Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 10

last week's shout outs were weak guys... heavy on the complaining, light on the funny. lets step it up!

peace, love and shoutouts


Anonymous said...

SO to the girl biking while on the phone... you bitched at me for calling you out on it, and said it was your mom, currently in the hospital. I don't know about you, but biking one-handed and chatting on the phone seems like a sure-fire way to get in the hospital yourself.

Anonymous said...

SO to Questionable Content...

I seriously just read through the entire archives in two days. Also SO to doing this at work. I love my job.

Anonymous said...

SO to the lifeguards at the waterpark where I work. Watching you chase after scattered "fecal matter" in the pool with nets has been one of the more hilarious moments of my summer. I do not envy you...

Anonymous said...

SO to flipping through the channels and stumbling upon the Tour de France. Another SO to watching the bikers, with their hot spandex shorts and perfect bodies, for about an hour. I'd ride them any day.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guys in my neighborhood who just lay out in the sun to tan. I appreciate the end result but could you man up a little and throw a frisbee or kick a soccer ball around? Leave the sunbathing to us girls.

Anonymous said...

ASO to our Scrabble game last night. My friend and I had the epic opportunity to play "vagina" twice on one board, only to have it f*ed up by my brother.

SO to moving back to Madison so we don't have to play Scrabble to entertain ourselves anymore.

Anonymous said...

aso to my advisor for emailing me and telling me i have to change my schedule because they are not offering a class at the time i wanted it. wtf, i did not want an 8:50.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Jesse McCartney for looking like he stepped out of a copy of Seventeen from 2000 in his "Leaving" video. Hot girl in the video, but I feel like she's commiting statutory rape.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting LAID!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to take shots. SO to practicing with ice cold water in dixie cups...Let's face it, we go to Wisconsin, its equally, if not more important than studying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to those damn bird clocks... You know - the ones that make a chirp from a different bird every hour throughout the course of the day.

Double ASO to my parents for having one and strategically placing it so it seems to get every ounce of sunlight during these long, bright summer days.

Triple ASO to the parents probably not believing "I don't know how the bird clock ended up in the garbage. It must have been the dog."

Anonymous said...

ASO to tarnishing my innocent girl image for my mother after screaming the f-bomb when i almost drove over a turtle while on the phone with her.
at least she still thinks i go out for one or two glasses of margaritas instead of one or two pitchers...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my head. I think I'm thinning out up top. I'm only 18. Damn you male pattern baldness. Bosley hair implants here i come.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my neighbor masturbating with the window open and the blinds up. I realize ya gotta do what ya gotta do, but I don't need to hear it, much less see it...

Anonymous said...

peace, love, and shoutouts tshirts please...

Anonymous said...

ASO to those damn bird clocks... You know - the ones that make a chirp from a different bird every hour throughout the course of the day.

Double ASO to my parents for having one and strategically placing it so it seems to get every ounce of sunlight during these long, bright summer days.

Triple ASO to the parents probably not believing "I don't know how the bird clock ended up in the garbage. It must have been the dog."

--You do know there's an off-switch on those, don't you? A little well-placed super glue and that thing will never chirp again.

Anonymous said...

SO to going to going out in europe, telling the locals i go to wisconsin, and having at least half of them immediately recognize us as one of the great party schools in the country. we are amazing!

Anonymous said...

SO to having sex instead of running tonight because I get a better cardio workout.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing Feist this weekend, going to Pitchfork music festival next weekend, LOLLAPALOOZA, Mexico two days after Lolla, and moving into my apartment the day after I get back.

ASO to me having to get my wisdom teeth taken out...only because I have no idea when I'll have the time to.

Anonymous said...

SO to whoever posted the link to Questionable Content - THANK YOU. Or maybe I should say screw you, because I'm addicted after two panels and I'm spending the next week on an island with no internet.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SOC. I despise the people that hate on you. You're everything I look for in a boy/girlfriend. You've got mystery, charm, and if I might say so myself, an excellent sense of humor. Will you marry me?

Anonymous said...

ASO to tarnishing my innocent girl image for my mother after screaming the f-bomb when i almost drove over a turtle while on the phone with her.
at least she still thinks i go out for one or two glasses of margaritas instead of one or two pitchers...

Where do you live that there are turtles crossing the road and can I steal a "Turtle Crossing" sign there?
Furthermore, how do you not realize that you are fast approaching a turtle? They don't exactly dart out into the road as far as I know.
I guess you are a woman driver (I know that because you bragged about downing margaritas) but where did you learn to drive. Wisconsin?

shoutoutcontroller said...

peace, love and shout out tee shirts are a BRILLIANT IDEA. nice work, anonymous poster #15. anyone interested?

Anonymous said...

peace, love and shout out tee shirts are a BRILLIANT IDEA. nice work, anonymous poster #15. anyone interested?


Anonymous said...

ASO to me- I'm intent on screwing or at least being very very friendly with someone else this weekend because I like you way too much.

Anonymous said...

aso to getting so drunk you're not sure if you had sex with someone. double aso to forgetting to take my birth control for the last week...

Anonymous said...

ASO to me, I am the most pitiful franchise in baseball, and am only followed by fat, useless cocksuckers from the north side of the windy city. I wish someone would put me out of my misery.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting a perfect score at American Idol for Wii. ASO to it being on Lips of an Angel.. I only did it as a joke.

Anonymous said...

SO to being bored at work and starting to write haikus based on what I've read in the shoutouts. The one entitled "Ode to my lint-ridden ass crack" has a special place in my heart.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not really knowing what booze to get for a party. There should not be this many recipes for wop, and I should know how much to get to have 15 people drunk for eight hours. Any help?

Double ASO to slipping on the wet floor, watching my feet fly out from under me, cracking my ribs on the counter and spraying vanilla malt all over the floor. I don't even get a bruise out of it. Fuck that shit.

Anonymous said...

SO to Concerts on the Square. Booze, blankets and bad ass trumpet music. 'nuf said.

Anonymous said...

major SO to peace, love and shout out tshirts!!!! i would totally buy one

Anonymous said...

SO to flipping through the channels and stumbling upon the Tour de France. Another SO to watching the bikers, with their hot spandex shorts and perfect bodies, for about an hour. I'd ride them any day.

sorry to "brake" it to you, but i've found bikers are also the metaphorical fish out of water :/ maybe all that sitting on the goodies has rendered them useless....

Anonymous said...

SO to OLN's *ahem Versus' coverage of the Tour. I just watched Craig and Bobke comment on how no one attacks the yellow jersey when he takes a "nature break" which was followed by a shot of several riders also pulling off to the side of the road and relieving themselves. Thank you for showing me that such respect and camaraderie still exists!

Anonymous said...

ASO to "athletes" who are bad in bed.
Listen people, they call us Jersey Chasers for a reason. If he doesn't have a jersey, he doesn't have a chance. That's my motto.
SO to my studly jersey-clad boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

peace, love and shout out tee shirts are a BRILLIANT IDEA. nice work, anonymous poster #15. anyone interested?


Anonymous said...

ASO to me, I am the most pitiful franchise in baseball, and am only followed by fat, useless cocksuckers from the north side of the windy city. I wish someone would put me out of my misery.

Oooh! Oooh! I know this one, Alex! Who are... the Chicago Cubs!

Anonymous said...

"Where do you live that there are turtles crossing the road and can I steal a "Turtle Crossing" sign there?
Furthermore, how do you not realize that you are fast approaching a turtle? They don't exactly dart out into the road as far as I know.
I guess you are a woman driver (I know that because you bragged about downing margaritas) but where did you learn to drive. Wisconsin?"

Also maybe because she used the phrase "innocent GIRL image"...

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl running on the bike path by monona terrace last night in what looked like VS PINK undies and a sports bra. (Come on, you're begging for a SO there...)

It's great you have such confidence...But hon, from one girl to another, your shorts should at least cover the bottom of your butt cheeks!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the asshole who was revving his motorcycle engine outside my window at quarter to five this morning.

If I find out who you are- I will hurt you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to "athletes" who are bad in bed.
Listen people, they call us Jersey Chasers for a reason. If he doesn't have a jersey, he doesn't have a chance. That's my motto.
SO to my studly jersey-clad boyfriend.

ASO to you, Really?? How'd an incoming freshman end up finding the summer shout-outs?? i thought all girls came to their senses after freshman year that 95% of athletes are going to be making less then the majority of business students because they won't go anywhere with it after college. So if you're with him for the 'gold digger' look it's time to make the transition to B-school students

Anonymous said...

anti shout-out to walk of shaming home at 6:45am to the equinox and running into the cleaning lady, with whom i'm on a first-name basis. she tried to cover up her surprised "oh" by telling me about today's forecast (because she's so super nice) but i couldn't even look her in the eye because of how guilty i felt for her to now know what a bad girl i am.

Anonymous said...

ASO to grammatically challenged kitties.

SO to them being so cute I can't stop looking *cries*

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for just discovering that "Cincinatti" is not the correct spelling of "Cincinnati"....

SO to correctly-spelled signs for the Brewer game!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the football lottery system! Now people are trying to sell their season of tickets for $500...WTF!

Anonymous said...

SO to taking a drunken piss on the Capitol lawn.

ASO to being a girl and having no aim, therefore peeing all over myself.

Anonymous said...

SO to Pandora for giving me the best 90s Pop music I could ask for. You just made work that much better!

Anonymous said...

SO to reading the newspaper headline "So. St. Paul woman drowns in St. Croix" as "SO to St. Paul woman drowning in St. Croix." That just seemed so morbid.

Anonymous said...

SO to shout-out T-shirts!

Anonymous said...

huge SO to the little storm we just had and the temperature dropping at least 10 degrees

Anonymous said...

ASO to wisconsin sport's fans, you do realize no other population obsesses over all-star games as much as you guys, don't you? I have never seen a state go as far as demanding their citizens to vote for Corey Hart and putting up voting stations enforcing his votes on the ballot at summerfest. Well you got what you wanted, he gets to travel and sit on the bench the whole game. CONGRATS!

By the way, Cubs will clinch play-offs and Cards will get wildcard; it's obvious and I'm not a fan of either teams. Give up your false hope, it's only going to make you more depressed come august.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the CITs (coasties in training) at soar. you're all so god damn annoying

Anonymous said...

ASO to random creepers on mopeds. Just because we are both driving motorized scooters does not mean that I know you, or want to. So beeping at me and waving can stop any time now.

Anonymous said...

SO to my coworker, who wrote "girl scout chunks" on a box of thin mint cookies.

ASO to customers who call it the thin mint blizzard. EAT YOUR GIRL SCOUT AND ENJOY IT.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting the top up on my Jeep literally 30 seconds before it started to downpour. ASO to coming home to find my female dog had peed on my bed. i would have rather had wet seats... stupid b*tch

Anonymous said...

SO to thinking in shoutouts when i see cool shit happening.

Anonymous said...

SO to the nice old lady that let me come and hang out with her cats when I got caught in a thunderstorm today on my bike.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to you, Really?? How'd an incoming freshman end up finding the summer shout-outs?? i thought all girls came to their senses after freshman year that 95% of athletes are going to be making less then the majority of business students because they won't go anywhere with it after college. So if you're with him for the 'gold digger' look it's time to make the transition to B-school students"

SO to this being true! My brief dialogue with a coastie girl:

Me: I'm looking to go into finance.
Her: Really? Does that make a lot of money?
Me: Maybe. The guy I worked under last summer made $4 million a year.
Her: Silence. She calculates how many Manolo Blahnik shoes she can buy for $4 million and what baby names are posh enough for this level of income.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me, I am the most pitiful franchise in baseball, and am only followed by fat, useless cocksuckers from the north side of the windy city. I wish someone would put me out of my misery.

Harden is a great fit for your team though... it's just like taking advil for cancer: works for the first couple days but then everything else around you starts failing.

Chicago Cubs - horrible for over 100 years... but at least they're consistent

Anonymous said...

SO to the Equinox cleaning lady...she IS so super nice and lord knows what she has cleaned up in her days.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to grammatically challenged kitties.

SO to them being so cute I can't stop looking *cries*"


Anonymous said...

SO to the guy sitting behind me on the bus talking to himself about killing people in 1988 and the police finding dead bodies in the trunk of his car after he'd shot them twice.

i need a car.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to "athletes" who are bad in bed.
Listen people, they call us Jersey Chasers for a reason. If he doesn't have a jersey, he doesn't have a chance. That's my motto.
SO to my studly jersey-clad boyfriend."

ASO to you for being a shallow bitch. SO to the three or four other girls your "studly" boyfriend is sleeping with. Get rid of the loser and get with a real athlete; GET WITH A RUNNER!

Anonymous said...

SO to the BEST comeback EVER in a fight with my lazy ass stay-at-home mother....If you're going to shoot the, "Are you paying for this?!" line at me, you better think twice, cause NEITHER the fuck are you

Anonymous said...

SO to razor scooters.

Anonymous said...

SO to my boss. You may be the oldest frat boy I know, and the biggest airhead i've ever met, but the stories I get to tell about you make working for you worth it.

Anonymous said...

shout-out to the middle aged man blaring down university on the light pink moped. thanks for making my birthday that much more special!!

Anonymous said...

anti shoutout to sts9 playing for 45 minutes at alliant energy. antishoutout to umphreys sounding exactly the same at every concert

Anonymous said...

ASO to facebook site maintenence at 11am. Why can't you do it in the middle of the night like EVERY other website?!? now i have to wait to stalk my ex until later...

Anonymous said...

"ASO to grammatically challenged kitties.

SO to them being so cute I can't stop looking *cries*


ASO to you for not knowing one of the greatest time wasters of our generation.

Anonymous said...

SO to reading this about the new iPhone...

"Just look at this obviously innovative design," Yuki Kurita said as he emerged from buying his iPhone. "I am so thrilled just thinking about how I get to touch this."

and immediately dropping a "That's what she said" out loud in the middle of a meeting.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mechanic who fixed my car, told me to pay him whenever I got the money, and let me drive away.

ASO to $600 car repairs and no job. Hope 2014 is an ok time to repay you.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to grammatically challenged kitties.

SO to them being so cute I can't stop looking *cries*"


I'm in your shoutouts, mocking you for not knowing that the poster was obviously talking about lolcats. Shoutout controller cat is not amused.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me, I am the most pitiful franchise in baseball, and am only followed by fat, useless cocksuckers from the north side of the windy city. I wish someone would put me out of my misery.

Harden is a great fit for your team though... it's just like taking advil for cancer: works for the first couple days but then everything else around you starts failing.

Chicago Cubs - horrible for over 100 years... but at least they're consistent

let me guess...brewers fans?

Anonymous said...

SO to thinking in shoutouts when i see cool shit happening.

Its nice to know I'm not the only one.

SO/ASO to me for actually managing to work them into conversations.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommie for working at the cookie truck and bringing home leftovers.

ASO to my fat ass for having gained at least 10 pounds since you started working there.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the following:

Obnoxious girl from suburbs of chicago(who says she's actually from the city) who claims to be a lifelong Cubs fan and doesn't know Rich Harden doesn't solve a leaky bullpen.

Obnoxious Brewers fan who thinks Captain Cheeseburger(a world class playoff choke-artist, ask any obnoxious Coastie who was watching the ALCS) will heal the hurt from the Packers chokejob against the Giants and thinks the Brewers-Cubs is a real rivalry.

SO to the following:
3rd place for the Brewers
A quick playoff exit for the Cubs
A 2006 repeat from my beloved Cardinals.

Anonymous said...

SO to Brett Favre possibly ending in Purple.

Finally, all you lovers of the Vicodin addict can learn what a piece of shit he is.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to grammatically challenged kitties.

SO to them being so cute I can't stop looking *cries*"


poor are missing out.

Anonymous said...

ASO to word verification. they're not even words. what the hell.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a hellish day at work and having no party to attend tonight. i need a drink. scratch that, several strong drinks, and right now.

double ASO to the only thing in our fridge being smirnoff's and if i take more than 2 of those my parents will think I am wasted and revoke the permission to drink underage in the house :( can't i just have some captain 'n coke??

Anonymous said...

SO to checking my e-mail at a sketchy European internet cafe to find out whether I got football tickets. Double SO to frightening some backpacking Slovenians with my victory dance, and being completely unable to explain the glory that is Wisconsin football to them.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting an erection while reading the shoutouts

Anonymous said...

did the SOC get season tix?

Anonymous said...

ASO to mosquitos. Clapping at random places in the air trying to kill you blood-sucking-feinds makes people walking by the reception desk I work at give me strange looks.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Farve changing his mind more than a 4 year old at Baskin Robins.

Anonymous said...

ASO to learning where my ex works and the overwhelming urge to file an anonymous sexual harassment complaint about him through the company...
maybe i'll just settle for using the newfound contact info to let him know how much i HATE him for giving me an STD and being an all around douche.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the guy who has been playing BONGO DRUMS outside my window for the last three hours. Really?

Anonymous said...

ASO to realizing my town is a shithole and deciding I'm definitely not coming home next summer. If I wanted your drama, I would've stayed in Madison and watched the Mendota ducks.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to Farve changing his mind more than a 4 year old at Baskin Robins."

learn to spell his name right, douche.

Anonymous said...

anti shout out to the person on henry whose car alarm has been going off for the last 12 hours. What I really don't want to happen is your battery to die, and you to come back and think that your car has not been making an obnoxious noise for the last 12 hours. So, please note, THAT SUCKED.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Farve changing his mind more than a 4 year old at Baskin Robins.

No, ASO to Favre in general. The douche can't even say his name right. Maybe he should try Hooked On Phonics to learn that the R comes AFTER the V.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my brother for brining home random viruses that make me throw up 17 times in 24 hours. Really, if I'm going to blow chunks that much, it'd better be after a night of drinking that bordered on alcohol poisoning.

Anonymous said...

ASO to vindictive/stalker-esque exs writing in the shout-outs. You attend a school of 40,000 students and still can't detach yourself from one person. How unattractive are you?

Anonymous said...

shout-out to being a girl and living in a frat next year. walks of shame will be so much shorter!

Anonymous said...


Only with us can you drink, sail, and dance your way into awesomeness, for 9 straight days.

Anonymous said...

ASO to J.K. Rowling's cat for being so understanding during those 7 unaffectionate years, all of which were filled with tears, smiles, and the common understanding that the cat was never a human that had transfigured that one time and since forgotten the spell.

Anonymous said...

SO the Cardinals fan. Whenever Cubs/Brewers fans start ripping on us, all we need to do is ask when their last World Series title was.

and SO to my friend, who works in the Packers Scouting Dept, who had enough balls to ask Ted Thompson in the hallway "What the hell is up with Favre?"

Anonymous said...

shout out to the person whose car alarm has been going off for more than 24 hours now.

even bigger shout out to the madison police for walking around the car, looking puzzled and then leaving.

Anonymous said...

SO to Leonidas from Meet the Spartans for the line, "Your mother's so hairy, the only language she speaks is Wookie."

Anonymous said...

SO to coming back to madison for the weekend, hooking up with 2 ex's and smoking some of the dankest buds ive ever seen. God i love this town.

Anonymous said...

SO to drunk dials - they're just hilarious. ASO to them waking me up at 2:00 in the morning. You know who you are...

Anonymous said...

"ASO to wisconsin sport's fans, you do realize no other population obsesses over all-star games as much as you guys, don't you? I have never seen a state go as far as demanding their citizens to vote for Corey Hart and putting up voting stations enforcing his votes on the ballot at summerfest. Well you got what you wanted, he gets to travel and sit on the bench the whole game. CONGRATS!"

ASO to you. Fair weather fan much?

Anonymous said...

SO to finally getting drunk for the first time this summer. My tolerance has gone to shit, but drunkenly texting totally makes it worth it.

Anonymous said...

SO to 28 year-old men. Ladies, screw this undergrad crap. These guys are WAY better in bed.

Anonymous said...

SO to CC Sabathia. Today, you def got it juicy for me. Has anyone else just realized that the Brewers must have the fattest franchise in the MLB. If CC, Fielder, McClung, and Gagne were in a lifeboat, how long would it take for that thing to sink? I'd give it 3.14 minutes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to old people who drive. A red light means STOP, meaning you don't go. SO to me for slamming on my brakes and barely avoiding an accident.

Anonymous said...

SO to shooting "good sipping" tequilla at my aunt's house. I'm in college, what did you expect?

Anonymous said...

SO to drunk dials - they're just hilarious. ASO to them waking me up at 2:00 in the morning. You know who you are...

Yes, because I'm sure among all the people out there... only one person made and only one person received a drunk dial at BARTIME. Yeap, they know EXACTLY who they are

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the fools refreshing the front page just to get to a certain number on the hit counter... What is this, kindergarten? You really can't find anything better to do?

Anonymous said...

ASO to vindictive/stalker-esque exs writing in the shout-outs. You attend a school of 40,000 students and still can't detach yourself from one person. How unattractive are you?

lmao...really? Really? 1. I wasn't so unattractive that you didn't beg me for it constantly.. 2. I've seen your current gf, big, manly, just cuz a cute girl breaks your heart doesn't mean you have to downgrade that much 3. and at least i didn't get with your best friend like she did. o wait she got with everyone...sloopy seconds anyone?

Anonymous said...

SO to working at the Rathskeller. Meeting new people, having a ton of fun, and getting paid to do it never tasted sweeter!

Anonymous said...

ASO to people responding about replies to shout outs when they didn't write the original... ie: the boy who owns horses fiancee scandal??
(this week: i wrote the vindictive shout out towards my ex, someone responded calling me unattractive, and then someone else decided to angrily respond...hmm thanks?)

Anonymous said...

SO to my little sister for explaining to me about how she was so hung over at church she left the pew and puked outside. She's all ready for Mad-town, I'm so proud!

Anonymous said...

ASO the nasty SO responses to each other getting worse each week. Peace, Love, and Shoutouts people. lets all rejoice in what is wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

Big SO to smiles, puppies, cool summer nights on the terrace, wisco football, ducks, and drinking. all that i need to make me happy

Anonymous said...

"SO to reading the newspaper headline "So. St. Paul woman drowns in St. Croix" as "SO to St. Paul woman drowning in St. Croix." That just seemed so morbid."

...Ever thought of South St. Paul? Who let the coasties get ahold of the summer shout outs?!

Anonymous said...

SO to me for sleeping with two different people in the same day. Right? Or is that an ASO? Am I commendable for my promiscuity, or condemnable for it? Oh society, your social mandates confuse me so.

Anonymous said...

"lmao...really? Really? 1. I wasn't so unattractive that you didn't beg me for it constantly.. 2. I've seen your current gf, big, manly, just cuz a cute girl breaks your heart doesn't mean you have to downgrade that much 3. and at least i didn't get with your best friend like she did. o wait she got with everyone...sloopy seconds anyone?"

Friends don't let friend shout out drunk.

Anonymous said...

"lmao...really? Really? 1. I wasn't so unattractive that you didn't beg me for it constantly.. 2. I've seen your current gf, big, manly, just cuz a cute girl breaks your heart doesn't mean you have to downgrade that much 3. and at least i didn't get with your best friend like she did. o wait she got with everyone...sloopy seconds anyone?"

"sloopy"? hahah. what the hell, i thought you were in college? at least you can read over it once so you don't end up looking like a dumbass

p.s. no one cares! it's not funny or scandalous, so please refrain from wasting my precious seconds

Anonymous said...

SO to the man walking around for the past two days yelling/looking for a girl named "tampa."
1) seriously? tampa?
2) my guess is she ran away from you. go home.

Anonymous said...

ASO to you, Really?? How'd an incoming freshman end up finding the summer shout-outs?? i thought all girls came to their senses after freshman year that 95% of athletes are going to be making less then the majority of business students because they won't go anywhere with it after college. So if you're with him for the 'gold digger' look it's time to make the transition to B-school students

ASO to you for being a shallow bitch. SO to the three or four other girls your "studly" boyfriend is sleeping with. Get rid of the loser and get with a real athlete; GET WITH A RUNNER!

Um, he's a sprinter on the track team and a business major. SO to that.

Anonymous said...

ASO to summer shoutouts. You don't need to point out any SO/ASO that could be construed as stupid or incorrect. We don't care that you think that you're smarter/better than everyone else.

Anonymous said...

so to "my boo" for calling me at 2:30AM saturday to tell me he was watching willy wonka.

and while i'm at it, aso to the song "cheer up, charlie" in willy wonka. i always fast-forward over that piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

SO to refreshing the counter so that it reads 8888...I really need something better to do...

Anonymous said...

If CC, Fielder, McClung, and Gagne were in a lifeboat, how long would it take for that thing to sink? I'd give it 3.14 minutes.

3.14 minutes.. because they eat so much pi?

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate who left behind two fridges, a perfect table for mixing drinks, and a mostly empty room for my one and only kegger this summer! ASO to him randomly coming back with his family the morning after to finish emptying his room, only to discover two fridges full of booze, his table glossed over in liquor, and a futon mattress complete with condom wrappers next to it.

Anonymous said...

Am I commendable for my promiscuity, or condemnable for it?

depends, are you a guy or a girl? if you're guy, congrats, you're a pimp. if you're a girl, you are a slutty whorebag skank-hoe, and we condemn you.

Anonymous said...

"lmao...really? Really? 1. I wasn't so unattractive that you didn't beg me for it constantly.. 2. I've seen your current gf, big, manly, just cuz a cute girl breaks your heart doesn't mean you have to downgrade that much 3. and at least i didn't get with your best friend like she did. o wait she got with everyone...sloopy seconds anyone?"

Friends don't let friend shout out drunk.

haha. Kudos to you, friend.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to summer shoutouts. You don't need to point out any SO/ASO that could be construed as stupid or incorrect. We don't care that you think that you're smarter/better than everyone else."

no one was talking about being better than anyone and anyways it's all in good fun. if you don't laugh..then maybe you don't have the same sense of humor as someone else...i know..crazy huh?

Anonymous said...

ASO to television's frequent male enhancement/erectile dysfunction commercials. For some reason, because of this desensitization, I feel totally comfortable when one comes on when I'm watching tv with my family...I guess that actually might be a SO?

Anonymous said...

ASO to reading wikipedia's article on Doping in the Tour de France. Not only do I now think EVERYONE is doping, but also picture cyclers hiding condoms full of someone else's piss under their armpit to falsify drug tests. I was totally bummed until I heard, "it's my money and I need it now!" That made my sadness dissipate, thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

aso to brett favre tearing my heart to pieces, to my parents finding out about my underage drinking, and to a diff eq test on thursday. this week will be HELL.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the creeper on the terrace who proceeded to tell us that he likes his customers to be SATISFIED so that they'll keep coming back.

Anonymous said...

"SO to reading the newspaper headline "So. St. Paul woman drowns in St. Croix" as "SO to St. Paul woman drowning in St. Croix." That just seemed so morbid."

...Ever thought of South St. Paul? Who let the coasties get ahold of the summer shout outs?!

Um, I think you don't understand. By "SO" he/she meant SHOUT TO to etc, etc. not SO liek omgz.

Who's the coastie now?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"SO to my roommate who left behind two fridges, a perfect table for mixing drinks, and a mostly empty room for my one and only kegger this summer! ASO to him randomly coming back with his family the morning after to finish emptying his room, only to discover two fridges full of booze, his table glossed over in liquor, and a futon mattress complete with condom wrappers next to it."

SO to you, my friend. THIS is what the shoutouts are all about.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Memorial Union live camera feed. Although I feel like a creeper, it gives me a ray of sunshine in these dreary small ass town of central Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

"lmao...really? Really? 1. I wasn't so unattractive that you didn't beg me for it constantly.. 2. I've seen your current gf, big, manly, just cuz a cute girl breaks your heart doesn't mean you have to downgrade that much 3. and at least i didn't get with your best friend like she did. o wait she got with everyone...sloopy seconds anyone?"

"sloopy"? hahah. what the hell, i thought you were in college? at least you can read over it once so you don't end up looking like a dumbass

p.s. no one cares! it's not funny or scandalous, so please refrain from wasting my precious seconds

It must have been some what funny or scandalous, cuz shout-out controller put it out maybe your just a little defensive...
my bad he likes sloppy seconds, not sloopy ones. lol lighten up bra! peace, love and shout-outs

Anonymous said...

SO to getting the drunkest I've been all summer with my dad and step mom. ASO to deciding that this would be a good night to drunk text like a giddy twelve year old girl.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ASO to seeing "peace love and shoutouts" at the bottom of every other post. Seriously, it was awesome the first time, but now you're all just taking away from the power that the phrase "peace, love and happiness" had in the Haight-Ashbury district in '67. We may go to a wonderfully liberal "hippie" college, but it doesn't mean you have to turn a cultural statement of the hippie generation into a blasé phrase about college students arguing on a summer blog.

How about you all start showcasing that famous wit and originality that Badgers are known for. Peace and love don't really go with the sarcasm and cynicism of the shoutouts anyway.
We're Badgers! And that means we're fucking awesome and we can come up with something a little more shoutout-like. Who's with me?

Anonymous said...

ASO to shoutout replies. Quit it already!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my chem TA. I know we're on this whole "peace, love, and shoutouts" kick, but I really want to punch him in the face.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the "online clothes store" ads on Facebook. Who do you cater to, hookers? Because of you, I can't really play Scrabulous at work anymore because of the half-naked women on that screen.

Anonymous said...

ASO to have to share a bathroom with my little brother this summer because his is being re-done. Trying to get myself to bed at night when i'm intoxicated is hard enough without you leaving the seat up for me to drown in.

Anonymous said...

SO to watching the hit counter make the 10,000 mark and then going to post a shoutout about it when the site went psycho. i had some Y2K flashbacks there for a minute.

Anonymous said...

SO to the year 1998.


Anonymous said...

ASO to finally breaking down and watching the new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Double ASO to Tim Burton. Replicating the same weirdo as an oompa lumpa was the cherry on top of the shittiest remake ever.

Anonymous said...

ASO to shoutout replies. Quit it already!

Agreed. (Sorry, but I had to reply to that.)

Anonymous said...

ASO to the "online clothes store" ads on Facebook. Who do you cater to, hookers? Because of you, I can't really play Scrabulous at work anymore because of the half-naked women on that screen

You mean you don't use Adblock Plus & firefox? ASO to you.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to shoutout replies. Quit it already!"

SO to you, I was just thinking that...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy I like texting me every day after midnight. Do you like me, or are you just drunk every night?

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's more of an ASO...that I'm sitting home youtubing "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion or that I actually cried watching the music video...

Anonymous said...

SO to having this convo with my dad:
Me: "I guess going to law school means I'm going to be a lawyer when I grow up."
Dad: "Cindy, you're 21 years old. You are a grown up."
And my face fell and I said "Oh my god. I am a grown up... waiter, I need a cocktail, right now."

Anonymous said...

SO to alcohol. I think that about covers it.

Anonymous said...

SO to the anti-drug commercial where the kid builds a cocoon of pot and emerges a bald loser. If I had enough pot to build a cocoon...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy who took forever to get over deciding that he wants me again now that I'm with someone else. SO to finally being the one in control of things between us.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a dream where everyone forgot about my birthday and only two people posted on my facebook wall. The only present I received was from my mom and it was a machine that made deviled eggs. Seriously the scariest dream ever.

Anonymous said...

SO to BSB! Unlike NSync, they're still touring and making albums. Ultimate SO to BSB for touring with Girliscious!
ASO to me for sounding like a teenybopper.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what's more of an ASO...that I'm sitting home youtubing "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion or that I actually cried watching the music video...

it's ok, I cried reading this shoutout

Anonymous said...

ASO to hooking up with my best friend. Now everything is just completely awkward. Fuck my life.

Anonymous said...

SO to my fellow Badgers who provide their wit and humor in response to other shoutouts. Sometimes, they can make a good SO better (e.g. the "I didn't know Amy Winehouse posted in the shoutouts" response) or let everyone know that we don't tolerate nonsense in the shoutouts (e.g. the "Friends don't let friends shoutout drunk" response).

Anonymous said...

"Um, he's a sprinter on the track team and a business major. SO to that."

You know what they say about sprinters, they always finish in under fifteen seconds...