Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 9

bust a rhyme

oh wait, we're not playing kings...


Anonymous said...

SO to driving into a storm and feeling like my life is that terrible 90s movie "Tornado." Thank you, Wisconsin, for this Hollywood moment.

i bet you anything they meant twister

Anonymous said...

ASO to queefing. I'm going to tell everyone you did that

Anonymous said...

SO to awesome conversations while being a janitor, or as I prefer, a practicer of the custodial arts. Which is funnier? Drop kicking babies (think of flying limbs) or small dogs (that squeal!)Drugs, Sex, and Fluid Mechanics. ASO to our fucking creepy 23 yr old supervisor ruining all conversations by making them perverted.

Anonymous said...

SO to my 40 yr old coworker who decided she didn't feel like working that day and instead went out back to cut pussywillow branches and "decorate" the store with them.

Anonymous said...

SO to punting little dogs. I mean, rodents. Dogs can fit more than a pinkie in their mouths

Anonymous said...

ASO to the random ads on Facebook about the Madison homeless characters, has anyone else seen those?? So far I've seen one about the orange-wearing piccolo guy and one saying "Who's your Scanner Dan?"... wtf?!?

i haven't, because every ad i get is about "losing the love handles." aso to facebook. i bet it's run by a bunch of fat hypocritical fucks.

Anonymous said...

"SO to drinking with my manager, his girlfriend, and his other work friend. Another SO to being the one who hooked up with his girlfriend at the end of the night. what a sad night for two boys to wait outside the door while two girls got it on inside."
JUNE 28, 2008 9:33 PM

Talk about "I kissed a girl & liked it..." You should think about making that your theme song

Anonymous said...

SO to you, SOC, for the AMAZING Week 9 starter. I fucking love King's! Let's get together & play... but I call little man.

Anonymous said...

SO to awesome conversations while being a janitor, or as I prefer, a practicer of the custodial arts. Which is funnier? Drop kicking babies (think of flying limbs) or small dogs (that squeal!)Drugs, Sex, and Fluid Mechanics. ASO to our fucking creepy 23 yr old supervisor ruining all conversations by making them perverted.

um...ASO to you because your conversations are really disturbing. kicking babies or small dogs??? wtf are you on. SO to your supervisor for seeing YOUR creepiness and trying to creep you out so much in turn that you'd just shut up as you should.

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to the asshole who barely tipped me 10% on his $85 bill. I was nothing but pleasant to all of you!!!

and here's a tip for you: if you order 8 drinks from the bar, have 6 different meals, special requests from at least 3 people, 2 bratty little kids who build castles out of the butter and creamers and smashed them all over the floor, and a wife who spilled her drink, you should FUCKING TIP ME MORE THAN 12% YOU DOUCHEBAG, not to mention you came in 20 minutes before we closed the restaurant. ASSHOLE. you are NOT welcome back.

Anonymous said...

ASO to dog farts. Seriously not cool.

Anonymous said...

ASO to always posting my shoutouts on wednesday so that they are last of the week and overshadowed by the best of shoutouts and the start of the new week. double aso to me thinking anyone actually cares about reading my meaningless bullshit

Anonymous said...

ASO to people too ignorant to use Adblock Plus & Firefox 3 to freely remove all ads from the internet. Welcome to the 21st century.

Anonymous said...

SO to playing kings and making the best rule ever. It is actually super hilarious to make someone play standing up if everyone is playing on the floor.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the new fiscal year. The first week in July could be awesome if it weren't for you. If I have to update one more spreadsheet, someone's getting their budget cut!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having sex instead of studying for my math exam. But SO to knowing that if I fail it, I failed it in the most awesome way possible. Thank you college.

Anonymous said...

ASO to finally discovering who Scanner Dan is via a facebook ad. Seriously. wtf.

Anonymous said...

ASO to bicyclists. You suck.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Taco Bell always forgetting my side of sour cream.

SO to being a Madison local and having a shorter drive to my parents house to steal their sour cream instead of driving back to T-Bell. Sweet deal.

Anonymous said...

SO to being Facebook friends with your co-workers. You can't tattle on me for being on FB chat without getting in just as much trouble! It's mutually assured Facebook destruction!

Anonymous said...

so to the BAMFS that work in the wiscard office!

Anonymous said...

ASO to redneck Missouri hicks. It is not necessary to shoot fireworks off every minute of the day.

Anonymous said...

SO to the amazing conversation these two old guys had at the bar this afternoon. I don't know what was more entertaining, the story about hunting polar bears or the one about eating black rhino with Ted Nugent. True or not, I could not stop laughing. ASO to hunting polar bears, they have enough problems...

Anonymous said...

SO to week 9 bust a rhyme! I'll go Suckers.

Anonymous said...

SO to week 9 bust a rhyme! I'll go Suckers.

ASO to you. Don't you know to bust a rhyme the word has to be at the end of a sentence. We're in college you should know how to put together a sentence? Or do you go to MATC?

Anonymous said...

ASO to New Kids on the Block. Stop it. Just stop.

Anonymous said...

SO to being 21 and getting a fat black hamster who is a mack daddy sweet pimp aleady. He doesn't have a name yet though, any suggestions??

Anonymous said...

SO to the swimming Olympic trials giving me an excuse to blatantly stare at gorgeous guys without their shirts on. i might be just as wet as they are.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the ridiculously long shoutouts.

And the ridiculously stupid replies to other ridiculously stupid shoutouts. C'mon now. That's just lame and unoriginal.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my town turning into the movie "Idiocracy"

First, I witnessed a man, wearing golf clothes and a bike helmet, running like Homestar up the main drag

Second, two employees of the local Culvers had no clue what to call the shiny little coins they were picking up off the floor. Among names thrown around were "5 cents-ers", "dime", and "oh yeah, that one"

Third, roman candle fights at close range

Get me back to Madison, I want to live with the civilized again!

Anonymous said...

aso to the guy who decided to stalk me as i ran down the street of my neighborhood. following me in your car and then stopping completely to grin at me is not flattering. your car and extreme attractiveness were bonuses, but didn't make it less creepy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the mosquito population this year... I can't spend a minute outside without them swarming me!
SO to my mom for saying "It's ok, it's probably just West Nile" when I showed her my abnormal amount of bites and how they'd swelled up to an inch in diameter

Anonymous said...

um...ASO to you because your conversations are really disturbing. kicking babies or small dogs??? wtf are you on. SO to your supervisor for seeing YOUR creepiness and trying to creep you out so much in turn that you'd just shut up as you should.

ASO to either me, for not thinking that is THAT random of a conversation to have, or you for not having lived enough to ever have had one of these conversations. See also: huffing kittens

Anonymous said...

SO to my brother for warning me not to go upstairs for a couple hours. ASO to the ugly pictures he put in my mind of my parents in bed and the fact that I can hear the waterbed swishing. One of those things that makes you go 'uuuuuuuuuuugh'.

Anonymous said...

ASO to drunk-dials from exes. I'm really glad you love me, but you couldn't tell me that a year ago when we were actually dating?

Anonymous said...

To the server with the poor tip: where do you work where someone can order THAT much food with so many people and get out at $85?

Anonymous said...

SO to my brother for warning me not to go upstairs for a couple hours. ASO to the ugly pictures he put in my mind of my parents in bed and the fact that I can hear the waterbed swishing. One of those things that makes you go 'uuuuuuuuuuugh'.

uuuuuugh nananana nananana
SO to 90's music i will love you forever

Anonymous said...

ASO to people who think it's cool to say shocking things for the sake of saying shocking things. Conversations with you are extremely dull despite your attempts.

Anonymous said...

SO to the swimming Olympic trials giving me an excuse to blatantly stare at gorgeous guys without their shirts on. i might be just as wet as they are.

SO to you! Swimming is such an under-appreciated sport, but with guys like aaron peirsol in there... here's hoping it gains some popularity this summer!

Anonymous said...

SO to people with horrible names like: Schuettler (sounds like Shit-ler) and Pfielsticker (File-sticker)..Gaylord Focker anyone?

Anonymous said...

SO to summer shoutouts, xkcd, and cyanide & happiness for helping me keep my sanity this summer. I'm going to go steal a tophat now.

Anonymous said...

ASO to living in my pathetically small hometown over the summer. I don't know how many times I can tell my best friend that no, the creepy dropout stocker boy at the grocery store will not be an acceptable dating prospect before she bangs him in the cold cuts freezer. I guess the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Anonymous said...

SO to week 9 bust a rhyme! I'll go Suckers.

ASO to you. Don't you know to bust a rhyme the word has to be at the end of a sentence. We're in college you should know how to put together a sentence? Or do you go to MATC?

Ok, fine then. How about "You are a dillhole." Your turn.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being dragged to Gavin Degraw at Summerfest because none of my friends would see Kansas OR The Wailers with me. Youre lucky
1. that there was a lot of hot girls
2. that we caught the last two songs of the Wailers
otherwise I probably wouldnt be your friend anymore.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being on crutches.
Huge SO to getting amazing handicap seats at Gavin DeGraw at summerfest because of my broken leg.
SO to getting a lot of funny looks for dropping my crutches and dancing during the concert!

Anonymous said...

SO to the Olympic swimming trials shout-outs. I third that. Mmmm, Michael Phelps...

Anonymous said...

ASO to having FIVE run-ins with the cops already this summer, including one where i was riding shotgun, drunk/high off my ass, while my friend gets pulled over for running a stop sign. How the cop didn't see the blood coming out of my head from having a door slammed on it moments before is beyond me.

Huge SO to not having a a single legal problem (yet) except for my friend's stop sign ticket.

Anonymous said...

huge SO to Jack Bolas running in the olympic trials in oregon last night! on wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

"SO to being 21 and getting a fat black hamster who is a mack daddy sweet pimp aleady. He doesn't have a name yet though, any suggestions??"

Richard Gere

Anonymous said...

To the server with the poor tip: where do you work where someone can order THAT much food with so many people and get out at $85?

2 kids with $3 or $4 meals, and they rest ordered the cheap ass special for the night. I work at a little dinner in a small town with food slightly more edible than than George Webs.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my much younger brother's co-workers thinking I'm his girlfriend. Not only is that incredibly disturbing, but i officially have no chance with his hot manager now.
fuck my life.

Anonymous said...

huge aso to me. just when i told myself i was done with the fuck buddy with a girlfriend....oops i did it again. this time with another taken man. i swear to god i have the best of intentions, now i just need to stop drinking.

Anonymous said...

"2 kids with $3 or $4 meals, and they rest ordered the cheap ass special for the night. I work at a little dinner in a small town with food slightly more edible than than George Webs."

You work at a DINER but can't even spell the word? Sad.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all of my summer shout-outs being posted. I am now drunk with power, and when fall arrives I am sure I will be sorely disappointed when the regular controller is not as wooed by my humor.

Anonymous said...

SO to feeling like I was living in the 70s last night during the Wailers.. The amount of pipes, etc. was amazing, as was the contact high. Ha.

Anonymous said...

ASO to slightly freaking out about how exactly informed my little sister was when she told me she knew a secret about her bff's brother--he is (gasp!) no virgin. SO to already knowing this because he de-flowered me over a year ago. Double SO to her still thinking I am a good, God-fearing virgin. Dodged a bullet there!

Anonymous said...

To the server with the poor tip: where do you work where someone can order THAT much food with so many people and get out at $85?

2 kids with $3 or $4 meals, and they rest ordered the cheap ass special for the night. I work at a little dinner in a small town with food slightly more edible than than George Webs.

ASO to you. How dare you blaspheme the miracle that is George Webb's.

Anonymous said...

SO to Seether playing at summerfest tonight. I have never played air guitar/banged my head/drank so much Leine's as intense as I did tonight. Don't trust the guy that posted this before ... but if you want to who I am, I am the GUY having fun doing the aforementioned things simultaneously 24/7.

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting pulled over while driving back from summerfest still slightly intoxicated... not because i was speeding, crossing the yellow line, or forgot to stop at a stop sign, but because of my dad's tinted license plate cover.
SO to playing it cool and just getting a warning about the plate. Double SO to it being the 3rd or 4th warning my family has gotten about that plate...

Anonymous said...

SO to a clean break. I don't know what's so important about this sit-down that we "have to have," but at this point, if it's a week later and you've said jack shit about it, it clearly isn't one of your top priorities.

SO to finally being able to act on the cute redhead who wants me. Shoulda done this one during the year, damn me and my overly active conscience.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 4th. Madison, you may have pretty lame fireworks for a capitol city, but at least the terrace was jamming. I forgot that summer smelled like beer, cigs, bugs, and cheap cologne.

Anonymous said...

"SO to the 4th. Madison, you may have pretty lame fireworks for a capitol city, but at least the terrace was jamming. I forgot that summer smelled like beer, cigs, bugs, and cheap cologne."

We all know that cheap cologne means it's college mating season, but what do bugs smell like?

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting pulled over while driving back from summerfest still slightly intoxicated... not because i was speeding, crossing the yellow line, or forgot to stop at a stop sign, but because of my dad's tinted license plate cover.
SO to playing it cool and just getting a warning about the plate. Double SO to it being the 3rd or 4th warning my family has gotten about that plate...

aso to you for driving while "slightly intoxicated" asshole

Anonymous said...

SO to watching the real world hollywood marathon in coral vision. Honestly these people make me feel better about myself since I'm horribly hungover and all i ate was mcmuffin in bed

Anonymous said...

SO to my brother for warning me not to go upstairs for a couple hours. ASO to the ugly pictures he put in my mind of my parents in bed and the fact that I can hear the waterbed swishing. One of those things that makes you go 'uuuuuuuuuuugh'.


Anonymous said...

ASO to getting thoroughly depressed after reading a mean response to my SO...
being home for the summer has made me far too sensitive. i need to get back to madison where i don't give a shit what anyone says...

Anonymous said...

SO to the most grueling competition in the world, the Tour de France dominating my month of July. 3 weeks of battling mountains, men wearing polka dots, and spandex jerseys just seem to be completely normal to me this time every summer.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the "sports experts" who wrote that "swimmers generally don't perform well out of the water". Whoever you all are, you've obviously never been in bed with one. Your minds would definitely change.

Anonymous said...

SO to summerfest; thievery corporation kicked ass and so did the last few songs of the Wailers' set.

HUGE SO to people managing to smoke up not two hundred feet inside the main gate and not get in trouble for it.

If I didn't have to ride a motorcycle back to Madison that night I would have been all up on that shit.

Anonymous said...

"SO to a clean break. I don't know what's so important about this sit-down that we "have to have," but at this point, if it's a week later and you've said jack shit about it, it clearly isn't one of your top priorities."

ASO to me, turns out she had food poisoning...

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommates all leaving for the weekend. I may have cleaned all the dishes in the sink you left when you finally through out all your left-overs, but you may want to clean the sofa before you sit on it.

Anonymous said...

ASO to queefing. I'm going to tell everyone you did that

Yeah ASO to queefing. that is the most embarrassing and annoying thing EVER! it totally ruins the moment and is not our fault!! it just sort of happens...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my 46 year old co-worker telling me that if he were 20 years younger he would love to date me and then continue to list my better qualities... can you say creepy!?! it did sort of make my bf jealous tho, which was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

SO to being 21 and getting a fat black hamster who is a mack daddy sweet pimp aleady. He doesn't have a name yet though, any suggestions??


Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex for trying to convince me to have sex with him. Sorry buddy, but you have a girlfriend. and you drunkenly telling me all of a sudden that you broke up with her doesn't really fly.
oh yeah, and calling me by her name? not the biggest turn-on... prolly would've been better off calling me 'baby'

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex for trying to convince me to have sex with him. Sorry buddy, but you have a girlfriend. and you drunkenly telling me all of a sudden that you broke up with her doesn't really fly.
oh yeah, and calling me by her name? not the biggest turn-on... prolly would've been better off calling me 'baby'

hahahaha...yeah he did that all over when he was in cali also, can you say score!! The big Gf is a big

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate for texting me at 1:30 this morning to tell me Amir from CollegeHumor was at the Paradise.

Double ASO to me for believing her and freaking out because I missed him- then vowing to scour the streets of Madison today to "accidentally" run in to him.

SO to her BF this morning for telling me it was just a guy who kinda looked like him before I took to the streets.

Anonymous said...

SO to summerfest being over. As much as I love you, 11 days straight of getting hit on by creepy and/or old men is just a little too much to handle. ASO to the one guy I thought was normal and gave my number to calling and texting me at least 5 times a day. At what number of unanswered messages does stalker status go into effect?

Anonymous said...

ASO to people hating on my work conversations. First of all they are work conversations, just to kill the time. Secondly, you try using the kind of chemicals that can strip 8 layers of wax off a ground in 10 minutes mixed in with my weekend activities and try and have a n intelligent conversation. Good-bye Dean's List... HELLO McBurney Students.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the "sports experts" who wrote that "swimmers generally don't perform well out of the water". Whoever you all are, you've obviously never been in bed with one. Your minds would definitely change.

I've been in bed with a swimmer, and let's just say he was a fish out of water. I'm beginning to think all swimmers are like to prove me wrong? ;)

Anonymous said...

ASO for being stuck going to summerfest with my mom and her friends because my MSOE friends back home suck. Double ASO for watching forty year old creepers hitting on them to an 80's cover band, assuring them their marriages are indeed over.

Anonymous said...

Major SO to watching one of the most epic tennis championship games in history. Mr. Sexy aka my boyfriend aka Rafael Nadal finally dominating Roger on grass through two rain breaks, multiple lost match points and Fed's beautiful unsweaty hair was ah-mazing!

Anonymous said...

double aso to you for driving while "slightly intoxicated"

Anonymous said...

ASO to Madison over the wknd of the 4th...where was everyone? All i saw were creepy guys in their cars honking/nodding/catcalling us...seriously, do you REALLY get girls like that? stop!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being in a serious relationship. yeah it's kind of nice, but oh my gosh my life is so mundane.
SO to the SO's and living vicariously.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex for trying to convince me to have sex with him. Sorry buddy, but you have a girlfriend. and you drunkenly telling me all of a sudden that you broke up with her doesn't really fly.
oh yeah, and calling me by her name? not the biggest turn-on... prolly would've been better off calling me 'baby'

hahahaha...yeah he did that all over when he was in cali also, can you say score!! The big Gf is a big

when he was in cali? pretty sure he's never even been to cali... or wait, is Cali your name?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the "sports experts" who wrote that "swimmers generally don't perform well out of the water". Whoever you all are, you've obviously never been in bed with one. Your minds would definitely change."

Yeah, I've done that. I have to agree with the limp fish analogy unfortunately enough...

Anonymous said...

ASO to returning home to the cilla for the 4th. There is a reason why the city has a ghetto name, and I would never like to return.
SO to being hit on by drunk high school sluts

Anonymous said...

ASO to whoever the "controller" is here for not posting my SO. who are you too judge, bitch. $10 bucks you don't even post this.

i can't wait till summer's over and you get off your little power trip. i'm protesting by not posting another single SO the rest of the summer.

Anonymous said...

SO to sleeping naked. ASO to waking up at 4 am to a guy in the next building looking at you through his binoculars.

I need to remember to shut the drapes while I sleep.

Anonymous said...

aso to the person in 265 langdon who has left their alarm going off for hours every morning for the last few days. if i find you, i WILL kill you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to whoever the "controller" is here for not posting my SO. who are you too judge, bitch. $10 bucks you don't even post this.

i can't wait till summer's over and you get off your little power trip. i'm protesting by not posting another single SO the rest of the summer.

oops, looks like somebody owes the shoutout controller $10. well played, making a bet with the person who directly effects the outcome of said bet.

Anonymous said...

ASO to sundays, mondays, tuesdays and wednesdays

is it the weekend yet?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to returning home to the cilla for the 4th. There is a reason why the city has a ghetto name, and I would never like to return.
SO to being hit on by drunk high school sluts"

I HATE the Cilla and really am never going back! It may be where my roots lie, but I'm going to plant my seeds elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the swimmers who have been bad in bed. You're giving the rest of us a bad reputation! I promise we aren't all like that. Most of us actually know how to use the bodies that have been sculpted by spending excessive amounts of time in the water.

Anonymous said...

SO to working at a fire station where I am one of the only female firefighters! ASO to getting paged out at 3am for a structure fire and forgetting to throw on my bra. Yes, I had been sweating, and yes it was cold, but that does not give you the right to stare.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the lottery. ASO to two back-to-back night games. ASO to having a million points for the lottery and not winning.

SO to still having another year and being able to watch this system get destroyed by drunken idiots, while I sit at home in my stupor.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting Season football tickets!!!!! The agonizing wait is finally over and now I will have yet another year of watching Bucky do endless amounts of push ups beacuse we will score so many points! U-rah-rah wisconsin!

Anonymous said...

ASO to everyone's facebook status about getting football tickets. Good for you, now fuck off because those of us who didn't get them don't want to hear or read about it.

Anonymous said...

huge ASO to the lottery system for not picking my id. i just went on facebook and literally all the status updates were along the lines of "f* this/ f* freshmen who get tickets".

Anonymous said...

SO to life going on.

Anonymous said...

so to watching fireworks with a bunch of hicks. favorite quote: "God Bless America. Where else can you blow your fingers off and have so much fun with your clothes on?"

Anonymous said...

ASO to guys with poor communication skills. You blow me off and I get the hint, so I don't talk to you for forever and then when i do, you act really excited to talk to me? WTF

Anonymous said...

ASO to the endless SO's and ASO's to getting/not getting football tickets. Let me sum it up: Woo hoo, we all love wisconsin football. Fuck you lottery system for screwing a majority of us football lovers over.

We are all going to get wasted every saturday regardless!

Anonymous said...

SO to being dealt all four aces in solitare!!!! ASO to this being the most exciting thing that has happened to me all day at work.

Anonymous said...

SO to my hot neighbor for painting a room in his boxers. You can paint my walls anytime.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to returning home to the cilla for the 4th. There is a reason why the city has a ghetto name, and I would never like to return.
SO to being hit on by drunk high school sluts"

"I HATE the Cilla and really am never going back! It may be where my roots lie, but I'm going to plant my seeds elsewhere."

The Cilla is a horrible place. Good people, except for the ones who are still living there, well most of them. ASO to Racine, WI. You suck. And a big ASO to anyone who's still living there, go to school and get a life and move out of your mom and dad's basement.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy at Memorial Lib for not yelling at me for breaking the Infolab rules after spilling my peach frapp all over the floor.

ASO to me for dropping a full, five dollar beverage.

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding out that i didn't get football tickets through everyone else raving via the shoutouts how excited they are for this season. who needs facebook to inform you when you have this?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the d-bag in the McDonalds parking lot for calling me a bitch when you almost backed up into me. Maybe if you had checked your mirror instead of being so preoccupied with your cell phone, you would have seen me.


Anonymous said...

ASO to people who signed up in the lottery just so they could sell their tickets for a higher price. I hope Bucky eats your soul for pricing out my friends.

Anonymous said...

ASO to guys with poor communication skills. You blow me off and I get the hint, so I don't talk to you for forever and then when i do, you act really excited to talk to me? WTF

SO to my fellow men who have tried to play hard-to-get and accidentally overdone it. Women, please accept our gift of penis.

Anonymous said...

SO to hitting the refresh button repreatedly solely in order to see the hit counter increase by one each time. please tell me this hasn't been here the whole time, otherwise my summer has been a waste until now.

Anonymous said...

SO to life going on.

Sounds like the talk of someone who got tickets. That, or you aren't a true Badger and don't care.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for unintentionally spying and just getting caught! whether you believe me or not, I was just inspired by that war mini series coming up on HBO!!!

SO to the war mini series coming up on HBO!

Anonymous said...

SO to the neighbor boy for studying naked. ASO to the fact that that's all you were doing.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy who made a fb protest group... Perhaps a bit too much, but i am so down with a drinking protest.

Anonymous said...

Anti shout out to the d-bags lighting off firecrackers behind our house at 1 in the morning. Seriously. Wtf? Also, was it really necessary to throw a bunch onto our porch after my roommate threatened to call the cops? Burn in hell assholes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the new "free counter" further illustrating everyones obsession with compulsively checking for new shoutouts

Anonymous said...

ASO to me. I was excited to get tickets (especially after not getting it via the freshmen lottery last year and seemingly being the only person on my floor to not get basketball tickets), but totally forgot how much of a d-bag I was being by announcing it via facebook feed. I repent.

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to all the people who just got their football tix so they could sell them off right away. Seeing your postings on Facebook Marketplace selling them for $400-500 just makes me greatly dislike you. You take all the fun out of it all.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me having so much time on my hands I've been speed cycling through obsessions faster than a five year old ADD child at the zoo...I've gone from being unable to stop listening to Maximo Park for a week, to being head over heels for Edward Cullen the next, now I've moved on to Gossip Girl and saying "I'm Chuck Bass" every chance I get. I can already feel the next wave taking over...damn BBC and their Top Gear marathons.

Anonymous said...

EXTRA SO to the guy who posted this on Craigslist

Male student offering season set of tickets at face value in exchange for a dinner date (single student-aged females only need respond).

SO to there probably being dozens of hard-core, awesome lady Badger fans who would seriously consider doing this!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a quiz, a presentation, and a final exam all in one week. With the added temptation of the Terrace every night, summer courses really are hell on Earth.

Anonymous said...

SO to Jarvis Cocker gracing the Midwest with his presence for the first time in twelve years next weekend!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Lifetime movie, The Party Never Stops. It's a story about this innocent girl who becomes a binge drinker once she gets to college. Not only do I now feel really guilty about my drinking but am seriously embarrassed about watching Lifetime...ugh, my life sucks and now I don't want to have a drink to make me feel better :(

Anonymous said...

ASO to the newest addition to our home. If you're not going to pay for your unwanted presence, you better start acting as our maid. As in, right now.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex who IMs my little sister because I refuse to talk to him. I'm sorry you alienated all your age-appropriate friends but that doesn't mean you can creep on 15 year olds!

Anonymous said...

SO to summer in Madison meaning finally having my hometown back. You're so much more enjoyable without coasties, freshmen, and asshole bicyclists.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the huge disappointment of eating Ian's while sober. You were so delicious when I was trashed and sitting on the curb. Daylight, a table, and no alcohol apparently takes away your magic.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the Lifetime movie, The Party Never Stops. It's a story about this innocent girl who becomes a binge drinker once she gets to college. Not only do I now feel really guilty about my drinking but am seriously embarrassed about watching Lifetime...ugh, my life sucks and now I don't want to have a drink to make me feel better :("

SO to you! I was watching that and not really seeing what was wrong with her life up until she was taking her swim top off for Girls Gone Wild, except maybe the blowing off of the nice musician in favor of one night stands with douche bags. Does that mean there's something wrong with me? I could use a happy hour call right about now, as long as I don't come home to my mom sitting on my bed.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for taking your advice and refreshing the home page to see the counter increase. I kept thinking, oh, one more person is on the web site now! Then I realized that person was me.

Anonymous said...

ASO to pEoPlE wHo TyPe lIkE tHiS. iSn'T tHiS aNnOyInG!? eVeRyOnE bUt yOu sEeMs to tHiNk sO. tHeRe sHoUlD bE a lAw, mAnDaTiNg tHaT yOuR fInGeRs aRe bRoKeN uNtIl yOu cAn uSe a kEyBoArD pRoPeRlY. n0oB.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy complaining about getting a shitty tip on an 85 dollar bill. if you had told us the discount only applied to the first boot we would have tipped better. Anways, we felt bad the next day, we may make it up to you in the future.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Jarvis Cocker gracing the Midwest with his presence for the first time in twelve years next weekend!"

As one Dr. Todd Quinlan might say...


SO to being able quote something from every single Scrubs episode...

Anonymous said...

"SO to the guy who made a fb protest group... Perhaps a bit too much, but i am so down with a drinking protest."

I think you meant ASO, because really? wear white to badger games as protest of the lottery? please.

Anonymous said...

aso to my creepy 45 year old male boss who ONLY hires underage girls. there are no guys and im the only girl who's legal. he is the definition of creeper.

Anonymous said...

SO to starwars being on tv for the past couple of nights. luke skywalker is a BAMF!!

Anonymous said...

shout out to being paid to sit at a desk and read shout outs. ohh madison summers...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Lifetime movie, The Party Never Stops. It's a story about this innocent girl who becomes a binge drinker once she gets to college. Not only do I now feel really guilty about my drinking but am seriously embarrassed about watching Lifetime...ugh, my life sucks and now I don't want to have a drink to make me feel better :(

That's what you get for acting like a middle-aged neurotic. Beer makes you happy, and happy people don't think their life sucks. So buck up and down a 6-pack.

Anonymous said...

SO to the fruit stand guys. They always make my day. It's always the saddest day of my life when they pack up and leave for the winter.

Anonymous said...

Big Anti-Fucking-Shoutout to whomever steals mopeds. Do you know how expensive they are and how fucking hard I worked to get that? And now I'm without a vehicle, have to go through a shit ton of insurance, AND ON TOP OF IT still have to pay more money for a new one. So Fuck-You-Very-Much you criminal son of a bitch. If I ever find you, I will make sure you a prosecuted to the fullest extent and GET YOUR ASS BEHIND BARS!!!!

Whew, okay, I'm done yelling now.

Anonymous said...

SO to absolutely knowing that this website will get more than 100,000 hits this summer. Shoutouts & keep me way too busy.

Anonymous said...

SO to clicking refresh about 50 times just so i could see the counter at 002222. ASO to the bitch who logged on right after 002221 and made me miss it, therefore ruining my fun for the week. you suck.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding a website that has all of the episodes of undressed for free! makes me feel like a 13 year old sneaking around late at night to watch dirty tv again!

Anonymous said...

ASO to bad haircuts and to people who say "don't worry, you're hair will grow back". It may grow back, but in the meantime, I look like a 4 year old took a pair of safety scissors to my head. Maybe I'll just shave it all off and get a wig.

Anonymous said...

SO to model behavior on disney. LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

Shout out to living in my boring home town for the summer. Because of this, I got to meet the amazing Dish Boy..aka my high ass neighbor, walking around our hallway in wearing nothing but a box of Cascade dish soap.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not knowing what is going on in the world because there aren't free newspapers everywhere I go.

Anonymous said...

SO to my upstairs neighbors for giving me their wireless password when they were drunk. ASO to one of their bitch ass girlfriends who made them change it when they found out I was using it for free.

Anonymous said...

SO to my wonderful job...lets just say that doors aren't the only thing I want to be banging on

Anonymous said...

ASO to guys with poor communication skills. You blow me off and I get the hint, so I don't talk to you for forever and then when i do, you act really excited to talk to me? WTF

We must know the same guy. Either that or there are way too many of them out there...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the chick above who commented about guys with poor conversational skills. Maybe that guy was a little too hungover to have a conversation about how your weekend was and just wanted to sit peacefully in silence. And then the next time you talked to him he didn't have a throbbing headache and could handle a conversation. Or maybe you finally decided to wear make-up

Anonymous said...

SO to the fruit stand guys. They always make my day. It's always the saddest day of my life when they pack up and leave for the winter.

i second that! i love them!

Anonymous said...

SO to me for getting the counter to 3000, ASO for doing exactly this on my night off....

Anonymous said...

SO to finding a website that has all of the episodes of undressed for free! makes me feel like a 13 year old sneaking around late at night to watch dirty tv again!

SO to you for informing me of such awesomeness! I can't wait to watch the one with the step brother and sister who are all over each other again.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my bitch *am I allowed to say bitch...* roommate. First you start dating my ex-boyfriend then you interrupt my Without A Trace marathon because you want to make out on the couch and not your bed. Can't you just get start having sex all the time in private like all of the regular couples?

Anonymous said...

so to Marcus Monroe, the juggler at Summerfest. I was this close to creating a myspace account just so I could say how sexy he was, but one look at his wall told me I was already beaten to it by hoards of 16 y/o bitches. sigh, to be young again...

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a creeper and knowing it. I'd rather be blissfully unaware. Is there a an AA for people that don't want to quit drinking, but just want to quit making a fool of themselves while drunk?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to bad haircuts and to people who say "don't worry, you're hair will grow back". It may grow back, but in the meantime, I look like a 4 year old took a pair of safety scissors to my head. Maybe I'll just shave it all off and get a wig."

Maybe you're being punished for not understanding the difference between YOU'RE and YOUR.

Anonymous said...

SO to going for a run so hard that when you get home and shower you can taste the sweat dripping down your face. It's going to be a good day.

Anonymous said...

Is the SOC a guy?

Anonymous said...

ASO to having an insane case of insomnia and making itself known every time something goes wrong in my life.

SO to Klonopin for making life that much better and helping me actually sleep on some select week nights.

Anonymous said...

ASO to boys who play hard to get. if you arent...just say you aren't into me! i'll get over it! but the suspense is killing me!