Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 4

We're gonna keep moderating because there are enough repetitive shoutouts about unrequited love and how much sex you are/aren't having that it's still necessary. The number of shoutouts is declining only because there are less being written, not because of us moderating

if you're gonna make a SO about a hidden crush, or coastie/sconnie wars, at least make it funny in some way

that being said, keep this going it keeps us busy!


1 – 200 of 257   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

SO to my boyfriend who's at track Regionals this weekend!
SO to spandex speed suits. You make me think there might me a God.

Anonymous said...

SO to just realizing that in three weeks I won't have to deal with my parents again till Christmas. Thank GOD for study abroad.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to ignoring my cold to the point that it became a sinus infection and then tonsilitis. OK, OK, next time I'll go to the doctor! Christ."

You make me really grateful I waited 40 minutes to see the doctor on a Sunday so I didn't end up with tonsillitis.

Anonymous said...

Biggest ASO ever to having your mom walk into the bathroom as she took off her bathrobe exposing her horribly naked body... WHILE I was jacking off with my laptop playing porno on the towel rack.

"There's no hot water so I was washing myself" has never been so desperately uttered.

Anonymous said...

SO to the J-School, you're so sexy and awesome. Seriously, I love you. Now would you be so kind as to let me in?

Anonymous said...

SO to my boytoy thinking that women are turned on/drawn to the just-had-sex smell of a man's crotch which he theorized after rendezvous prior to class.

Anonymous said...

aso to having to be the kid who bitches out the manager twice my age. i'm glad you went clean, but your brain is permanently melted from those drugs. it's clear from the full minute pauses before speaking. however, so to providing the entertainment--we liked reading those emails from Ukrainian and Russian women left up on your computer.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy NYU that invented a virtual girlfriend. Dude, how hard is it to score coasties? Maybe the sluts only go to UW...

Anonymous said...

SO to getting engaged to the most wonderful man on earth.

Anonymous said...

SO to finally throwing away notes from last's about time I did that. I didn't even like that class

Anonymous said...

SO to eating a whole package of oreos in 2 days! opps!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the controller! Seriously I dont care if I have to read repeats cause at least I'll have some to read!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my antisocial roommate. It's gonna be a LONG summer!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate who insists on having all the lights in our apartment on. If you're not in your room, you don't need the lights on! Seriously! I shouldn't have to pay for your bad habits; oh that's right your mommy and daddy will just pay!

Anonymous said...

SO to SEX tommorrow night! Hello Lover :) I have waited FOUR years for it!

Anonymous said...

SO to making the "Best of" list being the highlight of my summer so thusfar.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Mortal Kombat theme song. Every time I hear it, I want to punch an octogenarian in the face really, REALLY hard. And I know I won't feel remorse for it. Why? Because it's time to "test your might!"

Anonymous said...

SO to being over my bitchy ex-girlfriend. Bite me you controlling redneck slut!

Bigger SO to a party on Friday signifying nothing but potential for that summer fling!

Anonymous said...

ASO to one of the potential side effects of the morning after pill being that your period may be delayed for up to a week... as if i wasn't nervous enough already!!

Anonymous said...

SO to the lady from new york asking me which was bigger, Lake Geneva or Lake Michigan, was that a serious question?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the stress from finals bringing back my high school eating horrible as it sounds, at least I'll look good in a bikini this summer.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my aunt for trying to marry me off!! I don't let you pick out my clothes, you think i'm going to let you pick out my hubby? Get real. I'm not throwing my life away this early anyway.

Anonymous said...

(so controller please post this. this will probably make her life, we share an unhealthy obsession with shoutouts)

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy walking down State St. today with a live bird on your shoulder. You weren't dressed like a pirate, so what kind of look were you going for?

Anonymous said...

SO to Journey's new lead singer: a 4'7'' guy from the Phillipines that they found on YouTube. Guy has a hell of a voice though. Props.

Anonymous said...

SO to LOST. The anticipation of the finale tonight makes me cum.

Anonymous said...

SO to just realizing that in three weeks I won't have to deal with my parents again till Christmas. Thank GOD for study abroad.

you just made my day. 20 more days until i'm free from this hell.

Anonymous said...

SO to hanging out with madison people who happen to live in my area far more than friends from high school...i can't help it, all i want to do is bitch about how i'm not on the terrace and how there's no good parties.

btw, uwm, you don't hold a candle to uw....

Anonymous said...

SO to the 3 dozen guys with mohawks I saw this weekend. Rock you BAMFs!

Anonymous said...

ASO to just having to look up 'octogenarian'.

Anonymous said...

"SO to the Mortal Kombat theme song. Every time I hear it, I want to punch an octogenarian in the face really, REALLY hard. And I know I won't feel remorse for it. Why? Because it's time to 'test your might!'"

HUGE friggin' shoutout to this shoutout. I thought I was the only one who got pumped from that theme song. Get up gramps; it's go time!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mom. Did it occur to you that in trying to clear all of the clothes and accumulated crap out of my room, all those boxes would only make a new mess in the living room? Sure it's my stuff, but I didn't choose to place it in an even more conspicuous area of the house.

Anonymous said...

"SO to LOST. The anticipation of the finale tonight makes me cum."

Holy shit, tell me about it. multiple orgasms anyone? i love LOST.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the worst day ever. a couple weeks ago my apartment's water shut off, and i had the worst food poisoning ever. long story short, i broke into my old apartment building and literally washed shit off myself in the shower. upon reflection, i wish i could be making this up.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Journey's new lead singer: a 4'7'' guy from the Phillipines that they found on YouTube. Guy has a hell of a voice though. Props."

YES! just saw/heard him yesterday. as long as you close your sounds good enough to me

Anonymous said...

SO to Bucky. I will always remember being dog-tired after a chem lecture but instantly perking up, when I saw you skipping with a pink balloon in hand, high-fiving students as they walked between lecture. You are my favorite pantless mammal.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for reading "SO to SEX tommorrow night! Hello Lover :) I have waited FOUR years for it!" and thinking the person first found out about sex four years ago...

Anonymous said...

SO to Wikipedia. I don't know how I wound up looking up Wisconsin Culture, but I did learn that Blue Moon Ice Cream is unique to the upper Midwest. ASO to realizing that I missed Brat Fest...through its Wiki page.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the dirty look people give me when I go to sit in the middle of the aisle. Really, dumbass, I thought you'd know not to sit on the end by now.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the controller hating repetetive posts. Seriously, I like knowing other people are as miserable as I am for the same reasons.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to just having to look up 'octogenarian'."

ASO to you for telling us all that you looked it up but then not telling all of us what it actually means!

It means a person who is between 80 and 90 years old fyi...

Anonymous said...

SO to being a beer cart girl! Getting paid to drive a golf cart and sell drinks to rich old men = the best summer job. ever.

Anonymous said...

SO to nice people... especially SO to the UPS store guys who not only didn't charge me the extra charge for using my c.card, but also for giving me the money back I gave to someone so they could ship their package.

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding out just today that I got an F in econ, i guess going to class everyday and studying really doesnt pay

Anonymous said...


huge SO to the Sex and the City movie tomorrow!! I've waited for it for YEARS. I'm ready to laugh, cry and get drunk on cosmos after!!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the target cashier for cheerfully wishing me a good day. i bought one item, a pregnancy test. Really? REALLY? double ASO to the awkward apologetic glance she gave me after i stared at her in disbelief

Anonymous said...

ASO to being verbally bitch-slapped by my boss before 7 a.m., being forced to work in the cold rain for 8 hours, then going home after work and not be allowed to take a nap. This is summer? Only a miracle-beer falling out of the sky could have made this day bearable

Anonymous said...

Shout out to living in Madison this summer instead of living in bumfuck no where (north dakota) with my parents like the last 2 summers. Turning 21 is going to be awesome.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not living in a college town anymore and not being able to get booze whenever I want. Would a foot up your ass be a good enough ID?

Anonymous said...

SO to finally mustering up the courage to ask my crush out on a date about 2 hours before my exam...ASO to getting rejected...but SO to recovering quickly and getting a 95 on my calc exam! New tactic...dont study - to go exams heartbroken...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Regent for only giving me and my roomie $140 of our $400 safety deposit and charging us $160for chairs we didn't steal. if i knew i was gonna end up paying for them i would have actually taken them! an even bigger ASO to living there again next year...shouldn't have signed that lease.

Anonymous said...

SO to the movie Transformers for suggesting that sometimes coasties have souls and personalities (and juve records?). Such dreamers...

Anonymous said...

SO to watching fargo and missing on my UW friends with crazy accents

Anonymous said...

SO to LOST. You have impregnated me with the seeds of mystery and doubt, and unfortunately, like any good pregnancy, there's going to be pain, agony, and weird cravings until a new episode airs in 9 months

Anonymous said...

ASO to the creeper from my high school that became obsessed with me over winter break and tried to take advantage of me while I was drunk...I ignored his calls EVERY DAY for a month (I obviously didn't encourage his advances at all, right?!) and yet he still asks my friends about me FIVE MONTHS LATER!

Anonymous said...

SO to my ex coming back for sex! Bigger SO to sex!!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to gas being nearly $4!!
huge SO to my parents still paying for my gas!

Anonymous said...

SO to the song "I kissed a girl"....when it came on 3 girls started making out with each other at the party I was at. Why didn't this song come out sooner!?

Anonymous said...

SO to my guest lecture at my former high school to a sophomore history class devolving into a Q&A about drinking in Madison. I'm not sure how we went from the Prophet Muhammad to Spotted Cow, but it may be the only time in history they have been part of the same discussion.

Anonymous said...

SO to winning. yeah, that's right bitch, you miss me.

Anonymous said...

ASO to thinking of a really good SO, coming here to post it, realizing there were new SOs that I had to read and in the process of reading the new ones forgetting my original SO.

Anonymous said...

Sex and the City was fabulous! :) and worth staying up til 3:30 when I have to work at 6am. I am gonna be worthless tomorrow haha

Anonymous said...

"ASO to me for reading "SO to SEX tommorrow night! Hello Lover :) I have waited FOUR years for it!" and thinking the person first found out about sex four years ago..."

ASO to us both being completely retarded...i did the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

SO to Madison for being the happiest city in America according to the Today show

Anonymous said...

huge SO to partying in the city (new york) last night and it turning into a big wisconsin reunion. can't wait until august to be back in madtown.

Anonymous said...

ASO to M.P.- there's such a thing as being a creeper in a bad way, too.

Anonymous said...

SO to the shout outs. At least I don't have the only dysfunctional family.

Anonymous said...

SO to Madison summers. Nothing beats summer nights at the Terrace.

ASO to the creeper:student ratio being way out of whack. Now it's 5 creepers to every student.

Anonymous said...

SO to me. I have thought for awhile that maybe I want to sleep with my boss but didn't know for sure until I volunteered to work late on a Friday. Am I crazy? This is going to be a long summer!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my parents telling me they'd kick me out if I left one more dirty dish in the sink... even bigger ASO to them being completely serious.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to ignoring my cold to the point that it became a sinus infection and then tonsilitis. OK, OK, next time I'll go to the doctor! Christ."

You make me really grateful I waited 40 minutes to see the doctor on a Sunday so I didn't end up with tonsillitis.

UPDATE: I went to the doctor, and I actually have mono. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to find a FUCKING JOB.

Anonymous said...

Gas nearly $4?! ASO to rural gas prices, try living in the city with the highest in the nation.

Anonymous said...

Any girl who tries to get their boyfriend to see the Sex and the City movie is getting an Xbox for Valentine's day

you have been warned, female population

Anonymous said...

ummm is there such a thing as a GOOD creeper?!?!

Anonymous said...

aso to being overdrawn on my credit card, I suck

Anonymous said...

shoutout to being the only girl who isn't excited for sex & the city.. MAN i hate those whores.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the bitch UHS nurse practitioner who told me that i have a drinking problem (further evidenced by the bruises all over my legs) and that i am asking to get pregnant by having sex. at least i'm having more fun than you.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to gas being nearly $4!!
huge SO to my parents still paying for my gas!"
ASO for gas being OVER $4. Where the hell do you live?

Anonymous said...

ASO to filling my car with gas at $3.85, only to find prices dropped to $3.79 not even three hours later. really? since when are gas prices actually dropping?

Anonymous said...

SO to the mountain man of my dreams finally calling me and having an incredibly witty, amazing conversation. ASO to the fact that I'll probably never seeing him again. At least it gives me something to dream about during this boring summer.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a college graduate and living with your parents. Is it July yet?

Anonymous said...

SO to summer jobs where you only have to change the trash every 2 hours and play pokémon the rest of the time...

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to whoever stole my 2 packages from outside my door at the Ann Emery. Those Tshirts were for the place I volunteer at you ASSHOLE. And the other stuff was a gift. Hope you feel really cool.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the girl who bought a pregnancy test not telling us the results! Hope you got the outcome you wanted.

Anonymous said...

SO to Sex and the City! Once I stopped crying it just made me want to come home and color!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to milk cows for over 50 hours a week all summer long. SO to the paychecks and the sweet smell of manure.

Anonymous said...

so to the creeper in my neighborhood. i didn't know drunk people wandered in my town. and thanks for coughing after smoking and having it turn into a disgusting vomit fest. for a split second i felt like I was back in Madison.

Anonymous said...

ASO to anyone who actually likes Sex and the City. Promiscuity and marrying for money are NOT qualities we like to see in women! Remember, we're not all idiots, and experience is only a good thing when we're not tossing a hot dog into the Grand Canyon!

Another ASO to being told any attempt to make a move on my friend will be COMPLETELY cock-blocked...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my groupie skills - finding out the Kooks are performing in Milwaukee tomorrow doesn't give you a lot of time to scheme how you're going to make out with Luke Pritchard by the end of the're losing your touch!

Anonymous said...

SO to being so excited about someone responding to my SO that i check it every 10 minutes just to make sure it was for real...

...maybe that should be an anti-SO... hmmm...

Anonymous said...

SO to Karkov. I've had enough of this Fleischmann's bullshit. It's time to get lost in the sweet, sweet trance that is Karkov stupor.

I love your liquor, MN.

Also, SO to Grain Belt Premium. Doesn't Wisco know about you two? Damn.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being home. after living with 60 people who became my closest friends this past year, i realize that being an only child stuck alone with parents who should be divorced really does suck. i need to get out of my house like now before i go crazy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to crying more in the month of May than I have since I was a baby. Graduating college and moving away from Madison is harder than it sounds.

Anonymous said...

ASO to saying goodbye forever to one of my best friends for the SECOND time this summer. It doesn't get harder, but it sure doesn't get any easier.

Anonymous said...

SO to the cashier at Copps who fit all of my groceries into two bags so that I could carry them on the bus ride back to campus. You helped me stay alive for another week.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to my groupie skills - finding out the Kooks are performing in Milwaukee tomorrow doesn't give you a lot of time to scheme how you're going to make out with Luke Pritchard by the end of the're losing your touch!"

ASO to Luke Pritchard, he's an ass...go for Paul, he's hotter, more approachable, and actually has a sense of humor. Trust me...

Anonymous said...

SO to the winner of the National Spelling Bee confusing the word numnah with numbnuts.

Anonymous said...

SO to the two robbers in Denver wearing THONGS on their heads as a disguise. WHAT could you possibly be thinking? are you guys really that stupid? THONGS?! now you guys look ridiculously stupid in the news. way. to. go.

Anonymous said...

Your ex looks like a progerian.

Anonymous said...

huge SO to 4am shots when already drunk

Anonymous said...

SO to milkshakes. Mine may not bring all the boys to the yard, but it's still better than yours!

Anonymous said...

SO to all extremely bored southampton, uk university students who can't study any longer :(

Anonymous said...

"ASO to filling my car with gas at $3.85, only to find prices dropped to $3.79 not even three hours later. really? since when are gas prices actually dropping?"

WHERE was this gas station? i'll take any extra cents off per gallon as i can get...

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding out The Kooks are coming to milwaukee tomorrow right now and having no way to get there.

my heart broke a little

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to drive everywhere again and always managing to get stuck behind some old person who can't match the numbers on the speed limit sign to the numbers on their spedometer.

Anonymous said...

ASO to family reunions. My uber-bitch cousin yelling at her sister's new girlfriend for making her sister gay, while my other cousin follows his sister around telling her how she's related to every single guy she's hitting on, all while my super-righteous aunt is trying to 'save my soul' and my mom is having raging mood swings because she's in the middle of menopause. Yeah, this is exactly what I wanted to leave Madison for. Even bigger ASO for having to do it again in 2 weeks when more relatives come in from out of state.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my town smelling like hog and cow maneur and anhydrous.
ASO to spring for making the fields too wet to get ready while I was still in Madtown.
Another ASO to living in a farm town so long I can actually smell the difference between hog and cow maneur.

Anonymous said...

ASO to purchasing conservative work clothes at Ann Taylor Loft today. I'm an SUV, house in the suburbs, and 3 kids away from being my mother.

SO to pretending I was buying them as a gift for my mother and having the saleswoman think I was the best daughter ever.

Anonymous said...

shoutout to being the only girl who isn't excited for sex & the city.. MAN i hate those whores.

ASO to anyone who actually likes Sex and the City. Promiscuity and marrying for money are NOT qualities we like to see in women! Remember, we're not all idiots, and experience is only a good thing when we're not tossing a hot dog into the Grand Canyon!

Any girl who tries to get their boyfriend to see the Sex and the City movie is getting an Xbox for Valentine's have been warned, female population

Huge SO to all of us girls out there (and guys) who hate Sex and the City with an absolute passion.

Anonymous said...

aso to the word "creeper." fyi, trying to get a blumpkin doesnt make you a creeper, it makes you a mother fucking legend.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Sex and the City! Once I stopped crying it just made me want to come home and color!"

Do you have a coloring partner? Because I love to color...and I have quite a few crayons hidden up my sleeves ;)

Anonymous said...

SO to Sex and the City being amazing. ASO to me for never watching a single episode of the show.

Anonymous said...

"Any girl who tries to get their boyfriend to see the Sex and the City movie is getting an Xbox for Valentine's day"

Best Valentine's Day gift EVER. Except maybe a Wii. Why don't you think women can enjoy Sex and the City and endless nights of gaming?

Anonymous said...

ASO to quarter-life crises. I'm not ready to be a responsible adult.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding out that I'm not pregnant.. thank god. ASO to realizing that I'm just getting fat..

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mom's new shih tzu. The cats never barked hysterically when I was sneaking back in the house at five in the morning. No solidarity.

Anonymous said...

SO for gas being LESS THAN $1.50!!! That's what happens when you're from and live in Kuwait :D.

Anonymous said...

"SO to milkshakes. Mine may not bring all the boys to the yard, but it's still better than yours!"

ASO to not telling me where you got your time machine to go three years in the past to post this shoutout

Anonymous said...

SO to buying leinenkugels honey weiss in the grocery store in new york. then having the person behind me go "I went to wisconsin!" and then having a 15 minute conversation about how amazing madison is. beer brings everyone together!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex.

Fuck my hometown.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my male roommate apparently missing the toliet last night leaving me to step in a pool of piss this morning.

Anonymous said...

SO to the creepy French music I found on iTunes today. Even though I have no idea what they're saying, it strangely suits my melancholy mood. 47 days until Madison...

Anonymous said...

SO to going four miles in 31 minutes. Kicking ass is hereby crossed off my list.

SO to getting self-esteem back because of that.

Biggest SO to having tickets to the Kooks tomorrow night. If I were a girl or gay, I would SO go groupy on their asses.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 92 year old lady buying a lift chair at slumberland. i greatly enjoyed those dirty jokes you told.

Anonymous said...

ASO to whoever lives in a farm town and can't spell manure correctly.

Anonymous said...

ASO to people who bitch about high gas prices and global warming in the same sentence. Do us all a favor and take an econ class.

Anonymous said...

so to living a semi-sheltered life in the home of my closet-republican parents and having to look up 'blumpkin' on aso to finding out what it meant. i could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the creeper from my high school that became obsessed with me over winter break and tried to take advantage of me while I was drunk...I ignored his calls EVERY DAY for a month (I obviously didn't encourage his advances at all, right?!) and yet he still asks my friends about me FIVE MONTHS LATER!"

I wrote this.
Another ASO, this time to the new creeper I met/attracted yesterday... I only responded to 2 of your 6 texts today (the first: to tell you that no, I don't want to hang out; the second: to reaffirm, five hours later, that I still do not want to hang out). I feel so bad refusing to give my number out...any suggestions on lines to give the guys so I don't have to feel bad but can still live a peaceful life?

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to going to a party tonight in Wausau looking for some major excitement just to realize after you walk in that the guys are all playing Wii golf, burping, and farting every 15 this God punishing me for only going to econ because of my inappropriate thoughts about A. Gandhi?

Anonymous said...

so to living a semi-sheltered life in the home of my closet-republican parents and having to look up 'blumpkin' on aso to finding out what it meant. i could have lived the rest of my life without knowing that.

SO to whoever this is- we may in fact be the same person. I did the exact same thing, and had the exact same reaction, especially upon reading the thirteen-odd variations that were listed. I don't even know how you would suggest this to a woman... "Hey baby, wanna blow me while I shit?" Seriously? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

ASO to missing the small things from Madison: The beer, the flute player in the bright orange jumper on Library Mall, fights in the street, etc.
SO to UW for introducing me to the hotness that is Jewish men. I miss you, too.
ASO to snooty Chicago suburbs. I hate you people and all your BS. If I have to see one more a-hole from high school in mandles and a shirt with the sleeves cut off or a girl with designer shades, hair extensions and flip-flops with high heels acting like we're best friends I'm going to slit my wrist with my Wiscard...vertically.

Anonymous said...

ASO to looking at grad school requirements out of curiosity today and feeling like a lazy, inadequate fuckup. I should have saved this terrifying/depressing experience for at least another semester or two.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend going to use my computer and accidentally clicking on Craigslist in my faves only to find that I have looked at every personal ad listed with a picture. I just like looking at people who are ugly but think they're hot and are miserable but act like they have it all together.
SO to cheap boosts to my self-esteem.

Anonymous said...

SO to all my Mario Kart playing wine-drinking buds from U-Dub. You know who you are!
SO to knowing we all have the same ridiculous hobbies that don't look good on a resume at all...Like obsessively reading SO's and trying to pick out which ones are written by people we know. This one's for you!

Anonymous said...

ASO to grandma. That octogenarian rick rolled me. For real! SO to the poster reminding me about the Mortal Kombat theme song. Prepare for a battle royale, woman!

Anonymous said...

I wrote this.
Another ASO, this time to the new creeper I met/attracted yesterday... I only responded to 2 of your 6 texts today (the first: to tell you that no, I don't want to hang out; the second: to reaffirm, five hours later, that I still do not want to hang out). I feel so bad refusing to give my number out...any suggestions on lines to give the guys so I don't have to feel bad but can still live a peaceful life?

Yes.. You say "I lost my phone" or you just take their number and don't give them yours. Or, you say "No". It's really that simple. Don't go through shit you don't want to go through.

Anonymous said...

SO to breaking in the person subleasing my room this summer...and their bed. too bad i move out today.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex.

I think we found a definition for the word "creeper"

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad refusing to give my number out...any suggestions on lines to give the guys so I don't have to feel bad but can still live a peaceful life? will save your life and bring out the sadist in you

Anonymous said...

SO to porn coming on Cinemax last night and not having to pay for it. ASO to watching it with 8 other guys...

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting invited to a byob party and realizing that I have absolutely no way of getting beer in my hometown. God I miss Madison!

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad refusing to give my number out...any suggestions on lines to give the guys so I don't have to feel bad but can still live a peaceful life?

Say you're allergic to phones. It's a goodie.

Anonymous said...

ASO to freaking out about switching birth control. I really hope this turns our alright....

Anonymous said...

Inappropriate thoughts about A. Gandhi are the only reason I went to Econ 101 too! I feel bad for all the poor saps who didn't have the pleasure of daydreaming through his class... He is the definition of a PILF...

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex.

SO to not being the only 19 yr old virgin out there. ASO to realizing you could be targeting me.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for wanting to go back to school just so I can see my Madison friends again even though we are only 2 weeks into summer

Anonymous said...

SO to this weekend for changing the outlook of summer from "potentially shitty" to "gonna be fucking crazy" thanks.

Anonymous said...

SO to a potential summer fling. Bigger SO to her for being absolutely smokin hot!

Anonymous said...

so to keeping a countdown to the day I move back to Madison. aso to my bf of 2 yrs who thought it was for my 21st birthday. Apparently he got so drunk at my party he blacked-out the fact that it was back in MARCH.

Anonymous said...

aso to coming back home from Madison, getting a job that lets me sleep in til 10am, and finding out that I have to wake up at 8am on a Monday to go to the dentist just to get reminded of how bad my braces f-ed up my mouth.

Anonymous said...

SO to my 3 hs friends that i actually hang out with cuz im at home this summer. ASO to there only being 3...i think everyone should be forced to stay in madison so we/i can party!!

Anonymous said...

so to shaking off a creeper at the bar by tellng him I couldn't have sex with him because I haven't had my reassignment surgery yet-- then talking about how the hormone injections finally took away my facial hair and gave me an amazing chest. Best. Shutdown. EVER.
so to it being a huge LIE.

Anonymous said...

Huge SO to the Brewers today for delivering the best birthday win ever. Russell Branyan (my man-crush) hitting a huge homer, and Dave Bush (my favorite player) throwing a gem. SO to my mom for getting me a Wii. I love birthdays.

Anonymous said...

SO to having comment moderation and still having to read anonymous posts from attention whores about how they can't shake those creeper men who simply don't understand they aren't interested OMG!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to going four miles in 31 minutes. Kicking ass is hereby crossed off my list.

SO to getting self-esteem back because of that.

looking for a running buddy?

Anonymous said...

aso to my roommate!! only 3 more months of you are your middle school games. GROW UP already!!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to me for reading "SO to SEX tommorrow night! Hello Lover :) I have waited FOUR years for it!" and thinking the person first found out about sex four years ago..."

ASO to us both being completely retarded...i did the exact same thing.

SO to being too smart (or ASO to being even more completely retarded?) and having NO idea what you guys are taking about? how is that misunderstood?

Anonymous said...

so to being single for the summer.... bigger so to falling in love with 5 babes in the first week, who you work with and are 4 years older than you!

Anonymous said...

From pregnant girl...

Negative. Thank GOD.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for completely crushing on an unattainable older guy. If only he were ten years younger or I were ten years older...wait what am I saying? ...if only he were ten years younger!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex. "

"SO to not being the only 19 yr old virgin out there. ASO to realizing you could be targeting me."

You guys have it easy. ASO to being a 20 year old virgin with only a month before I become a 21 year old virgin. ASO to watching 40-year-old Virgin and thinking about trying the advice.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy that attempted to hit on me last night. You made it all the way over to talk to me, opened your mouth, then walked away. Bigger SO to my third day of training ending awkwardly thanks to you.

Anonymous said...

SO to being so poor I only now remember what my natural hair color is after months of outgrowth. ASO to my calico hair.

Anonymous said...

ASO my meds not working anymore and having to be stuck with my crazy thoughts till they can be readjusted... I had gotten so used to not being massively insane for a good portion of the day.

SO to great insurance that allows me that and therapy in the first place.

ASO to assholes like Scientologists and others who find me weak, get locked up with my brain for awhile I think you'll change your tune.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate who, in her drunken stupor, hooked up with a fake junior from uwm who was actually a high school senior. at least he was legal.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for being so obsessed with reading shout-outs that the first thing I thought when I got onto the site was, "damn, only 8 more since last time..."
I wish I had something (or someone) better to do.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Major SO to whoever was in Econ 101 with Ghandi! I was there too! And whats even more amazing is that I am from Edgar, and I'm in Wausau RIGHT NOW at the MC!

Its such a small world, SO's are great. ASO to knowing exactly how lame this town can be.

Anonymous said...

SO to picking up Dungeons and Dragons because there's nothing else to do. :)

Anonymous said...

ASO to having so few friends from high school that I spend 1/2 my week with the same 2 guys & having to listen to them geek out over WoW, D&D and LARP.
SO to them still being the greatest guys I've ever met.
SO to JC coming out of the closet and going boy watching with him at Barnes & Noble every Friday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Since when are the shout outs a Dear Annie column?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the DNC. If you're going to make completely arbitrary rules about which states can have primaries/caucuses and when they can have them, stick to them. Don't cave in and seat 1/2 of them.

Oh Mr. Dean, if only you hadn't screamed in Iowa, we might not have had to go through another 4 years of Bush and this "long, boring, seemingly endless Bataan Death March" of a Democratic race. Thank you John Stewart for giving me a great way to define this campaign.

Anonymous said...

"SO for gas being LESS THAN $1.50!!! That's what happens when you're from and live in Kuwait :D."

You know what else happens? You get invaded by Iraq.

Anonymous said...

so to sex and the city. i will enjoy my college years and twenties as a samantha, and my thirties as a carrie.

Anonymous said...

SO to gauging my relative popularity based strictly and entirely on the number of wall posts I get on my birthday.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex. "

"SO to not being the only 19 yr old virgin out there. ASO to realizing you could be targeting me."

SO to you both because you are not my 22 year old friend who has never even kissed a boy!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my summer fling for constantly picking on me for the fact that I'm pale. Yes, I know I'm white beyond reason, but I'm a ginger and if you weren't leaving in two months to go be with a girl who clearly doesn't care about you as much as you want her to, I might care a little more and maybe try to get some sun. Until then you're so not worth getting skin cancer for, so LET IT GO!

Anonymous said...

ASO to me, for making it my goal to get on the "Best of..." shoutout list. You would think a college student would aspire to greater heights...

Anonymous said...

SO to porn coming on Cinemax last night and not having to pay for it. ASO to watching it with 8 other guys...

You're just finding out about skinemax? what did you do throughout high school?

Anonymous said...

SO to Taco Bell's $.79. $.89, $.99 Menu. DELICIOUS, FILLING, & CHEAP...I'm going to grab some TB, indulge, come back here, and hopefully read some more ShoutOuts when I get back. WOOO!

Anonymous said...

SO to having the most wonderful friends in the world.
ASO to never being able to get into a relationship because they never live up to your friends (I'm talkinig about friends of the oppisite sex, ofcourse).

Anonymous said...

SO to those who use summer shout outs as their primary resource of keeping in touch with their friends from UW (Though I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt to mix it up and use different methods).

Anonymous said...

ASO to trying to remember if i tried posting a shoutout and it was denied by the controller. if i did, screw you controller! if i didn't, well, keep up the excellent job

Anonymous said...

SO to blumpkins.

And sex in the park.

With homeless people watching.

It was still hot.

Anonymous said...

SO to staying in Madison this summer. Sorry to all of you who are complaining about your boring hometowns while I'm finally 21 and spending the summer in Madtown!

Anonymous said...

ASO to coming from an uber conservative, religious family and having to cautiously enjoy sexual relations with the bf


SO to devising a plan where I told my mother I get awful cramps during that time of the month and need birth control to alleviate my symptoms. Second SO to her agreeing and hooking me up w/ her OB GYN. Third SO to knowing she saw completely through my guise and us both knowing what's really going on.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not missing my boyfriend, sorry babe. SO to not missing him because i am seriously crushing on my 17 year old coworker. rape charge here i come!

Anonymous said...

SO to Ian's Pizza! Oh how I miss your late night satisfaction!

Anonymous said...

ASO to an ad on Facebook wondering if I have herpes because there is this great new site for people with herpes to find other people with herpes to date... as seen on CNN. If all the single dating sites and diet ads weren't enough!

Anonymous said...

ASO to liking someone who also irritates the crap out of me. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Anonymous said...

SO to anti-depressants. They have made such a difference!

Anonymous said...

SO to the cute boy leaving the office next to me, who I almost ran into leaving mine... I hope you work there!

Anonymous said...

"SO to summer jobs where you only have to change the trash every 2 hours and play pokémon the rest of the time..."

pokemon, really? that sounds more like an anti-shout out, my friend.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to my summer fling for constantly picking on me for the fact that I'm pale. Yes, I know I'm white beyond reason, but I'm a ginger..."

Eww. Who's hooking up with a ginger? That's nasty shit.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to being a 19 year old virgin and not being at UW. So now I have to wait to come back in the fall to try and swindle a drunk girl into sex. "

"SO to not being the only 19 yr old virgin out there. ASO to realizing you could be targeting me."

You guys have it easy. ASO to being a 20 year old virgin with only a month before I become a 21 year old virgin. ASO to watching 40-year-old Virgin and thinking about trying the advice.

Hey, I was a 21-year-old virgin - but only for about a month, and then I met the man of my dreams. It'll be okay and it's worth the wait!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having some of my old high school teachers come up on facebook's "People You May Know." Inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

"looking for a running buddy?"

Like you read about...

Ahh the eternal struggles of being friends with non-runners and trying to train for a half marathon...

Anonymous said...

SO to the Kooks for having totally the best concert ever and giving me an awesome time.

SO to hot hipster girls for giving me something to look at.

ASO to my dad being around all night. You're no longer twenty. Might be time to accept that.

Anonymous said...

Huge So to graduation party food has never tasted so good.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who superman-style flew off her bike onto the bike rack she hit while swerving from a pedestrian. you made those other bikes your hos, fo sho.

ps i hope you didn't suffer internal bleeding from a handlebar to the abdomen.

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