Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Week 6

go nuts


Anonymous said...

shout out to rubber rain boots. with this weather, not only are you fashionable, but you also keep my feet dry while walking through lake sized puddles.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my cute coworker having a creepy older boyfriend who also has a kid. Dump his ass and have sweet custardy sex with me!

And if you're just that thick, yes, it's a custard restaurant we work at.

Anonymous said...

SO to sitting outside a Starbucks with your best friend from back home and deciding that "we just really don't like the penis."

Bigger SO to the old man sitting next to us who obviously was not listening to anything through his headphones as the expression on his face when this was said changed from bemused to entirely horrified.

Anonymous said...

SO to the two REALLY attractive guys who were hitting on me at work. Even bigger SO to them leaving their numbers. HUGE ASO for them not answering when i called. please stop in at the same time next week....

Anonymous said...

ASO for the 30-some hour flight just to get back to Madison.

SO to getting laid as soon as get beck to Madison.

God, I miss getting laid.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my friend who totally made my week when she told me i made the 'best of' list.... and then she crushed my dreams when she realized someone else wrote the SO about their dad calling their mom a hooker...

i just have one question. does that mean i might grow up to look like a hooker too?

Anonymous said...

SO to EURO 2008 being on while I sit on my ass all day because I don't have a job. Is anyone else watching? The Switzerland Turkey game was ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

SO to the residents of Orchard Court for putting up with our ridiculously loud game of catch phrase in the courtyard last night and our inappropriate answers to the clues "What do you sell when someone dies? Their organs!!!!"

Anonymous said...

SO to work... sitting here with 2 hot chicks playing video games called "naughty babysitter". you can be my babysitter any night girls!

Anonymous said...

SO to posting the first SO for week 6. It may be a small and meaningless achievement, but it's the most excitement I've had in the last five weeks.

Anonymous said...

bored at work? or at home since everyone seems to be jobless? then pleaseee take this online survey, it takes about 3 or 4 minutes and its about what your doing right now (blogging and facebooking)

Make sure you take the survey that corresponds with your sex AND age group.

13-17 Female:

13-17 Male:

18-24 Female: (there is a typo that says it is 13-24 as the title, but as long as the first questions answers have the ages 18-24 you are taking the right survey)

18-24 Male: (same typo)


shoutoutcontroller said...

relax about the survey, vultures. it's for the shoutoutcontroller's job, and nobody is making you do it. it's pretty quick too, and we all clearly have enough time
-the SO controller who didn't post the survey

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the males in Madison. I went the entire spring semester without even a second glance from anyone of the opposite sex and now I've gotten three cat calls within two days from old creepy men. There must be not creepy guys out there to inform these gentlemen that I will not chase them down to give them my phone number...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.

Thank You

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom who was very against me going to Mexico this past spring, but was excited for me to go run a half-marathon Tromso, Norway (more north than Iceland!). Seriously, I don’t understand you!

Anonymous said...

shout out to rubber rain boots. with this weather, not only are you fashionable, but you also keep my feet dry while walking through lake sized puddles.

Lake sized puddles? How about town sized lakes!?! Come to Iowa and see how well your oh-so-fashionable boots work here!!! I don't want to hear any complaining about rain when I get back to Madison unless the lakes all merge into one, the isthmus is no more, and Bascom Hall is in 3 feet of water.

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to Qwest DSL being down in the entire state of Iowa and all but one of the libraries in my area being in mandatory evacuation zones... the library that isn't a hotspot. My computer is totally useless now. Even bigger ASO to not getting internet back til sometime next week at the very earliest.

Anonymous said...

ASO to never wanting to see a dirty, disgusting, disease-ridden body of water ever again, just to know that Mendota is waiting for me to come back to campus.

Anonymous said...

I need some pooooooooooon

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.

Thank You

**hahahhaha the fiancee totally wrote that, how more obvious could it be -- guys don't talk like that, and of course salty girlfriend has to add in something about some girl coworker she's jealous of

Anonymous said...

ASO to the female poster that keeps arguing with my fiancee. I am sorry that I got drunk and flirted with you, but I have to say that there is no other person in the world for me, besides my fiancee. She is my heart and soul. So to lay this to rest. I only want my fiancee and no body else. Period. I love her with all of my heart. Not even that girl that I work with that won't stop hitting on me has a chance. So if she is reading this too, stop, I want no other woman in my life other than the ONE that I have. She is the only girl that will ever make me happy.


Anonymous said...

SO to graduating a year early, and thus spending the last year in elementary school with AmeriCorps instead. That's right - while the rest of you procrastinated, wrote 40-page papers, and went to class, I was busy reading Clifford and counting to 10. Three-year-plan? Best. Choice. Ever.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 1st graders I volunteer with making me the most precious thank you cards ever.

ASO to the 1st graders I volunteer with for sharing their oral thrush outbreak and having every doctor at Dean Urgent Care tell me I'm the only 22-year old they've ever seen with thrush. Great.

Anonymous said...

whoa, whoa, ASO to the guy who presumes the female poster who keeps arguing with his fiance is, in fact, the girl who wrote the first post regarding this unfortunate topic. I didn't have anything to do with the post that alerted your fiance to the fact that her guy "cheated" by conversing with me. I can't claim responsibility for others commenting on how unaware of the full magnitude of the situation the female half the the engagement seems to have been. Perhaps she doesn't care? Oooh, an open marriage! I'm available for threesomes, although I suspect the future wife might harbor a certain amount of hatred for me at this point.

Anonymous said...

"HUGE ASO to Qwest DSL being down in the entire state of Iowa and all but one of the libraries in my area being in mandatory evacuation zones... the library that isn't a hotspot. My computer is totally useless now. Even bigger ASO to not getting internet back til sometime next week at the very earliest."

ASO to you!!! you're like the chick from Heroes who can access the internet with her mind!!! crazy! not having internet but being able to post to an ONLINE BLOG...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the mosquito bite ON MY ASS! trying to nonchalantly scratch that all day at work sucked.

Anonymous said...

SO to wondering if the whole scandal between the ginger w/ horses, his fiance, and the flirty chick is just made up to entertain. Either way, it's completely ridiculous and if it's not made up, just wow.

Anonymous said...

"SO to my mom who was very against me going to Mexico this past spring, but was excited for me to go run a half-marathon Tromso, Norway (more north than Iceland!). Seriously, I don’t understand you!"

SPRING BREAK '08 MEXICO BAAAABY! vs. running a race in Norway...You honestly don't see the difference? Maybe once you have kids...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the apocalypse; Gas is $4 a gallon, half of the Midwest is underwater or tornado ravished, Colorado and California are on fire, and I can't have a goddamn tomato.

Anonymous said...

SO to the shout-outers who commented on the ridiculous post by the "angry fiancee." I was going to put in my two-cents on the retarded display that those people have been putting on but you somehow read my mind.
ASO to that couple. If you really have to sink to arguing with a bunch of bored vacationing kids on the Summer SO list you may seriously lack the maturity to be getting married in the first place. What a couple of petty drama queens. I hope this really brings strength to your relationship and you can ride of into the sunset on your horses and have some awesome fire-crotch sex.
ASO to the girl who originally posted about that guy. Seriously? If a gingy with horses who has bad taste in women (and, yes, that includes you, if the whole "flirting" saga is true) is really your ideal man then I pity you. You are a disgrace to all that Madison stands for.

Anonymous said...

Serious SO to the fiancee (see? I learned how to spell). God, I feel horrible. Virtual hug for you. -J (the "flirty girl" in question).

Anonymous said...

ASO to the 22 year old with thrush.... what the hell were you doing with those kids of yours??

Anonymous said...

AHH. ASO TO THE TOMATOES!! Chipotle not having their tomato salsa anymore? my 6 dollar burrito is now ruined...

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the apocalypse; Gas is $4 a gallon, half of the Midwest is underwater or tornado ravished, Colorado and California are on fire, and I can't have a goddamn tomato."

SO to whoever left this post. It made me chuckle slightly while I sit in my house, waiting for my road to flood so I can't leave.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to hear any complaining about rain when I get back to Madison unless the lakes all merge into one, the isthmus is no more, and Bascom Hall is in 3 feet of water.

It seems likely that you will get to see such a scenario... The lakes are insane right now. Picnic Point is almost just a shoal in the lake now.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the wedding I'm about to go to this weekend. The one where EVERYONE standing for them considered declining the offer because the two are SO not meant to be together. And no, "because he asked" and "he is the lesser of 5 evils" are NOT good reasons to marry him. Also, when the pastor asked for a list of 10 why you wanted to marry him and you were stumped is probably a good clue that you should run. AND the fact that the rehearsal dinner is Friday the 13th. I couldn't make this up if I wanted to, sadly.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my guy friends ditching me to hang out with a sluttier girl. When you get sick of her, I won't be here waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

SO/ASO to the middle-aged woman who asked me if I had finished high school yet. Considering I'm a 22-year-old female who just graduated from college, I can't decide if I'm old enough to be flattered that others think I'm so damn young... I guess I'll always need to carry my ID... sad?

Anonymous said...

SO to the apocalypse SO.

ASO to the old lady who told me she thought we were really experiencing the beginning of the apocalypse because a black man may be elected president. Double ASO to being outside the wonderful liberal bubble that is Madison.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not seeing any girls in the past 3 weeks and forgetting what they look like. (I'm actually serious... I haven't seen any females between the ages of 16 and 30 since I left Madison)

Anonymous said...

"SO to my mom who was very against me going to Mexico this past spring, but was excited for me to go run a half-marathon Tromso, Norway (more north than Iceland!). Seriously, I don’t understand you!"

SPRING BREAK '08 MEXICO BAAAABY! vs. running a race in Norway...You honestly don't see the difference? Maybe once you have kids...

well not spring break. a long weekend to see my now ex-bf. And how old are you that you have kids and are still reading shoutouts? someone's living a double life!

Anonymous said...

SO to my new job, where EVERYONE is going to be a provider for me. Now all that's left is to figure out what the hell to do with the hooch I've already siphoned off and how the hell I'm gonna get everything up to Madison without my mom unpacking it herself. Suggestions?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the sixty year old man who tried to flirt with me. If I'm the same age as your granddaughter, I'm too young to suck your dick.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy in the apartment behind mine who was standing on his balcony railing during the thunderstorm frantically pumping his fists in the air and screaming "OH YEAH!" then waving to me and my roommate and screaming some more.

I don't know what you were on, but it was creepy, dude.

Anonymous said...

sASO to getting my first job this's only been two days and I've already assessed I'm no Dolly Parton working-girl. Aaah I miss waking up at 2 in the afternoon!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my friend who thinks I should write about my "first time" for a magazine. 'Nuff said...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the whole ginger/flirty girl/financee thing. This shoutout story plot has gone on much too long- I have no idea which one of you is which anymore when you post! At least make your drama easy for the rest of us to understand and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the assholes with umbrellas yelling at me to "RUN!" as i got drenched crossing the street tonight. It's pouring out and i'm wearing a t-shirt, what do you think i'm doing??

Anonymous said...

ASO to your default picture. We all you know that it was taken on the ONE night that you happened to be all made up, and the camera just happened to catch you from a perfect angle. Double ASO to the fact that we KNOW you photoshopped it. Why do you (a) take social networking sites THAT seriously and (b) require THAT much extra work to be presentable?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think the fiance spat is just one person?

Anonymous said...

"SO to graduating a year early, and thus spending the last year in elementary school with AmeriCorps instead. That's right - while the rest of you procrastinated, wrote 40-page papers, and went to class, I was busy reading Clifford and counting to 10. Three-year-plan? Best. Choice. Ever."

You must have been a PoliSci Major. ASO to my taxes going to support your broke-ass in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for being really upset that Facebook is down for maintenance, and I can't log in, at 2:50 in the morning. My life just hit a new low.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to break my school sleeping schedule and being awake at three in the morning. Bigger ASO to having to wake up at 8 to go to work. Biggest ASO to working in retail. But SO to the gay guys who make going to work less horrible. thanks :)

Anonymous said...

SO to "k" for tearing those tards a new asshole. I happen to know you and you really are a crazy smartass bitch...and real hot

Anonymous said...

ASO to the controller for letting all the stupid girl, guy, fiancée posts get through - they're boring.

SO to 30 seconds bunnies (, Brokeback Mountain is my favourite.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to read SO's about segway guy because the semester is over--they were too great and a good laugh. anyone have any/know what he's up to these days?

Anonymous said...

"SO to graduating a year early, and thus spending the last year in elementary school with AmeriCorps instead. That's right - while the rest of you procrastinated, wrote 40-page papers, and went to class, I was busy reading Clifford and counting to 10. Three-year-plan? Best. Choice. Ever."

"Best choice ever" for leaving the greatest college town after only three years of school... FOR AMERICORPS??? you must be the most socially retarded person EVER.

Anonymous said...

SO to the hottie hottie hot hot redhead that works down the hall from me. Not to sound like a creeper, but in the immortal words of Seth from Superbad, I want to stick my P in the va-G

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex-bf who unfriended me and 30 of our mutual friends on facebook so we wouldn't find out that he has a new girlfriend. are you for real? you're both disgusting, but more importantly, you never gave me an orgasm anyway.

Anonymous said...

ASO to summer shout outs not living up to school year shout outs. Is summer really just that much more boring? Come on people, let's make things interesting!

Anonymous said...

""HUGE ASO to Qwest DSL being down in the entire state of Iowa and all but one of the libraries in my area being in mandatory evacuation zones... the library that isn't a hotspot. My computer is totally useless now. Even bigger ASO to not getting internet back til sometime next week at the very earliest."

ASO to you!!! you're like the chick from Heroes who can access the internet with her mind!!! crazy! not having internet but being able to post to an ONLINE BLOG..."

SO the reply SO! that's what I was thinking!!! SO to Heroes!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to my new job, where EVERYONE is going to be a provider for me. Now all that's left is to figure out what the hell to do with the hooch I've already siphoned off and how the hell I'm gonna get everything up to Madison without my mom unpacking it herself. Suggestions?

there are multiple ways to do this.

a) pack it in with your computer in your backpack. your mom doesn't unpack that for you, does she?
b) have one suitcase that you're keeping at school, and say you'll unpack it yourself when she leaves
c)bring a bag of sports equipment that you're just stashing underneath your futon anyway...i definitely brought my tennis bag back and forth for the past couple years, and lemme tell you, i don't even know where the outdoor tennis courts around madison are.

good luck!

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to read SO's about segway guy because the semester is over--they were too great and a good laugh. anyone have any/know what he's up to these days?

fall semester i'm just going to chill at social sciences with a boombox and follow him around blasting "final countdown" on max volume.

Anonymous said...

SO to my brother drunk-dialing me this morning at 3:30 a.m. from Vegas. I laughed out loud this morning at your five minute long message about that hot professional poker player (Vanessa?) who laughed at you for "blushing like a school boy" when meeting her. Were you blushing because she's just that hot, or because you were with Mom?

Anonymous said...

so to youtubing a video of Oedipus a portrayed by vegetables. You have not lived til you've seen a potato give a tomato an orgasm.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the lack of cute guys working at the UW hospital. I need something to entertain me while I waste my summer inside giving people sponge baths!

Love, a bored and lonely CNA"

That's because all the fine gentlemen in healthcare, like me, work in the ER at Meriter. We're too busy saving lives...and having grandmas pinch our asses, babe.

Hey ER boy, you should visit the 7th floor sometime. While I may be busy saving lives too, I could find some time to entertain you...

Anonymous said...

SO to 30 seconds bunnies (, Brokeback Mountain is my favourite.

omg!! SO to you my friend, i have loved those things since i was a young child and have not been able to find them in so long...thank you for giving me something else to do when work gets cancelled due to massive amounts of rain.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate's and my taste in men. we really need to switch. you find guys that just want sex, while you want sex and bonus features. i on the other hand want just sex and lots of it, yet seem to find guys that want more, can't work it, or don't do non-relationship fucking. GAH!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my former vag tease/fall-spring hookup's roommate whom he hates. while waiting in line patiently for a jin's fish sandwich, i was practically molested, him touching my hair and rubbing my back, talking about when i was over and re-writing that story. seriously mate, not cool. do it again and i WILL break your ball sack

Anonymous said...

ASO to men in V-neck shirts. Unless you have jumbo yummies to motorboat, I highly suggest you stop shopping in the ladies' department.

Anonymous said...

SO to Tucker Max. Is it bad that I want to have a one night stand with you twisted enough to become one of your stories? probably.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the number of mosquitos that will hatch because of the standing water EVERYWHERE after all this flooding. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to be this person but ASO to people who use the word retarded. It's offensive. Stop.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate who upon receiving an facebook invite to volunteer at the 2008 Republican Convention in St. Paul threw his blackberry across the room and screamed like he was in a slasher flick.

Anonymous said...

SO to Tim Russert. the political season won't be the same without you. RIP.

Anonymous said...

SO to blaming my dog for breaking my sister's chia pet. Unfortunately i have no idea what Really happened, due to being black out drunk. I feel this is an acceptable way to manipulate the situation.

Anonymous said...

"fall semester i'm just going to chill at social sciences with a boombox and follow him around blasting "final countdown" on max volume."

it saddens me that this made me laugh the hardest i have laughed in about 2 weeks.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girls running around in their bras and underwear during the rainstorms. You gave me a whole new outlook on rain.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in the Sconnie t-shirt who came into work tonight. While I may have been kicking ass and taking names all night long, you definitely made my shift!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend for raising this pressing issue in our relationship: the time i spend blowing during my day is all off, the minutes i spend blow drying my hair should clearly be spent blowing him (genius!). a) do you think i wake up looking like this??? b) when you start spending 20 minutes a day on ME, then we'll talk.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing a bitchy girl i worked w/ last summer and being extremely satisfied to notice that she had gained quite a bit of weight. DOUBLE SO to finding out several days later that it is because she is pregnant w/ some rando's child! Mahahaha, i love it!

Anonymous said...

SO to Netflix. I will promptly close this fake account the day before my month-long free trial is over, but cheers to 30 days of TOTALLY FREE cinematic bliss delivered right to my mailbox.

Anonymous said...

SO (or aso?) to American Apparel coming to Madison. I expect hipster frenzy (and eventual disowning after it becomes too prevalent, although it's a little late for that), confusion from sconnies, and anger from whoever posted the aso about guys in v necks.

If everyone wasn't wearing it already, they will be next year!

Anonymous said...

SO to babysitting. Getting paid to play Rock Band and paint my nails? Hell yes.

Anonymous said...

"I don't want to be this person but ASO to people who use the word retarded. It's offensive. Stop."

Retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard retard!!!

ASO to me for still being an immature brat. At least I admit it.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing people in Trading Spaces shirts buying flowers at the farmers market today. ASO to that being the most exciting thing that has happened to me all summer...

Anonymous said...

"SO (or aso?) to American Apparel coming to Madison."



wait, did i just prove your point?

Anonymous said...

ASO to gay ass local cops for giving my roomate another underage with absolutely no justification as to why they stopped him. SO to my roomate and I now having a combined total of 7 underages between us.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the dumbass who gave a SO to rubber rain boots. The weather may be terrible but that doesnt mean you should torture everyone around you by sporting those neon polka-dotted boots from hell...seriously, they hurt to look at, just walk around the puddle.

Anonymous said...

ASO to flossing for the first time in about 6 months and getting some of it stuck between my teeth. I didn't even know that was possible

Anonymous said...

SO to Adam, just because I'm shy doesn't mean I don't think you're hot!

Anonymous said...

aso to the iraqi suicide bomber who targeted cheering soccer fans after iraq beat china in qualifying matches for the 2010 world cup. way to be a killjoy.

Anonymous said...

SO to my older co-worker being a complete hottie. ASO for him trying to set me up with my other co-worker when clearly I think he's so much hotter!

Anonymous said...



ASO to you. American Apparel sucks black-hole-style.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Milwaukee Brewers & your Father's Day Game! I can't sleep I am so excited for you!

Also, So to I-90 for re-opening & allowing me to drive on you to said Brew Crew event tomorrow afternoon.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for being 19 and unable to ride a bike.
(I swear to god, my parents never taught me- and therefore I will extend this ASO to them as well. Boo on you mom & dad.)
SO to that being my very lofty goal of the summer!

Anonymous said...

ASO to American Apparel coming to Madison...I really don't need another outlet to waste my paycheck, or lack thereof.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Stephenie Meyer books being so damn addicting. They aren't even written that well, it's just that Edward is so damn perfect I can't help but want my own personal version of that Volvo driving vampire.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mom who said she'd be a cougar for Ryan Braun at the Brewers Game, way to leave an indeilble mark on my 21st birthday, im not drinking with you again for a long time. Also ASO for making me get you a margarita and making me miss the sausage race.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Taco Bell and KFC being separate fast food joints in my town.

SO to going to both places within a three hour timespan. I can't wait to get back to Madison.

Anonymous said...

SO to the beginning of the ticket lottery. Maybe now my mailbox and inbox won't be constantly inundated with reminders.
ASO to probably getting a reminder every flipping day til the end for all the assholes who are too dumb to remember it.
HUGE ASO to having to even go through this shit. Go back to the old system!

Anonymous said...

SO to being on vacation in Canada and STILL being able to read the SOs!

ASO to missing America like hell. Coming home tomorrow is going to be sweeeeeeeeett.

Anonymous said...

I second the ASO to the local police force. Just because I HAD to piss outside and on an officer's leg by accident does not warrant the disorderly conduct and indecent exposure ticket I got. What can I say...I was drunk! When you're sloshed, you have a right to expose yourself!

Anonymous said...

SO to the chick in the black dress running in an alley towards Langdon this sunday afternoon around 1230ish... yes, everyone DID know you were flee'ing "the walk of shame"

Anonymous said...

SO to wanting to send my boyfriend a Happy Father's Day card. ASO to realizing that he probably would not find it funny.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the booty call I got last night from a guy I barely know...I haven't hooked up with you yet, so why would I suddenly start?

Anonymous said...

so to the 19 year old who doesn't know how to ride a bike! i thought i was the only one! i sooo need to start that, thanks for the reminder....

Anonymous said...

"SO to being on vacation in Canada and STILL being able to read the SOs!"

Who vacations in Canada?

Anonymous said...

SO to being a slut.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for being a bad person. Instead of bringing up something that may or may not have begun on June 15th, I choose to feign ignorance whenever it is brought up, just in case one person might forget...whatever can improve my chances, right?

Anonymous said...

SO to weddings. You convince me that love really is extraordinary. ASO to not being able to marry here, even if I did have a boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

SO to my dad, who wants both old school nelly furtado and kid rock on the cd i'm burning him. i just don't even know what to say....

Anonymous said...

SO to my parents who were out of town last night. SO to them for saying that i could have used their booze...ASO to me for not and getting my own.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the two guys on state street calling my dad 'beefcake jonhson'... come on guys he's my dad!

Anonymous said...

SO to my dad giving me advice from Juno on the Terrace "...the right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass.” -Great love advice Dad. I will be single and horny forever.

Anonymous said...

another ASO to the madison police. a $60 ticket for RIDING MY BIKE?? WTF?!?!?!??

Anonymous said...

SO to being a slut.

SO to you! Perhaps we'll stumble upon each other one of these drunken nights.. hah

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mom wasting hella money on a new car she can't afford. SO to it getting pummeled by hail yesterday. Maybe she'll get the message...

Anonymous said...

SO to hitting all the triple word scores on scrabulous.

ASO to that being the highlight of the summer. Madison I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Shout-out to driving six hours through torrential rain and flooding to spend three wonderful days with my equally wonderful boyfriend. Additional shout-out to the fact that gas prices happened to be at their lowest wherever I ended up buying gas.

Anonymous said...

SO to staying in madison this summer. ASO to having a full-time job that starts at 7 am and having to listen to everyone else outside having fun at night.

Anonymous said...

SO to working at an assisted living place where the some of the residents are insanely funny and wonderful.

ASO to all of my friends who complain to me about their mall jobs. When The Gap becomes a place of frequent bowel explosions and the occasional death, then you can bitch.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Hot Topic employees for being the nicest and most helpful workers at the local mall. You guys rock!

And an extra big SO to all of those employees for scaring the shit out of my preppy-ass friends. Apparently green hair is super frightening...

Anonymous said...


aso to those douchebags the celtics.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the football lottery, the old system wasn't working so hot but this one just sucks a big fat cock. won't even let me register for the lottery, it just keeps telling me to activate my student ID, but when i do that, it says it's already been activated. and then it redirects me to season renewals. anyone else having this problem or am i just the unlucky one to get screwed out of entering the lottery?

Anonymous said...

HUGE aso to the bouncer at redshed. i do realize you're nasty and get absolutely no ass, but please don't take it out on us hot girls. ps bitch, i didn't get a ticket for using my fake AND i have another. so fuck you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Stephenie Meyer books being so damn addicting. They aren't even written that well, it's just that Edward is so damn perfect I can't help but want my own personal version of that Volvo driving vampire.

OH MY GOD YES! thank you!!! i try to explain how good they are to people but the plotline of those books just sound so stupid that nobody wants to read them...which may or may not be a good thing because once you read them it becomes a very unhealthy obsession

Anonymous said...

aso to being insanely bored and lonely. so to looking at craigslist personals just to laugh and remind myself that it could be a hell of a lot worse.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Gap for ruining my morning with an email subject that says "Crocs for everyone." Every time you wear crocs, children cry and kittens explode.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for being drunk for 36 hours straight this weekend and having one of the best weekends of my life.

Anonymous said...

so to seeing my really attractive guy friend this weekend. huge aso for not hooking up with said guy friend this weekend. what am i supposed to do without you for 2 more months?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the football lottery, the old system wasn't working so hot but this one just sucks a big fat cock. won't even let me register for the lottery, it just keeps telling me to activate my student ID, but when i do that, it says it's already been activated. and then it redirects me to season renewals. anyone else having this problem or am i just the unlucky one to get screwed out of entering the lottery?"

you're not the only one. it happened to me too. you should call them, they'll sign you up for it if you're having problems

Anonymous said...

SO to my high school sweet heart and I being single at the same time for the first time in almost a year and a half. Wanna drowned our sorrows together in a mixture of alcohol, drugs and sex?

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the creepers at the SERF during the day. Double ASO to the middle-aged woman with the 80's haircut who brought her own fan and extension cord to work out while listening to her CD player.

Anonymous said...

SO to the amazing girl who was the light of my life for the last year.

ASO to me for choosing weed and frat boys over her and then trying to make myself believe that I was better off without her. You deserve so much more.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to not being able to read SO's about segway guy because the semester is over--they were too great and a good laugh. anyone have any/know what he's up to these days?"

I saw him a couple weeks ago, pimping out his ride to some hottie. It made me giggle.

Anonymous said...

For everyone who misses Madison, there's a webcam set up at the Union:

Anonymous said...

ASO to the kid in Econ 101 who aced both exams. Summer classes mean you aren't supposed to try hard. Way to ruin the cartel.

Anonymous said...

shout out to Isle Royale National Park! you are the most beautiful island i've seen in a while. aso to you technically being a part of michigan.

Anonymous said...

huge SO to my summer Stats 301 professor for telling us today that he recently got a marriage proposal via email from a Phillipino royal (a guy) that he met in Washington, D.C. in March because California had legalized Gay Marriage. So to him for then asking us how should he respond!

Anonymous said...

SO to going out of my way to walk past the Stock Pavilion because the farm smell reminds me of home. Summer in Madison is awesome, but nothing can beat rural Wisconsin

Anonymous said...

SO to kyle haas..i know you're at home reading these, you should come back to madison and party with us again

Anonymous said...

so to you for being unbelievably sexy. aso to the fact that we haven't talked in months and you still make me wanna f*** you like an animal. bigger aso to me being smart for once and resisting the urge

Anonymous said...

ASO for going home with my best friend and whilst making out him saying he just wanted to take it slow. WTF. I don't care about ruining our friendship, I just need some ass! Huge ASO for being stuck in the friend zone :(

Anonymous said...

"shout out to Isle Royale National Park! you are the most beautiful island i've seen in a while. aso to you technically being a part of michigan."

It's not going to be so beautiful once I tell you the places where I rubbed a few out when I was there for a MONTH last summer. You may want to watch where you're stepping. How do you think Wood Lake was made?

Anonymous said...

"SO to my high school sweet heart and I being single at the same time for the first time in almost a year and a half. Wanna drowned our sorrows together in a mixture of alcohol, drugs and sex?"

SO to me and my hs sweetheart for being single at the same time for the first time in FIVE years. i definitely suggest doing said activities. it's amazing what a few years apart can do, if ya know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

SO to one of the best finishes in US Open history, a forced sudden death after the monday playoff. ASO to tiger winning and it being on perez hilton, really?

Anonymous said...

SO to finally hooking up with that guy from high school who went to madison too, ASO to it being the summer and not during the school year so we could do it more frequently :(

Anonymous said...

shout out to playing beer pong with someones grandma and having her tell us she wished they had "this game" at the senior center.

Anonymous said...

SO to my neighbor who thinks it's a good idea to have sex on random fucking school nights. I don't mind your moaning noise, but can you at least keep your bed off the wall so that it doesn't make that scratching noise? There are people who need to study for class the next day.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the person (and friends) who had friends that were scared of people at hot topic. Just how sheltered do you have to be when you're scared of anyone there?

Anonymous said...

SO to having a recurring dream about having sex with a guy who lives in Madison. ASO to living hundreds of miles away and not seeing if things actually heat up until Fall :(

Anonymous said...

"another ASO to the madison police. a $60 ticket for RIDING MY BIKE?? WTF?!?!?!??"

ASO to you, you're probably one of those assholes who rides their bike on the SIDEWALK and not in the BIKE LANE. douche

Anonymous said...

SO to all the cute MIAD girls who hang out during lunch in the park by my apartment. I wonder if any of them need a model for their figure drawing class?

Anonymous said...

Huge ANTI-FUCKING-SHOUTOUT to parts of I-94 being shut down. First my flight back was delayed, then I had to take an hour and a half detour to get back to Madison. Arriving back at 1:30AM and then not being able to have sex with my boyfriend blows.
I come home only to find my moped was stolen.

Fuck my life, seriously.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for going to Madison to two years and not drinking on a school night until two days ago.

SO to doing it three nights in a row to make up for lost time.

Anonymous said...

SO to the couple making out on the 3rd floor balcony of the Palisade. I saw you! And I was disappointed when you went inside. Next time just go for the gold and have sex out there, k?

Anonymous said...

ASO to my diffy q. prof being an airhead. She wants a mop to erase the blackboards...and she showed us her bottle of Valium in her purse on the first day of class.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the idiots who are mocking the three-year plan and AmeriCorps. While you're racking up another 17,000 in debt this year, I'm:
1 - Debt free and earning a stipend
2 - Still in Madison having a damn good time, bolstered by the fact that I don't have to study, write papers, or go to class
3 - Adding lines like "helped eliminate the racial achievement gap in Madison" and "tripled the number of low-income students served" to my resume while you're "serving food to dozens of freshmen at Holt Commons"
4 - Actually doing something positive for the off-campus portion of the Madison community
5 - Chances I'll be on "welfare" in 10 years are zero. I graduated in three years with distinction and have 3 job offers for August right now. A comment like that makes me guess you're a snotty rich boy who has yet to hold down a job. Congratulations, that's really rising up the ranks.

Anonymous said...

3 - Adding lines like "helped eliminate the racial achievement gap in Madison and "tripled the number of low-income students served" to my resume.

Not to downplay your obviously important role, but I've lived in Madison my entire life and have seen the opposite of improvement when it comes to the racial achievement gap.. so I don't know where exactly you're getting your cute little resume tidbits from..

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a tease and not hooking up with some guy this semester like the asshole I am, and awkwardly running into him repeatedly, and then accidentally doing the same thing to his friend last weekend...eugh.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the idiots who are mocking the three-year plan and AmeriCorps. While you're racking up another 17,000 in debt this year, I'm:
1 - Debt free and earning a stipend
2 - Still in Madison having a damn good time, bolstered by the fact that I don't have to study, write papers, or go to class
3 - Adding lines like "helped eliminate the racial achievement gap in Madison" and "tripled the number of low-income students served" to my resume while you're "serving food to dozens of freshmen at Holt Commons"
4 - Actually doing something positive for the off-campus portion of the Madison community
5 - Chances I'll be on "welfare" in 10 years are zero. I graduated in three years with distinction and have 3 job offers for August right now. A comment like that makes me guess you're a snotty rich boy who has yet to hold down a job. Congratulations, that's really rising up the ranks."

ASO to the AmeriCorps person. Is working for AmeriCorps that bad that you have to post your entire resume on Shout-Outs? Damn, it feels good to have a real job with a salary.

Anonymous said...

SO to working my ass off (literally) and having an amazing body to show for it. cant wait to get back to madison so show it off properly ;)

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to my douchebag of a brother. You punch like a chick and you are more full of shit than any person I have ever met. I truly hope Madison rejects you and you spend your entire college life at some shitty school that prepares you to flip burgers the rest of your god-foresaken life.

Anonymous said...

Huge ANTI-FUCKING-SHOUTOUT to parts of I-94 being shut down... I had to take an hour and a half detour to get back to Madison

That's kind of like trying to get from Omaha back to Springfield and getting detoured 150 fucking miles through the middle of fucking nowhere because I-80 and I-380 were closed around Iowa City and Cedar Rapids. Who the fuck came up with town names in Iowa anyway? Quasqueton? Shueyville? Zwingle!? WTF!?!

Anonymous said...

ASO to falling for a Scientology ploy...obviously my mind is not at tip-top shape during these summer months away from Madison :(

Anonymous said...

Huge SO to the Celtics. Way to show everyone which coast is best!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to me for going to Madison to two years and not drinking on a school night until two days ago."

How did you last so long? I drank the night before my first day of class freshman year! SO/ASO to you for being such a good student.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to spend the night at a guy friend's house who is totally in love w/ me and tried the "where are you ticklish" game while we were watching tv. FUCK OFF, i don't like you, nor do i want your hands all over me. what's more, i just broke up with my boyfriend, TOO SOON, asshole. like seriously? can't we just be friends?????

Anonymous said...

SO to celebrating my sisters engagement by going to a trashy bar in the UP and finding out the bartender is transferring to madison. HUGE ASO to said bartender refusing to serve me even though I was with my parents and you said it was the bartenders discretion, making me DD instead. SO my grandma giving my sister crap about not being able to drink as much as her though

Anonymous said...

ASO to this being the last day i have steady internet access....

occasional internet at Beans Cafe in Honesdale, i come!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a virgin. Double ASO to me for having the solution to said problem, but then passing out down low before the game was over.

Anonymous said...

SO to Mitch Lawrence of the New York Daily News for saying "If the last six games proved one thing, it's that compared to Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant is still a mere mortal". I could not agree more.

And SO to the Celtics for nailing this point home!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being an unemployed graduate with no friends around, no money, and having baked a lasagna been the highlight of my day (or week...)

Anonymous said...

ASO to shitty egyptian internet and computers that only have IE 6. How the hell am i suppose to facebook chat???

SO to K for escaping back to Madison. Im jealous

Anonymous said...

SO to Tiger Woods being an absolute badass by winning 2 majors on a torn ACL.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all of the construction in Madison, especially the projects on campus. Between the student center, old Ogg, State Street, the business school addition, the intersection of Langdon and Lake, and the giant holes that are next to the chem and psych buildings, this campus looks like a war zone. I'd like to be able to walk from point A to point B without feeling like I'm in a videogame, dodging pits and running through tunnels.

Anonymous said...

regarding Isle Royale...

"It's not going to be so beautiful once I tell you the places where I rubbed a few out when I was there for a MONTH last summer. You may want to watch where you're stepping. How do you think Wood Lake was made?"

hmm...maybe you should take a significant other (or fwb) with you next time. it'll make things much more fun! or, just hit up a ranger.

Anonymous said...

SO to Jon and Kate plus 8. who knew that 6 half asian sextuplets could capture my attention for hours upon hours.
SO to Aiden being the most adorable!!

Anonymous said...

"SO to Jon and Kate plus 8. who knew that 6 half asian sextuplets could capture my attention for hours upon hours.
SO to Aiden being the most adorable!!"

omg. SO to you! Not many have had the privilege of discovering this show. Greatest show ever. I'd have to disagree and say Alexis is most adorable, however. haha

Anonymous said...

I know, I now want to have 8 kids much to the horror of my bf. Not to get technical, but they're only 1/4 Korean.

Anonymous said...

ASO to realizing the cute boy I keep seeing is in Madison for band camp and therefore is probably underage. I just love the way he rolls that string bass down the street.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 17 year old at camp that gave me her number. I'm 20, and you're creepy. Why the shoutout? Because it was gutsy.

SO to wearing my girlfriend's lifeguarding shirt and getting more looks by girls than ever before.