Friday, July 11, 2008

shout-out tee shirts!

here's the shout out tee shirt so far. the slogan on the back was a great shout out from this week (author of said shout out, be proud). however, that's subject to change if someone can think of something amazing! post ideas for the shout out on the back that relates to either wisconsin, bucky, badgers, madison or the shout outs and general and we'll pick the best one! happy shouting


Anonymous said...

they should be tye-dyed!!

granted that would probably up the cost a little bit, it would be well worth it

Anonymous said...

I like the design and the SO you picked, but does it have to be white? What about red with white print?

shoutoutcontroller said...

tye-dye is a great idea for the "official" summershoutouts shirts... there is a big outlet for any white/red shirts around anyways...if you people want the shirts we could totally make it happen

shoutoutcontroller said...

update: there seems to be no good/reasonably priced tie dye, but here's another color scheme to see if you guys like this better. we'll also talk to sconnie to see if they'll give us a discount. keep posting ideas!!

Anonymous said...

What about something more along these lines soc.

Anonymous said...

Or this one

Anonymous said...

my final thought on the shirts, clearly i need to get back to madison so i have better things to do with my time than create shirts for shoutouts. SO to having only 6 weeks till im back!

Anonymous said...

SO to the new color scheme.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the red shirt and white print idea...keeping it badger style

Anonymous said...

but... if you talk to the guys at sconnie... THEY'LL KNOW WHO THE SO CONTROLLER IS!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great to have the same front but allow each person to design their own back by choosing their own favorite SO :)

and red looks good on everyone. yellow definitely doesn't. And who doesn't want one more red shirt??? Badgers for life!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great to have the same front but allow each person to design their own back by choosing their own favorite SO :)

and red looks good on everyone. yellow definitely doesn't. And who doesn't want one more red shirt??? Badgers for life!

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the hippy dippy t shirt designs. they look too feminine, how many guys are going to buy these shrts

Anonymous said...

Who wants to go undercover for the SOC?

Anonymous said...

props to the first and second ones, great design, we can tinker with the colors if ya want

Anonymous said...

The words are kinda hard to read on the page, so here is what it says on the shirt:

SO to playing beer pong with someones grandma and having her tell us she wished they had "this game" at the senior center

ASO to accidentally swallowing one
of my contact lenses. that was weird

SO to the octogenarians

ASO to having some of my old high
school teachers come up on facebook's "People You May Know." Inappropriate.

"SO to discovering my favorite place in the world is in his arms." Shoutouts like this make me want to dropkick kittens and drown babies

ASO to pEoPlE wHo TyPe lIkE tHiS.

ASO to the target cashier for
cheerfully wishing me a good day.
i bought one item, a pregnancy test. Really? REALLY?

Anonymous said...

maybe leaving them white would be a good idea.. you could have friends write SOs on them, wear them to a graffiti party, tie-dye them if you want to.. the possibilities are really endless with white.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I like the symbol on the shirt but I like the SO that the SOC chose, as well as getting red & white (and tie dye if possible)!

Anonymous said...

...those aren't that good...

Anonymous said...

I like the red and white shirt. ASO to the bright yellow shirts with the rainbow heart. Those are just obnoxious looking

Anonymous said...

wow you guys. if you can come up with something better, show us. otherwise just leave it alone if you don't like the idea in the first place. this doesn't have to turn into a debate. it should just be ideas and helpful comments.

shoutoutcontroller said...

hey everyone, couple things...

1- we appreciate all the people who have given their design ideas for tee shirts, but what were really looking for is a good shout out for the back of the shirt!

2- though some of your ideas were a lot cooler, price wise/thinking about what most people will like, we're probably going to go with something a little more simple. so its either...
--white with red writing
--red with white writing
--blue with green writing
the shirt will have peace, love and shoutouts on the front and ONE shout out quote on the back. so throw out some ideas for the quote!

3- we'll probably order these so they'll be in right when everyone is getting back to madison. stay tuned and we'll let you know where we'll be selling them, probably $10 or less a tee shirt.

we love you guys, thanks for all your help and support!

Anonymous said...

SO to Madison, WI!

Anonymous said...

Here's my vote
Colors: Red/White (I don't care which is the font color)

Quote: "SO to thinking in shoutouts when I see cool shit happening"

Anonymous said...

ASO to this whole thread being about t-shirts and not containing any real shoutouts.

Anonymous said...

the font should be the font the badger herald uses for shoutouts

Anonymous said...

I second the grandma one (def. this one is fucking amazing), the dropkicking kittens one and pregnancy test... at lest go for a couple options with quotes... please?!?

Anonymous said...

how about us poor helpless souls in different places then Madison and won't be around for the school year, can you help a brother/sister out and make this available to order and ship?

Anonymous said...

Here's my vote
Colors: Red/White (I don't care which is the font color)

Quote: "SO to thinking in shoutouts when I see cool shit happening"

^ i agree

Anonymous said...

Here's my vote
Colors: Red/White (I don't care which is the font color)

Quote: "SO to thinking in shoutouts when I see cool shit happening"

I second that. SO to Badger colors and keeping it simple. It would take forever to pick a specific favorite that everyone would wear, plus thinking in shoutouts is timeless. It's like a shoutout to shoutouts.

Anonymous said...

SO to Bucky

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Here's my vote
Colors: Red/White (I don't care which is the font color)

Quote: "SO to thinking in shoutouts when I see cool shit happening"

I second this.

Anonymous said...

Colors: white w/ red letting bc people can do whatever fun things they want with them

Anonymous said...

so to the backseat of a car, 10 feet away from my parents camper. losing my virginity was glorious ;)

Anonymous said...

ASO to my buffalo roommate, we've been trying to get rid of you all year, and with only a month left we still hate you more than ever.

Anonymous said...

friends dont let friends shoutout drunk

Anonymous said...

I vote for this one as an option:

"SO to Bucky... You are my favorite pantless mammal."