Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 11

gooooo for it


Anonymous said...

SO to me for being the first poster! ASO to me for being excited about it...

Anonymous said...

SO to my 10 year old brother who saw my dry legs and said i have reptile there are too many erectile dysfunction commercials on tv

Anonymous said...

ASO to living in Missouri for the summer, where all the McDonald's don't have rootbeer. It's the little things that make Wisconsin great.

Anonymous said...

ASO to you, co-worker. instead of growing some balls and asking you to go out, i succumbed to going on a date with your creepy friend. wait, i'm a girl. i don't want balls. but i do want you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being a girl. Fuck you, estrogen.

Anonymous said...

SO to the kid i babysit for, who told me that the reason i didn't have to parallel park during my driving test is that i'm so old that they only had horses in my day.
ASO to me for thinking it was because i'm cute. apparently i was very wrong...

Anonymous said...

SO to me for being the first poster! ASO to me for being excited about it...

you just ruined the internet. the summer shoutouts were my last hope at a civilized blog and you just took a deuce on it. Segway man would frown in shame

Anonymous said...

SO to me for finally doing laundry for the first time in 6 weeks.

ASO to it being because I mistook my hamper for the toilet after a night at the bars.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommates boyfriend waking me up drunk at 3 am telling me i had to be at work by 5 and jumping on my bed. at least it made me laugh. ASO to me really having to work at 6 and him coming back 3 more times and not going to bed until i gave him a hug and then locked the door.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommates boyfriend waking me up drunk at 3 am telling me i had to be at work by 5 and jumping on my bed. at least it made me laugh. ASO to me really having to work at 6 and him coming back 3 more times and not going to bed until i gave him a hug and then locked the door.

Anonymous said...

ASO to going into my 17 year old brother's room to get my DVD back and finding it buried in a stack of cheap '70s-style porn. Then using his computer because mine crashed, starting to type something into google and finding previous queries like "how to fist" and "gay porn".
ASO to him being a total creeper at 17.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding the limit to my recycling fantacisim. I couldn't bring myself to move my roommates 3 condom boxes from the trash to the recycling bin. I know your girlfriend was in town, but damn, 3 boxes??

Anonymous said...

SO to reading the sentence "That's what she said" in The Fountainhead.

Anonymous said...

"Um, he's a sprinter on the track team and a business major. SO to that.

You know what they say about sprinters, they always finish in under fifteen seconds..."

...21.2 seconds to be exact: Personal Record.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to being a girl. Fuck you, estrogen."

SO to having balls. You fuckin rock TESTOSTRONE!

Anonymous said...

ASO to people who tell you when and where they have seen your exs. Seriously, we broke up for a reason, and it might still suck for us, so do everyone a favor and keep your mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to going into my 17 year old brother's room to get my DVD back and finding it buried in a stack of cheap '70s-style porn. Then using his computer because mine crashed, starting to type something into google and finding previous queries like "how to fist" and "gay porn".
ASO to him being a total creeper at 17."

wow, and i thought Madison was a bastion of sexual openness/liberation...ahh, Midwewstern repression.

Anonymous said...

SO to my summer job working in a lab with the lab rats.

ASO to my summer job for the past two days being the joyful job of taking their temperatures in the rectum.

SO to the ugliest rat there for smashing his face against the side of the bag he was in and looking exactly like Alf.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the 4 year old boy in my camp class who came up to me and said, "you have a baby in your belly!". Yes I might have gained a little weight while in college but you could have at least asked instead of telling me. god i need a drink.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to people who tell you when and where they have seen your exs. Seriously, we broke up for a reason, and it might still suck for us, so do everyone a favor and keep your mouth shut."

I second that. but SO to people who add in that your ex looks terrible because his new haircut makes him look like a 12 year old creeper. at least that's a little comforting...

Anonymous said...

SO to being at the zoo yesterday. I loudly commented on how hot it was, and the octogenarian man standing next to me looked at me and said, "You know what was really hot? Baling hay when it was 100 degrees outside, and it was even hotter when you were stacking that hay under the tin roof in the must've been 110. But when you got that tractor going about 10 miles and hour and the wind was whipping through your hair, woo boy. That was really living!"

SO to old people. You make my life seem more exciting.

Anonymous said...

ASO to you, co-worker. instead of growing some balls and asking you to go out, i succumbed to going on a date with your creepy friend. wait, i'm a girl. i don't want balls. but i do want you.

SO to being in the same situation and hoping that my co-worker doesn't read these and think it was me that wrote that. Only difference is, what I thought was a creepy friend turned into super cute guy.

Anonymous said...

SO to men who sing notes so high that my testicles pop.

Anonymous said...

so to the backseat of a car, 10 feet away from my parents camper. losing my virginity was glorious ;)

Anonymous said...

ASO to my buffalo roommate, we've been trying to get rid of you all year, and with only a month left we still hate you more than ever.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Brett Farve. Knock it off already. You're old news, literally.

Anonymous said...

SO to Denny's being open 24 hours. Your creepy clientele are a never-ending source of amusement at 2 in the morning.

ASO to the guy in the next booth. Quit rolling a blunt in the middle of the damn restaurant.

Anonymous said...

so to the backseat of a car, 10 feet away from my parents camper. losing my virginity was glorious ;)

you are legit stupid if you think your parents didn't hear you. if they haven't said anything yet they're just trying to not be awkward. sex in a car = not secretive no matter what you do.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for being the first poster! ASO to me for being excited about it...

making fun of you would be like making fun of a midget with down syndrome... it would just feel wrong afterwards

Anonymous said...

SO to finding the limit to my recycling fantacisim. I couldn't bring myself to move my roommates 3 condom boxes from the trash to the recycling bin. I know your girlfriend was in town, but damn, 3 boxes??

some people actually like sex

Anonymous said...

SO to my brother for explaining the Favre situation as 'So imagine you've had a dog since you were born, and then the dog dies. You cry, and it's hard, but you grieve and get over it. Then, a few months later your dog comes back to life. This zombie dog doesn't want to live with you and your new puppy, instead he goes to live with your neighbors who you HATE. It's so awful.'

Anonymous said...

"...21.2 seconds to be exact: Personal Record."

SO to my own personal record being an hour and twenty minutes, in more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

ASO to overprotective parents and having to lie about where I'm going at night... for real, I feel like I'm 12.

Anonymous said...

SO to my alcoholic aunt. At our family reunion, my niece asked, "What happens to the baby after it comes down, cradle and all?" My aunt traumatized her by responding, "The cradle hits the baby in the head, giving it severe brain trauma, and it dies. Yep, that's life for you," and went back to drinking straight whisky. She keeps it real-er.

Anonymous said...

SO to dumping my girlfriend for her sister. Major SO.

Anonymous said...

ASO to an inter-state facebook booty call. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

"so to the backseat of a car, 10 feet away from my parents camper. losing my virginity was glorious ;)"

unless you were adopted by deaf virgins who have seen nothing but G-rated movies, i think they probably know you're missing a v-card...

Anonymous said...

SO to accidentally breaking the toilet seat right off the hinges, peeing, and then going out to tell my dad what happened. SO to thinking my parents would get mad, while really the first thing my mom says is, "Thank God! I hated that seat."

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend on facebook whose break-up was on the news feed three times in three different ways. Don't worry, no one really checks facebook that often anyway...HA.

Anonymous said...

SO to dumping my girlfriend for her sister. Major SO.

"Real men of genius... We salute you, man who dumped his girlfriend for her hotter sister..."

Anonymous said...

ASO to so many of the SOs being trashy and about genitalia.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who found one crutch and decided to post it on Craig's list lost and found stating: "a single crutch was found along the side of the street near the capital. Awesome condition, sleek, light weight, aluminum. If you feel you are the owner of this lonely crutch, message me and provide a short description of the crutch or perhaps evidence of injury." Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

SO to going to Essen Haus, drinking 4 "Das Boot"(s) with my friends, getting into a peanut fight with a bachelor party, and waking up this morning butt-ass naked aside from the one sock on my foot.

Anonymous said...

SO to being at the zoo yesterday. I loudly commented on how hot it was, and the octogenarian man standing next to me looked at me and said, "You know what was really hot? Baling hay when it was 100 degrees outside, and it was even hotter when you were stacking that hay under the tin roof in the must've been 110. But when you got that tractor going about 10 miles and hour and the wind was whipping through your hair, woo boy. That was really living!"

ASO to me for knowing exactly what that man is talking about and agreeing with him. The fun of being a farmer's daughter...

Anonymous said...

"so to the backseat of a car, 10 feet away from my parents camper. losing my virginity was glorious ;)"

unless you were adopted by deaf virgins who have seen nothing but G-rated movies, i think they probably know you're missing a v-card...

A v-card? really? you get more than one? where do I get a new one? because really, there's nothing like that first time.

Anonymous said...

"SO to going to Essen Haus, drinking 4 "Das Boot"(s) with my friends, getting into a peanut fight with a bachelor party, and waking up this morning butt-ass naked aside from the one sock on my foot."

which foot?

Anonymous said...

SO to blaring bagpipe music. ASO to random people in Milwaukee not actually knowing what the shout-outs are and therefore, not giving me one.

Anonymous said...

ASO to puking twice.

Bigger ASO to being drunken enough to consciously decide passing out on the bathroom floor would be a good idea because it was cold.

SO to using the roll of toilet paper as a pillow.

Anonymous said...

really SO controller you didn't post my shoutout about a 4 year old calling me fat? I thought being called preggers by a 4 year old was the low part of my I know it can get lower.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Denny's being open 24 hours. Your creepy clientele are a never-ending source of amusement at 2 in the morning."

Hell Yeah! SO to the "Build Your Own Slam." OMG. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, hashbrowns, oatmeal...whatever you want. There is a God. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

SO to kegs and cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

SO to one of the Roadrunner headlines being, "Errant Skydiver Hits Army Band...Three Injured, Two Tubas Broken"

Being a band nerd is amazing...

Anonymous said...

ASO to first time sex. You're awkward and tend to not be that great.

SO to second-time sex an hour later. It was so much fucking better once you realized it wasn't a race!

shoutoutcontroller said...

really SO controller you didn't post my shoutout about a 4 year old calling me fat? I thought being called preggers by a 4 year old was the low part of my I know it can get lower.

-i'm pretty much going to post anything about inappropriate children, so i think there must be a shoutout to you getting called pregnant from a four year old

Anonymous said...

ASO to so many of the SOs being trashy and about genitalia.
-balls to that. take a lap

Anonymous said...

really SO controller you didn't post my shoutout about a 4 year old calling me fat? I thought being called preggers by a 4 year old was the low part of my I know it can get lower.

ASO to you for not being able to read, check last weeks comments.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom saying she wanted to see me in my birthday suit on my birthday.

Anonymous said...

SO to burning a large pile of plywood, a few bottles, moulding and a pair of closet doors in a huge bonfire yesterday. ASO to feeling redneck.

Anonymous said...

SO to reading "shoutout to you getting called pregnant from a four year old" as "shoutout to you getting pregnant from a four year old."

inappropriate indeed.

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to being in a city where people read my shirt and say "Who's Bucky?"

Anonymous said...

"SO to my own personal record being an hour and twenty minutes, in more ways than one."

ASO to you for masturbating in your parents basement for nearly an hour and a half.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend for falling asleep on my shoulder - it was cuter than cute. ASO to her drooling on my brand new shirt.

Anonymous said...

SO to british men, once you go abroad you realize all others are flawed

Anonymous said...

ASO to living in Tennessee for the summer and hearing all about how they beat us by 4 whole points in the Outback Bowl. I hate the SEC.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to you for masturbating in your parents basement for nearly an hour and a half."

Someone premies....

That said, it might be prudent not to talk smack about situations you know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to not drinking since mifflin. God please let the next 6 weeks go by fast so i can move in and get wasted!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to visit one's parents for the summer. I fucking hate it; my parents' town is possibly one of the worst places on the planet (and surprisingly, it's one of the richest places in the nation) - fucking conservatives make me want to rip every yellow ribbon off every car and shove them up their tailpipe.

Also, ASO to 99% of humanity. I'll be honest; sometimes I actually think about inhaling a few helium balloons because the world is beginning to get too dumb for my ability to tolerate it.

Anonymous said...

SO to learning the gender of the Sax player on state street.

ASO to her continued existence on State.

Anonymous said...

SO to being at a grad party and seeing a 5 year old getting her dad beer from the keg. Way to start 'em young. She's got a future at UW for sure!

Anonymous said...

ASO to living in Tennessee for the summer and hearing all about how they beat us by 4 whole points in the Outback Bowl. I hate the SEC.

My neighbors STILL won't let me forget it. ASO to this state, NOBODY looks good in orange.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the conservative population of my city: every time i see the W '04 sticker on your bumper i seriously consider rear ending you

Anonymous said...

SO to british men, once you go abroad you realize all others are flawed.

I hope you found a Brit that's been to a dentist sometime in recent memory.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the police for putting my courtdate on my birthday...fuck the police...

Anonymous said...

SO to the article that says "super-sexy is on the way out". Does that mean that coasties are going to stop trying to dress like that and start wearing actual clothes??? PLEASE tell me it's so!!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the creepers from Drake U. who jumped out at us on lake st. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU FIND US???

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to visit one's parents for the summer. I fucking hate it; my parents' town is possibly one of the worst places on the planet (and surprisingly, it's one of the richest places in the nation) - fucking conservatives make me want to rip every yellow ribbon off every car and shove them up their tailpipe.

...ASO to you. You really don't have to agree why our troops are fighting or even be a conservative, but you should at least, at a minimum, support the brave men and women over-seas fighting. If seeing yellow ribbons triggers your inner un-American-ness, I hear Canada is always a welcoming place (Bill Clinton, say what).

Anonymous said...

SO to learning the gender of the Sax player on state street.
ASO to her continued existence on State.

ASO to the sax player. Say no to sax.

Anonymous said...

SO to life, its way better than being dead

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting my fake taken 2 days before i turn 21. Not that i really need it anymore, but i have had that one since i was a junior in high school and it had a lot of sentimental value. I kinda wanted to frame it and put it in my room. Well at, least i got a lot of miles out of it.

SO to getting into the next bar by just going up to the bouncer and saying "i was just having a cig outside."

Anonymous said...

ASO to The Strokes all working on side projects, or in Julian's case, a shoe commercial, instead of working on an album together.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC for updating the shoutouts to 69 comments every week. It's happened far to many times in a row to be coincidence, so it's nice to see the SOC is just as dirty as the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

SO to staying in on a Friday night and turning SNES Super Mario World into a badass drinking game. ASO to Nintendo for making the game so damn hard when you're drunk.

Anonymous said...

SO to my grandma referring to my freckles as 'angel kisses'. Double SO to how special I actually felt after that.

Anonymous said...

do we really need a 'best of the week' post?? i mean, it's boring to read through the same ones you've already read unless you want to see if your own made it. it makes sense in the paper but......

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the police for putting my courtdate on my birthday...fuck the police..."

I fucked A police. Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

so to my brother for getting married this weekend!

aso to the fact that he didn't invite any family members to the wedding, because my family is going to bitch about this for MONTHS.

Anonymous said...

My neighbors STILL won't let me forget it. ASO to this state, NOBODY looks good in orange.

ASO to their ugly as hell orange-white checkered endzone that I have to look at pictures of everyday at work!

Anonymous said...

SO to my grandma referring to my freckles as 'angel kisses'. Double SO to how special I actually felt after that.

You know, my mother told me the same thing about birth marks. And then I realized that my birth mark was on my inner thigh. Then I thought that all angels were perverts.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to The Strokes all working on side projects, or in Julian's case, a shoe commercial, instead of working on an album together."

-I second that... please dear god, we need more awesome music!

Anonymous said...

SO to british men, once you go abroad you realize all others are flawed.

I hope you found a Brit that's been to a dentist sometime in recent memory.

...and all Americans are dumb rednecks. way to stereotype, fatty.

Anonymous said...

"SO to learning the gender of the Sax player on state street.

ASO to her continued existence on State."


Anonymous said...

SO to my brother for explaining the Favre situation as 'So imagine you've had a dog since you were born, and then the dog dies. You cry, and it's hard, but you grieve and get over it. Then, a few months later your dog comes back to life. This zombie dog doesn't want to live with you and your new puppy, instead he goes to live with your neighbors who you HATE. It's so awful.'

Your brother may be a genius...

Anonymous said...

SO to learning the gender of the Sax player on state street.
ASO to her continued existence on State.

ASO to the sax player. Say no to sax.

ASO to both of you. You've clearly never seen a sax player blow ... ;)

Anonymous said...

"SO to being at a grad party and seeing a 5 year old getting her dad beer from the keg. Way to start 'em young. She's got a future at UW for sure!"

SO/ASO to this perfectly describing my own childhood.

Anonymous said...

ASO to dreaming the perfect shout-out, then forgetting it after i woke up...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my aunt asking me if the wounds from my biking accident occurred as a result of heavy drinking. So you've heard a few stories about me, that doesn't make me an alcoholic.

I'm going to go get wasted now to drown my sorrows...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the SOC. I was proud of your original labels for each week. But "Gooo for it" so does not count as different from "Go for it". Disappointment.

Anonymous said...

shout out to visiting new york city and realizing we get a warped image of the east coast. i thought it was going to be infested with Towers coasties that all act/dress/eat/talk/smell/taste the same but it was actually sweet. go real coasties.

Anonymous said...

ASO to looking up heath ledger on and the ad on the side being a picture of a bottle of pills and the ad was beating drug addiction...

Anonymous said...

ASO to Hannah Montana. It's because of you my FOUR YEARS OLD sister wanted Uggs. Uggs!

Anonymous said...

huge ASO to the person who parked about 2 inches behind me on gilman street and blocked me in. i hope you enjoyed the lovely note i left you, oh and the scratch i left trying to maneuver my way out. you had 3 feet behind you jerk!

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for realizing that my facebook will be deactivated for sorority recruitment... which just happens to coincide with my birthday. I may pay for my friends, but that doesn't mean they'll remember my big day.

Anonymous said...

SO to Dark Knight. I think I orgasmed three times in a row at that pencil trick.

Anonymous said...

oh, come on!

gooo for it, connect four!

anyone? 90s board game jingles?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the sax player. Say no to sax.

ASO to both of you. You've clearly never seen a sax player blow ... ;)

ASO to you. YOU'VE clearly never seen/heard the sax player. And her name is Joanna for anyone who was wondering. I had a chat with her one night.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding my underage alcohol stash (circa 2003) sitting empty in my closet. Instead of cleaning it up, I wrote a note:

Dear 10th grader,

Drinking SKYY blue does not make you cool. But drinking Beer 30 and generic storebought vodka does. You'll understand when you're in college.

P.S. Johnny Football Hero never got that sports scholarship. And his girlfriend had a crack baby!

Anonymous said...

SO to actually wondering if it would be going a step too far to add Jeph Jacques as my friend on facebook.

Anonymous said...

SO to reading these while at work in Cairo, Egypt. Peace in the Middle East!

Anonymous said...

"oh, come on!

gooo for it, connect four!

anyone? 90s board game jingles?"

YESSS. Oh 90s, how I love you. And for keeping the memories alive.

Anonymous said...

SO to the bank teller who asked me if I was ok to drive after I got my eyes dilated at the eye doctor, wait to be watching out for the community!

Anonymous said...

SO to Bucky for attending a baseball game in my home town. You can take the girl out of Madison, but the mascot will still find her.
ASO to Bucky for break dancing on the ball diamond. What the hell?!

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to my summer fling. You were fun until you started to call me every day. And you wonder why I stopped answering? You're bordering on creepy!

ASO to being a girl who always ends up with clingy guys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex-boyfriend

Anonymous said...

ASO to feral children.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for making plans with a friend to open up a bar and saying

"It's really good that yr going to be an accountant cause I don't want another Yolanda-Selena situation."

Anonymous said...

SO to kegs and cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

SO to kegs and cupcakes.

Anonymous said...

wait just a goddamn minute...the sax player in lib mall is a woman? Huh!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the plasma place. All i want to do is prostitute my blood without dealing with your politics, ok?

Anonymous said...

ASO to having mono. My slutty ways have been tempered, but only temporarily. Watch out, boys, I'm going to be nympho-insane when I hit the bar scene again.

Anonymous said...

"shout out to visiting new york city and realizing we get a warped image of the east coast... but it was actually sweet. go real coasties."

FINALLY! we're actually a classy bunch, but all these bad dressers and dumb bitches from the 'burbs give us a bad rep! if you want REAL coastie, i hate to say it, but gossip girl is pretty close.