Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 4

We're gonna keep moderating because there are enough repetitive shoutouts about unrequited love and how much sex you are/aren't having that it's still necessary. The number of shoutouts is declining only because there are less being written, not because of us moderating

if you're gonna make a SO about a hidden crush, or coastie/sconnie wars, at least make it funny in some way

that being said, keep this going it keeps us busy!


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Anonymous said...

SO to smores and the fact that you rhyme with whore. coincidental rhyming? i think not. i use both of you for personal pleasure, and usually feel like a sticky mess afterwards.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to assholes like Scientologists and others who find me weak, get locked up with my brain for awhile I think you'll change your tune."

SO to you. A-fucking-men.

ASO to them for killing your sex drive. SO to not really caring because of the meds...

Anonymous said...

"SO for gas being LESS THAN $1.50!!! That's what happens when you're from and live in Kuwait :D."

You know what else happens? You get invaded by Iraq.

Thank God it was only Iraq that hated us and not the whole entire rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

so to shaking off a creeper at the bar by tellng him I couldn't have sex with him because I haven't had my reassignment surgery yet-- then talking about how the hormone injections finally took away my facial hair and gave me an amazing chest. Best. Shutdown. EVER.
so to it being a huge LIE.

SO to you. You are absolutely amazing.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting home, thinking a girl has the hots for you and then figuring out that 1) she's literally been homeless for months, 2) she's an uber-mooch, and 3) she's batshit insane. Any of you desperate 19 year old virgins wanna give her a go? She's all your's if you want her.

Anonymous said...

SO to my only motivation to get my hw done being so that i can join the flip cup round already going on in my living room.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the ginger haters. As an unbiased brunette, I have to say gingers are completely underrated.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in the tuxedo shirt in Brothers last night... You looked delightfully paradoxical playing Big Buck Hunter.

Anonymous said...

ASO to sitting at Helen C. studying for a midterm in June.

SO to my roommates 21st immediately following my exam tomorrow. It's going to be legendary.

Anonymous said...

Homeless, mooching, and insane?

I'd hit it

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy i've been seeing for the past month-ish not making any time for me at all this summer. if you want to end it tell me already, so i can find someone who actually cares.

Anonymous said...

SO to my summer job. 8 hours of pandora radio, facebook, and shoutouts and all at $8 an hour. oh, and don't forget the free desserts. Too bad it's the only good thing about summer =/

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl I work with who won't stop flirting with me. ASO to finding out you have a boyfriend. Double ASO to you being a junior in high school next year. You looked at least 18!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having your wisdom tooth pulled and not being able to go out in public because you're drooling blood.

SO to getting to keep the tooth!

Anonymous said...

so to not having a job and being a bum. it took me two weeks just to get motivated enough to post this shoutout.

Anonymous said...

SO to having an amazing drunk makeout session with my friend's super hott roomie. ASO to the roomies and everyone else at the party walk in and drag him out just when it started getting hot and heavy. SO to them at least having the decency to come in right before he got my shirt off and avoiding a potentially awkward situation.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having some of my old high school teachers come up on facebook's "People You May Know." Inappropriate.

The fact that enough of your friends are facebook friends with them that they actually show up on your pymk list is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

SO to ME for getting an AB in econ 101 after going to a total of 4 discussions, not understanding any concepts, and skipping a ton of class and not even paying attention in the ones i did go to. hopefully 102 will go just as smoothly. holler.

Anonymous said...

aso to my bf asking if he can call me... I don't believe you will make it to the next school year.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to deal with dial-up all summer... at least it's free? Help!

Anonymous said...

SO to being two seats away from a 75-year-old UW grad on a flight to italy. the harvard senior in between us was wishing he had transferred by the time we landed.

Anonymous said...

so to and my summer reading obsession. i would probably be the biggest dork ever (goal is 30 books this summer) if i wasn't such an alcoholic as well.

Anonymous said...

ASO to state street construction and the people who walk so SLOW.

Anonymous said...

ASO to moving away from Madison and gaining five pounds because you no longer have to walk up and down Bascom countless times per day.

Anonymous said...

SO to Urge! brand popcorn for providing me with all of the processed cheese topping my heart could possibly desire. I may suffer a clogged artery, but it is oh so good!

Anonymous said...

SO to hooking up with my Ex's roommate. even bigger SO to her being out of town and us getting busy in the living room.

Anonymous said...

SO to moving into your own apartment, finally! Walking around naked never felt so goooood....

Anti Shoutout to being on a third floor with no stairs. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

SO to going to see sex and the city with my minister, two directors of religious education, a woman who attends my church and my best friend.
ASO to seeing it with the woman's 14 yo son. Uncomfortable during sex scenes, much?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to having some of my old high school teachers come up on facebook's "People You May Know." Inappropriate.

The fact that enough of your friends are facebook friends with them that they actually show up on your pymk list is just wrong."

pymk? really? really? are we THAT lazy?

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding out your cousin isn't just being nice to you because you are family......

Anonymous said...

SO to meeting the most amazing guy. ASO to him leaving soon to go to India.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who just said: "so i randomly just decided that if i ever am dating a guy and he dumps me because he thinks he might be gay, i'm going to ask him to date at least one more girl after me because if i turn a man gay i swear to god that would be the end of me"

i love our 3 am chats...

Anonymous said...

SO to the sun that has FINALLY arrived in Southampton

ASO to having to tidy my room on the ONE day it has been sunny in what feels like MONTHS.

Anonymous said...

"Anti Shoutout to being on a third floor with no stairs. Ugh."

How does that work?!

Anonymous said...

---"SO for gas being LESS THAN $1.50!!! That's what happens when you're from and live in Kuwait :D."

You know what else happens? You get invaded by Iraq.

Thank God it was only Iraq that hated us and not the whole entire rest of the world.---

SO to you man! GOOD CALL!!!

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to coffee. I love you.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to having some of my old high school teachers come up on facebook's "People You May Know." Inappropriate.

The fact that enough of your friends are facebook friends with them that they actually show up on your pymk list is just wrong."

ASO to you man, for calling the list the "pymk list"

Anonymous said...

ASO to being so bored at home that I am actually getting headaches as a result.

Bigger ASO to playing badminton with my sister to "cure" said bored.

Biggest ASO to get smacked in the eye with the birdie and not being able to see for a full 20 minutes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Joba Chamberlain.
Way to go slick.

Anonymous said...

Big SO to my friend's 15-year-old sister. Your "SHE'S FIFTEEN" threats only make us want her more. We're more excited about Monica's 18th than the world was about the Olsen twins'.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to moving away from Madison and gaining five pounds because you no longer have to walk up and down Bascom countless times per day."

SO to moving back home and losing 15 pounds, mostly due to the fact that I got mono + strep and couldn't swallow for two weeks.

Anonymous said...

SO to having an interview in 6 and a half hours, a guaranteed second job to go to afterwards and having all my music FINALLY back in my computer. Now if only we could solve that problem where I don't want to go outside and run in the least bit...

Anonymous said...

shoutout to my roommate, who has walked in on me and my guy three times already this summer. sorry, that one week you were gone after classes got us used to getting it on with the door open... in the living room... in the shower... in your bed... what?

Anonymous said...

ASO to lowering any standards I had and applying to a ridiculous amount of crappy jobs... and not getting a single interview so far. How much of a failure do you have to be if even minimum wage is apparently too good for you?

Anonymous said...

SO to meeting 2 fellow badgers in Machu Pichu of all places
ASO to one of them breaking my camera. But don't worry, i'm not too mad. you were cute.

Anonymous said...

ASO to facebook's people you may know for suggesting I be friends with someone I don't know, and who has only one friend, who I also don't know nor have any friends in common with.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the ginger haters. As an unbiased brunette, I have to say gingers are completely underrated."

SO to you... you're absolutly right! There was just one here where i work, and she was STUNNING!

Anonymous said...

SO to taking a few days off from reading the shout outs and coming back to a few spectacular ones. you all contributed to the hilarity that is scaring my boss every time i laughed out loud today at work. thank you.

Anonymous said...

SO to Barack Obama! You are my hero!

Anonymous said...

"Anti Shoutout to being on a third floor with no stairs. Ugh."

How does that work?!

...I meant an elevator. I blame the alcohol.

Anonymous said...

"SO to moving back home and losing 15 pounds, mostly due to the fact that I got mono + strep and couldn't swallow for two weeks."

SO to not swallowing eh?I'm so gonna say it....

That's what she said!

Anonymous said...

"That's what she said!"

You are my new hero.

SO to That's what she saids.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the guy i've been seeing for the past month-ish not making any time for me at all this summer. if you want to end it tell me already, so i can find someone who actually cares."

ASO to you. From one woman to another, get a spine and end it yourself. You'll thank me later.

Anonymous said...

"SO to ME for getting an AB in econ 101 after going to a total of 4 discussions, not understanding any concepts, and skipping a ton of class and not even paying attention in the ones i did go to. hopefully 102 will go just as smoothly. holler."

Good work.

Even bigger SO to me for getting an A in econ 101 after going to a total of zero discussions, and not paying attention at all in lecture. I win!

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who spilled coffee all over her lap so it looked like she wet herself. Another SO to her for saying her legs/jeans felt stiff and sticky....

That's what she said!

Anonymous said...

SO to you for having great hair and a beautiful smile. but ASO to you to being the fastest person i've ever seen turn into a huge asshole!

Anonymous said...

ASO to at least 20% of Obama's supporters. You do know that sympathetically voting for him just because "you think a black person deserves to be president after all these years", is actually racism at its finest. Also, learn some facts if your going to vote... this is actually an important event if you haven't noticed.

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