Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Best of Week 3

SO to graduation parties with kegs, jungle boccie ball and watching my best friends cousin face plant off a bike ramp

SO to not having classes and drinking allllll daaaay looooooooong

aso to having nothing to do for the first part of summer and noone to do in all my free time :(

ASO to having a dream that I forgot to take a final for a class I didn't realize I was taking. Worst nightmare EVER

so to blumpkins. 'nuff said

SO to high-waisted shorts being the best diet ever

ASO at working at an ice cream place and having the ice cream machine shoot vanilla soft serve into my eyes and all over my clothes, making it looking like five guys just came all over me

ASO to sharing the home computer with my high-school age younger brother. Why is the mouse so goddamn sticky?

ASO to job hunting. It's like getting rejected over and over and over again. I don't need anything long term! I just need a summer fling! Why are your standards so high?

ASO to wishing you were in Madison just so you would have a job and not have your mom bothering you about getting one over the summer

SO to summer nights..long necks and my best friends. Who could ask for more?

SO to summer. I love being able to drink all day and not having to worry about school. ASO to this being my first summer single in 3 years. I am seriously sex deprived people, i don't know if i can last three months!

SO to the creepy-ass audio captchas that blogger plays if you click that wheelchair icon next to the word verification. I hope to god if I go blind I don't have to sit through a bunch of fucking babbling backwards gibberish every time I want to make fun of someone

SO to my roommate's underage sister. There isn't enough Dial to get those dirty thoughts out of my mind. I'm sure our other roommate is right there with me

SO to my new best friend who puked out his nose during a game of boat races. nicely done sir.

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