnut and no whipped cream. pansy.

Anonymous said...

SO to the best ice cream saving idea ever. My dad hates mint and my brother hates chocolate chips. So all I have to do is keep convincing my mom she's too fat for ice cream and all I need is a spoon and the carton of delicious mint chocolate chip.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to otherwise attractive guys who self identify as hard-core Republicans. We might have the same tastes, get along, and you might be hot, but if you honestly believe that the world is a better place because Bush was elected president or that gay marriage matters to anyone outside of the wedding ceremony, we can be friends but can't date.

It might seem ridiculous, but people who still believe that shit seem ridiculous to me."

Major SO to you. does this line sound familiar? "that guy was so cute until he said he was a republican..."

I thought Democrats were supposed to be all about diversity. So why not diversity of thought? Easily writing a guy off because he is a Republican and you are a Democrat is close-minded and downright stupid. If you can't handle a different opinion other than yours, it just shows how immature you really are.

McCain 2008! WOooO!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being broke. Seriously, am I EVER going to be able to do anything fun again? Please?

Anonymous said...

SO to the high-school- and middle-school-aged kids that are now roaming the west side of campus. You make my visits to Union South that much more awkward and self-loathing.

I'd say "kids that young should not be wearing clothes that slutty", but come on now, I'm not gay. Just... be subtler about it please?

Anonymous said...

ASO to admitting I want to see Poison in concert and losing respect from my coworkers. Even bigger ASO for them telling me so.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the woman on the bus that felt the need to snap her fingers along to the music that was playing on her headphones. With the occasional wafts of B.O. and a creepy guy with his fingernails painted staring at me, did you really have to so obnoxiously violate another one of my senses?

ASO to still not being able to find a job.

ASO to myself for not being able to put myself into a coma until this boring summer is over.

Anonymous said...

fat chicks need lovin too

gotta have something to hold on to

later you, me, and lots of booze?

Anonymous said...

ASO to my bike seat. The stitching traps water inside the seat so I still manage to the the "I wet my pants" look days after rain...

Anonymous said...

SO to our crazy math professor (again). First you do a population growth problem about the population of Texas and the number of death row inmates, and the next day you follow up with a temperature problem about a dead body in a motel. You must be taking too much of that Valium in your purse before lecture.

Anonymous said...

SO to college politics. "If you're not a liberal when you're 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative when you're 40, you have no head."

Anonymous said...

I'd say "kids that young should not be wearing clothes that slutty", but come on now, I'm not gay. Just... be subtler about it please?

you might not be gay but you may be a pedophile

Anonymous said...

ASO to "the guy".. "Guy", why you gotta rock the boat? i was perfectly happy just getting it on.. stop being such a girl and let's just keep doing what we do best

Let's do it then

Anonymous said...

you might not be gay but you may be a pedophile

Okay, I'll put it this way. Typically, walking around campus, I see someone with a hoodie or shirt that has a high school sport team on it and I think "oh, they still have that despite being in college. It's okay to look."

The past three weeks has been a constant repetition of "she looks kinda y-- she looks REALLY young. Oh god, I'm going to hell."

I'm just going to avoid going to any building but the Chem building. Good luck finding underage (or attractive) females there!

Anonymous said...

SO to swindling toilet paper from my job, just one less expense I have to worry about being broke in Madison for the summer

Anonymous said...

ASO to not having any drunken makeouts this entire summer, or any future prospects.....ugh. i wish i was in madison.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend's mom who dumped out our friend's beer and filled it with lake water when he left for a minute. SO to him for taking two big gulps of it before realizing something was off. I guess that's what you get for drinking Keystone...

Anonymous said...

"ASO to only attracting girls with boyfriends. Someone said I might have a self-defeating personality, but that can't be right. I think i'm awesome.."

SO to you! i only attract guys with girlfriends. maybe we should go out sometime....