Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Week 5 Shoutouts

You know the drill


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Anonymous said...

SO to Tim Donaghy for finally revealling that the NBA is just wrestling in the form of a sport people care about

ASO to me for needing the words of a convicted fellon to prove what my heart has always known as being true, the Bucks were Screwed out of 2001 Finals

Anonymous said...

hahaha...SO to the girl who is bragging that the "AMAZING" redhead who owns horses is actually *her* fiance. Um honey, did you miss that whole part about him cheating on you?

I'm the original SOer on this one. Seriously. Hon, whatever he tells you, he WAS flirting with me. So, again, good luck on that whole marriage thing.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the engineers maintaining the Winona Bridge. ASO to the ferry put in place while it's closed also sucking.

Anonymous said...

SO to coldplay's new CD coming out on tuesday! i am more than obsessed with "viva la vida" you should all listen to it, it's amazing!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to Six Flags. Exactly who on your staff thought it'd be a good idea to play two songs - "Beautiful Girls" and "Unwritten" - over and over and over throughout the park ALL DAY?

SO to all the little kids who probably asked their parents what "suuuuicidal" meant."

i couldn't agree more. but, ASO to the fact that they changed the words of beautiful girls from "suicidal" to "in denial", completely ruining the little respect i had for the song after hearing it a few hundred times

Anonymous said...

i took a shot of my contacts in contact solution the other night cuz i thought it was vodka....

Anonymous said...

ASO to having blue clit and you being 2 hours away and without a car...

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for hooking up with a girl from SOAR. Only to find out the next day that she was 17... nice job dumbass

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