Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Best-of Week 2

SO to the term 'sconnie' sounding vaguely like it could be an STD. I've got a grisly case of the sconnie!

aso to the tool on the moped who honked and raised his eyebrows at me today... did you expect me to hop on the back so we could ride off into the sunset together?

SO to letting showing way too much cleavage during my final in hopes of distracting people and skewing the curve in my favor

SO to my roommate. You never walked in on me slamming the ham, but you somehow did every other time I was having sex.Bigger SO for being cool about it and just asking for an ETA.

SO to Skittles. I love being able to taste the rainbow without having to munch carpet

SO to the guy in Witte who just shouted "It's my money, and I need it NOW!" out his window. SO to all the people who followed suit. SO to Madison for knowing what's up

ASO to Prof. Dykman for wearing an 80's jogging outfit to our final. Short white shorts and a disturbingly tight cut-off tank top? What were you thinking?

ASO to having to explain to my dad why i have a bottle of rum, a bottle of tequila, two cases of beer, two bottles of wine, a half a bottle of doctors AND a half bottle of vodka when he comes to move me out today. ASO to finals for not allowing me to finish it all before the end of the semester

pelmeni, you ignorant slut. come baaaaack to me!!

SO to my roomate who is currently hooking up with a hooker found via craigslist. He is a WoWer (World of Warcraft) and is drenched from riding his moped to the gas station. Make it worth the $275 an hour buddy

SO to cherry bourbon and backyard barbecues! Finally, it's summer time

SO to finally hooking up with the guy I have been having sex dreams about the entire semester. ASO to him saying "this is so weird" practically the entire time, wtf?

SO to the couple fucking on Bascom friday night. you know we took pictures of you, right?
SO to starting the summer out right: grilling brats on our patio, followed by downing four cases of beer, a 1.75 of martini mix, 2 packs of Mikes & a couple bottles of wine.Summer's looking promising

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