Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Week 2: Summer Summer Summertime

Because so many of you complained about the repetitive and lame shout outs (can't say i disagree...) we're going to try controlling this week. We solemnly swear to update at least once a day, but we're going to shoot for even more. If you all really hate it, send in a post and we can change it back. good luck on finals!


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Anonymous said...

SO to the homeless guy on state street asking for "donations for marijuana research"- props for creativity!

Anonymous said...

Dear Coasties,

Some of us Sconnnies really don't hate you and would be open to forming friendships. SO to the girl who said she couldn't make friends among the Sconnie population this year - keep on trying, some of us aren't haters!

The Tolerant Sconnies

Anonymous said...

ASO to mint oreos. I thought you'd sure my junk food craving, but instead I just feel like I'm eating toothpaste.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to leave a final early to get to work late. No pressure to finish that essay, huh?

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to the shoutout controller, you're seriously cutting back on the amount of time I was spending procrastinating... Now I have to find another way to put off studying...

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for farting on my mattress as soon as I left for home, and then texting me about it...
ASO to wishing I was back in Madison so I could laugh about it with her

Anonymous said...

ASO to the last final being the hardest - you had to twist the knife for as long as possible, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

"huge SO to the girl who held up her math exam in the row ahead of me, thanks to you I was able to do problems 3 and 4, and therefore, probably pass"

SO to this guy. If only you knew that i had no idea what i was doing, and failed that exam. Sorry dude looks like I'll see you next year when we both retake the class.

Anonymous said...

ASO to this new regulation crap. I have a final in just over 15 hours, and it's looking as thought I might have to start studying. I need shoutouts to read!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to realizing my friend is just like patrick dempsey in made of honor... ASO to also realizing it would probably require me going to Scotland for six weeks for him to realize how much he needs me around, just like in the movie...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the controlled summer shoutouts!
It's the summer, let's just go crazy and let everyone write whatever they want.

Anonymous said...

SO to the term 'sconnie' sounding vaguely like it could be an STD. I've got a grisly case of the sconnie!

Anonymous said...

ASO to our dumbass president for screwing America over for the past eight years. I blame my inability to find a summer job on your incompetence. Thanks for killing our economy, Bush. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my work. Getting up at 6:30, eating breakfast at 7, then not getting lunch until 2! SO to my last day of work being tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

SO to being done with finals & staying in Madison this summer... ASO to my fuck buddies for leaving town. Looks like I'll be looking for a few new guys for the summer.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 2200's in Liz Waters for filling 400 cups with water and blocking a kid in his room while he was asleep.

Even bigger SO to the kid doing one of the wildest balancing acts known to man to escape unscathed. With your extremely long hair, I could swear Jesus himself was walking on water.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guys next to 420 whose football went into the middle of Gorham. SO to the long line of cars that swerved to miss the ball. ASO to the one that hit it. and ASO to the old man that scolded the guys... though it was entertaining

Anonymous said...

ASO to everything. Because I'm crabby. And I hate computer science.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the guy who helped me carry boxes back to my apartment today. ive never met one of those "you restore my faith in humanity" type guys before, just read about them in the shoutouts... thanks for giving me proof that you actually do exist!

Anonymous said...

SO to me for wanting to be that guy to fill in as a summer fling

Anonymous said...

ASO to the one guy in the world that doesn't understand that "study dates" AREN"T for actual studying!! by the way, i'll see YOU later tonight at college library for said studying. lame.

Anonymous said...

ASO to paying off my underage ticket by selling my books at the bookstore today and even coming out ahead 25 cents. I always knew those things would come in handy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the shoutouts being controlled. My one saving grace was discreetly reading these on my phone at work... Now I have to find a new way to keep up the lie that I laugh randomly while "reconciling the checking account"... why don't you just let everything get posted and those that want a filter can just read the "best of the week"?

Anonymous said...

ASO to that Stats 301 exam today. Was our TA seriously listening to an ipod and just watching that exam rape us? A-hole.

Anonymous said...

SO to the SO controller who must be a bigger procrastinator than all of us now that we are in regulation. Do it to it lars!

Anonymous said...

shout out to the person on randall blasting michael jackson. you must be done with finals.
oh wait that's me :)

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl helping to take down the fruit stand Tuesday afternoon. You have the most beautiful arms I have ever seen, way to rock the white tank top.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the ochem webpage for being down when we have a final tomorrow. Reich, you could have made me cry without this bonus fuckwittage.

Anonymous said...

SO to the people passed out on the beanbags at College at five in the morning. I'm not sure that qualifies as an "all-nighter".

Anonymous said...

aso to the kid who made fun of me carrying home my toilet paper... where do you think your toilet paper comes from?

p.s. it was paper towel dumbass

Anonymous said...

aso to the tool on the moped who honked and raised his eyebrows at me today... did you expect me to hop on the back so we could ride off into the sunset together?

Anonymous said...

SO for altruism still existing. --Honestly, thanks for the ride red subaru.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend refusing to accept my offer of a "study break." Believe me, no normal guy would say no to what I was offering...

Anonymous said...

SO to making out with my two best friends in Grainger. We were practicing our technique... a little study break, you know?

Anonymous said...

ASO to regulating the shoutouts... There haven't been any added in 5 hours... I know you guys have finals, so let the shoutouts flow... everyone wants to read more and do less work!

Anonymous said...

aso to april and may. what terrible, terrible, things you both are. if it weren't for the thought of finals being over soon, i would probably die.

Anonymous said...

Major SO to myself for having a crazy old-man crush on my econ prof... and then stalking him online and finding out he has two gorgeous sons... or grandsons...?
Extra SO to my roommate for telling me its ok if we hook up because im done with the class and he is no longer my professor! i love finals week

Anonymous said...

ASO to chewing somewhere around 50 pieces of gum per day. Do you think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm incredibly messed up.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing my alderman studying for finals at the Union, and being able to hear "Since You've Been Gone" and "A Whole New World" through his headphones from across the room.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding an awesome new band.
ASO to finding out about said band during finals week and proceeding to have their songs stuck in my head during finals.
you rock. but not that much.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who joined our hickey conversation at College today!
double SO to BL for thinking Latvian was a synonym for Latina... first time I felt smart sitting next to you all day!

Anonymous said...

SO to the kid who got pulled over outside of Ogg and thought it would be a good idea to run from the cops. You almost made it dude, but you made my night by getting tackcled about 20 feet from me. ASO to the cop for not tazering the kid after threatening it.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy who completely wiped on on his bike turning from park to university at like 1:30 in the morning last night. yeah and you thought no one saw you...

Anonymous said...

SO to summer in Madison! Watchin' the girls with cold pitcher at the union is magic. cheers.

Anonymous said...

SO to J$'s shared itunes at wendt library. whoever you are, i think i'm in love. same time tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Jesus women on State Street who said evolution is the work of the devil... clearly people evolved from being ugly like you to fine like so many UW ladies!

Anonymous said...

ASO to regulating the summer shout-outs, I don't have any more studying to do, so need to fill up not only the procrastinating time, but all the rest of the time too!

shoutoutcontroller said...

were getting mixed feelings about regulating... some of you love it and some hate it! were going to keep this up at least for this week because some of the shout outs we weeded out are super repetitive, coastie-sconnie wars or people just plain bitching! we're updating a couple times a day, we promise!

Anonymous said...

SO to the delivery guy from Las Roccas braving the fob-in building and the key-in elevators and bringing my food straight to my room-- it made my day.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend's crazy ex who drove 10 hours out of her way to come to his home track meet (where he ignored her), bitching me out via Facebook (and in poor grammar, might I add), and then hacking into his account and deleting his.
SO to her bad case of man-face, complete with giant chin.
ASO to not being able to have farewell sex because of finals and my dumb anorexic room mate.
SO to boys track. Good luck this weekend!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the woman today who completely ignored a barricade on library mall and walked directly through wet cement while talking on her cell phone and never breaking her stride.. SO to the construction workers who then proceeded to swear profusely at her for a good ten minutes afterward as they fixed it.

Anonymous said...

ASO to ball hair. It's so inconvenient. SO to being able to shave it with a razor and never cutting your sack...seriously try it, it's amazing.

Anonymous said...

SO to letting showing way too much cleavage during my final in hopes of distracting people and skewing the curve in my favor.

Anonymous said...

SO to successfully teaching my best friend the lip biting technique in an empty classroom in Grainger. Let's do it again sometime, eh? Ha.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to DP Dough. You guys are the coolest people ever and your food was the best thing I could've had in my drunken stupor.

Anonymous said...

HUGE SO to Ashley. Thanks for being my best friend and making my freshman year one I will never forget. I will miss you.
P.S. "That's what she said"

Anonymous said...

ASO to pulling an all nighter for my o chem final by taking caffeine pills, and then having a weird heart beat for my entire exam and being totally distracted. Oh and ASO to o chem finals in general, even without the irregular heart palpitations, you still suck.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate. You never walked in on me slamming the ham, but you somehow did every other time I was having sex.

Bigger SO for being cool about it and just asking for an ETA.

Anonymous said...

SO to Skittles. I love being able to taste the rainbow without having to munch carpet.

Anonymous said...

SO to ninna our favorite spanish ta for celebrating her bday last night and arriving to give us our final 10 minutes late and still drunk. chuh chah chuh chaaaah!

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in Witte who just shouted "It's my money, and I need it NOW!" out his window. SO to all the people who followed suit. SO to Madison for knowing what's up.

Anonymous said...

SO to sunflower seeds, without you, I am incapable of studying. ASO to my mouth being raw from almost finishing a pound bag during finals week.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Shout-Out to still checking the Badger Herald web site, just in case they still do post Shout Outs. I love this though, so don't stop!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the smelly boy who sat in front of me during my final today thanks for distracting me
ASO to the boy sitting next to me cheating by having two sheets of paper at your feet and moving them around nonstop everytime a ta walked by also distracting me
ASO to the fact my horrible ta was the only one that didnt show up to the final
and the Biggest ASO to ps209 todays final was the perfect ending to our bad relationship

Anonymous said...

ASO to the boy who didn't invite me to drink tonight. I was hoping for one last chance to hookup before the semester ends. SO to the hope for a hookup with you next year.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy I've studied math with all semester. Did it really take you 15 weeks to figure out I wanted your vector in my basis?

Anonymous said...

ASO to sleeping alone next semester because you're abroad

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to post a shout out all year about my psycho ex-roomie cuz she threatened to place a restraining order on me. SO to school being over and me not caring any more so here it goes: You are a whore slut bitch w/ no personality and I hope you had a blast hibernating in our room all of first semester. So have fun chasing ur high school boyfriend up and down the halls and asking ur mother if you can skip lecture. My heart goes out to ur new roomate. BTW, 5 of my friends want to kick ur ass, so watch out.

Anonymous said...

there is no way someone was able to pay off a drinking ticket by selling back their books. ive tried. what bookstore did you go to???

Anonymous said...

SO to knowing who it was that tackled the kid outside of Ogg...Officer Mansavage (no joke...thats his name). SO to me for NOT running when he came after me earlier this year by Ogg and saving a trip to the hospital.

Anonymous said...

SO to the BH's angry illegitimate child that is this blog. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

SO to killing that first bottle of the summer last night and releasing some sexual tensions between friends
ASO to vomitting and waking up with like three hickeys...classy

Anonymous said...

ASO to Prof. Dykman for wearing an 80's jogging outfit to our final. Short white shorts and a disturbingly tight cut-off tank top? What were you thinking?
SO to Psych 509 being over...I've had enough of your creepy old man sex jokes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having a crush on a huge gay douchebag for the whole damn year, then having him hit on my friend, call me the wrong name and STILL I have a crush on him. Why do I always like the huge gay douchebags?

Anonymous said...

SO to not cleaning out my dorm closet all semester and finding 12 vokda bottles as I packed. ASO to them all being empty.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Ieva. Rape is illegal even when it is committed via exam.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to ring my sex gong this semester

Anonymous said...

ASO to accidentally admitting to a guy that I have a lot of porn on my computer. SO to him saying he probably has more. Can't wait to see some new ones sometime...I'm getting a little bored with mine. Study break?

Anonymous said...

ASO to sleeping alone next semester because you're abroad

i second that...but if you're somewhere in europe, visit least we'll have one night of spooning!

Anonymous said...

ASO to desperately needing to shave my legs and the only razor in the shower being my moms pube razor......I think I'll go another day or two with hairy legs.

Anonymous said...

SO to chocolate pudding and The Office season finale. I had chips and salsa, too. Is that ok? It's breaking tradition, but I didn't eat dinner.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing Dykman stroll through library mall in that same outfit this afternoon. ASO to his class a few semesters ago.

Anonymous said...

SO to being done with finals for the past two days. ASO to my friends for being lame and still having finals. Summer in Madison better pick up real quick!

Anonymous said...

SO for not even going to UW and thoroughly enjoying these posts. thanks for making it that much easier to procrastinate!

Anonymous said...

To all you pre-meds out there trying to make your med school application better: Have you considered business school or perhaps law school? How 'bout teaching or just working for the man? The possibilities are endless.

Anonymous said...

SO to being done with classes. ASO to leaving before most of my friends and having to say goodbye to them. Huge SO to not having girls screaming across the hallway at 1 in the morning before a 7:45 final.

Anonymous said...

SO to being so broke you had to sell your books for drinking money. Last weekend.

Anonymous said...

SO to my rommate for saying she was gonna have a boy over to mess around with when i was gone, but she hadn't showered in two days. classy my friend.

Anonymous said...

SO to my Fair Trade Coffee cutie, the sweetest short haired barista on State Street. I came in for two weeks trying to work up the courage to ask you out but I waited too long! Next semester!

Anonymous said...

HUGE SO to my friends macking in Grainger. ASO for being allowed to get involved, even though they woulda loved it.

Also SO to surprise buttsexing my ochem final. I made you my bitch. Deal.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in college library coming out of the bathroom...notes in hand. Way to use your time efficiently...

Anonymous said...

SO to only having 2 finals this week. During the most important week of the semester, you allowed me to focus more on my BAC than GPA.

Anonymous said...

honestly i will pay someone to be my girfriend, or sex buddy, or hookup friend, whatever!
i just cant be single anymore!!!

Anonymous said...

aso to graduating.
i feel old, and boring already.

i feel like im going to miss you college.......even though i hated you alot!

Anonymous said...

SO to showing up 30 minutes late for a final and finishing it with 45 minutes to spare.

Anonymous said...

SO to whacking off

Anonymous said...

SO to the kids upstairs for having a fun, loud, and crazy party. ASO to me for having to study for a final, while you're partying. You make me a sad panda.

Anonymous said...

SO to end of the year BBQs, forts, and doing absolutely nothing related to school. summer has arrived.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy and his friends carrying 30 packs walking down State wednesday afternoon, who, after getting awkward looks from passerbys, said "WOW I WONDER WHAT THOSE GUYS ARE DOING TONIGHT--THEY'RE GETTING WASTED."

Anonymous said...

SO to the days of summerfest...just come already so I can see all of the people I love again and have amazing days and nights of being trashed with them like I have been all year. love you guys

Anonymous said...

"there is no way someone was able to pay off a drinking ticket by selling back their books. ive tried. what bookstore did you go to???"

UW bookstore. mind you, the ticket was from the minnesota pigs, so it runs a little lighter on that side of the border, cheers and a SO to drinks on me since finals are done!

Anonymous said...

SO to heading back home to Cali. ASO to leaving my heart in Madtown...

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who couldn't have farewell sex, because i just realized the disappearing futons and de-lofted beds will make things very tricky indeed. hmm.

Anonymous said...

ASO to pulling the first two all nighters of my life this week. SO to good company during both.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who completely missed her final and managed to get it rescheduled...ASO to her for feeding me some ridiculous story about how her teacher lost her test and was letting her take it again, but still won't admit it because she's too embarrassed. I'm not an idiot like your bf.

Anonymous said...

ASO to beautiful women who are too embarrassed to go out with a guy until he becomes a track star.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being up at 5 a.m. studying for a 7:45 a.m. final. I guess urgency finally set in.

Anonymous said...

To OChem Kid: remember, when you surprise buttsex a final, you surprise buttsex everyone that the final worked over in turn. You might want to keep this on the DL, or your going to discover that there's a lot of sore assholes looking for some payback...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the 5 coasties that have come into my nutri sci final the last two exams interupting everyone else's exam prep in order to discuss ring pops. SO for making me feel smarter and reminding me why to use a condom

Anonymous said...

SO to two weeks of lots of beer. ASO to the sexual embarassment you've caused me

Anonymous said...

SO to all the SOs about track boys. Now where are they so I can meet one? I'm a runner...find me and we can race around my bed ;)

Anonymous said...

SO to Dykman SOs. I had his class two years ago, and I still know exactly what you mean.

Anonymous said...

SO to everyone with a mohawk

Anonymous said...

SO to Dr. Pepper. You saved my life by providing me with a delicious and refreshing caffeinated beverage.

Anonymous said...

SO to the lady on state street shaking her cup of ice to take a drink. Bigger SO to the guy that threw 50 cents in her cup w/out noticing that she didn't want money.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for falling for the most wonderful girl in the world, then hearing her announce that's she's getting into a relationship with my best friend...the day before all my finals.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the biochem final and professor who said there is only one difficult question on lying bitch

Anonymous said...

SO to those who spent more time playing Grand Theft Auto IV on their Xbox during finals week than time studying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for never telling that friend of mine how I really felt about her all year because I was afraid of losing her as a friend.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who completely missed her final and managed to get it rescheduled...ASO to her for feeding me some ridiculous story about how her teacher lost her test and was letting her take it again, but still won't admit it because she's too embarrassed. I'm not an idiot like your bf.

SO to having taken it before the rest of the class because I had a hospital appointment and she really did lose the test. Told people I missed the final and was having it re-scheduled because it's no ones business what I was doing. But thanks a lot for being an ass hole.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who couldn't have farewell sex, because i just realized the disappearing futons and de-lofted beds will make things very tricky indeed. hmm.

SO to totally knowing who you are. Let's pretend I don't when we see each other though. P.S. the problem was that the bed WAS lofted. Duh!

Anonymous said...

SO to all the wonderful guys out there who never find themselves in relationships that work.

Anonymous said...

ASO to beautiful women who are too embarrassed to go out with a guy until he becomes a track star.

ASO to jealous guys who KNOW that those two were waiting all year to get together because dating someone on the same floor is a no-go.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken on State. You made my life complete.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to seeing your ex in a bar looking like shit. Yes, I'm happy without you.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Taco Bell/Kentucky Fried Chicken on State. You made my life complete.

ASO for getting kicked out of taco bell by the bitchy rent-a-cops for using the mens bathroom because someone was puking in the girls...

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to explain to my dad why i have a bottle of rum, a bottle of tequila, two cases of beer, two bottles of wine, a half a bottle of doctors AND a half bottle of vodka when he comes to move me out today. ASO to finals for not allowing me to finish it all before the end of the semester...

Anonymous said...

SO to oreo shakes at potbelly's
i think you made me survive this week

Anonymous said...

SO to girls who like track guys. Everyone knows we're up for it day or night and we'll go long and hard. And by that, I of course mean in our workouts...

Anonymous said...

ASO to drama. Don't need it.

Anonymous said...

SO to the awkwardness that is the situation when someone writes an anonymous bitchy shoutout but then gets caught. hilarious

Anonymous said...

pelmeni, you ignorant slut. come baaaaack to me!!

Anonymous said...

SO to the people in the quiet study area of Steenbock talking about how much they hate people who talk in libraries. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not living in the library anymore and having no shared itunes on my home network...

SO to taking a shower without flipflops on. that was good.

Anonymous said...

SO to bucky crushin on a girl in college last night, gettin rejected, & then pullin her chair out from under her

Anonymous said...

Shout out to the cute little asian girl who made studying finance and accounting bearable. I wouldn't have made it through the semester without you!

Anonymous said...

ASO to having half my shout outs not make it past the moderator because they're too dramatic. I understand though. I'm gettin sick of readin this dramitic shit anyways. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

SO to toe socks!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my biggest crush leaving yesterday...I miss you, and have basically been sitting in my room listening to the music you gave me, come visit me when I'm home and lets just have amazing sex :)

Anonymous said...

Shout out to having farewell sex from the ex. Even bigger SO to having sex not 6 hours later with her mortal enemy. Don't worry, I showered in between.

Anonymous said...

SO to girls who like track guys. Everyone knows we're up for it day or night and we'll go long and hard. And by that, I of course mean in our workouts...

I'm guessing you're on the UW Madison track team? If so, who are you?! Initials.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the student athletes that think they are top shit because they play a sport. Unless its football, hockey, or one really cares. How many people even know we have a guys soccer team? Exactly

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy that didn't tell his friend how he feels.... Whoever you are and whoever she is, tell her!

Anonymous said...

ASO to Professor Steve Stern. Fuck you. Shave your mustasche, and suck my dick. Your class blew ass, and you are single handedly ruining a perfectly good friday by having your bullshit exam on saturday morning. I'm glad i didn't buy any of the books for this class and hope I get another A on an exam despite not giving a damn about this.

Anonymous said...

SO to Bucky at college library again tonight. Those of us with 7:45 am Saturday exams really needed it. Thanks Bucky!

Anonymous said...

SO to my pathological liar of a roommate being moved out. If you pop back in tomorrow, I'm gonna print off the Word doc of your lies and give it to you, and then post it on facebook.

Anonymous said...

SO to looking like a tourist walking around Madison taking pictures before I left for the summer so I have something to look besides corn while I'm stuck with hick relatives in Iowa.

Anonymous said...

SO to starting summer off right yesterday and making out with my first random guy from a bar...this summer can only get better from here!

Anonymous said...

ASO to listening to construction throughout my entire final in Birge. Really, whose bright idea was it to do that during finals? Can't you wait a week?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the cute guy in my psych class for not just assuming I wanted his number without me telling him. Another ASO to me not telling him.

Anonymous said...

ASO to meeting nice guys, sometimes a girl just needs some action!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate who left and locked the vacuum in her room. really? it's not like i was gonna try to steal any of your shit

Anonymous said...

aso to my summer ending exactly 24 hours after my last final. goodbye sleeping in until 9am, hello 60 hour work weeks..

Anonymous said...

ASO to spending my Friday night cleaning and packing. SO to finally moving out of the shithole also known as the Regent.

Anonymous said...

SO to all the wonderful guys out there who never find themselves in relationships that work.

Huge SO to the girls that understand this. Huger ASO to those same girls for still dating dbags.

Anonymous said...

SO to working GTA4 into my study plans; ASO to figuring it out today, and not a week ago.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being in the deserted dorms and feeling like nobody loves me.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my brother. The minute I moved back home you asked to borrow my duffel bag, I'm sorry we got in a fight over it but it contained beer, a bottle of vodka, a beer bong, a pipe, some illegal substances, and a jumbo pack of condoms....aka the last bag I would ever want my little brother to find.

Anonymous said...

SO to the first Friday night in 9 months that Witte is quiet. Sad. I hope you are all drinking wherever you are.

Anonymous said...

what if the summer so controller is a coastie?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of track guys...

Shout-out to the gorgeous one at Indie Coffee the other night. You are way out of my league, but very nice eye candy and a nice "I-haven't-shaved-for-a-day" look.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to have farewell sex because his roomies wanted to play videogames.

Anonymous said...

SO to my best friend for promising me a "good time" for my birthday!

A bigger SO for actually coming through for me herself! IT WAS AWESOME BABE!

Anonymous said...

SO to reading shout outs to keep me up until 11:59 because grades get posted at midnight...

ASO to the math grade I'm about to go see...

Anonymous said...

ASO to giving up and still having a final at 7:45am Saturday morning. Oh well...the second time is the charm right?

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who said this to me ... "i have missed three finals in my short college career and i have been able to make them all up...therefore, i brag"... because even though we hate you for being "that girl" the hate comes from envy.

Anonymous said...

SO to the boy with the gold car who was hugging a girl in a bucky tee in the witte backyard. hearing you talk about how you were moving other people's stuff as a favor brightened my day.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roomate who is currently hooking up with a hooker found via craigslist. He is a WoWer (World of Warcraft) and is drenched from riding his moped to the gas station. Make it worth the $275 an hour buddy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to wishing you were the girl that guy didn't tell.

Anonymous said...

SO to whoever was bitching about Professor Stern. I have no idea who he is, but the line "Shave your mustache and suck my dick" is officially my new summer catchphrase.

Anonymous said...

what if the summer so controller is a coastie?

what if the summer so controller is a sconnie?

Anonymous said...

ASO to my soon to be failed 7:45 am sat. final. you disgust me.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to wishing you were the girl that guy didn't tell."

Maybe I am... you'll never know until you tell her!

Anonymous said...

SO or ASO to having to wear three bras when I run?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to wishing you were the girl that guy didn't tell."

ASO to this beautiful girl for leaving that guy outside in the rain for hours when all he ever wanted was one chance to talk to her face-to-face before they went their separate way's for the summer. Now what is he supposed to do?...Try to explain via text or Facebook messaging? perhaps send her a singing telegram in the mail? Thanks for making this so much harder than it ever had to be.

Anonymous said...

SO to the random guy who bought me Taco Bell last night when he found me half passed out in the rain last night. Man, I love Taco Bell.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate for leaving without cleaning anything in the room! double ASO to her mom for reminding me to dust, deloft the furniture and clean out the fridge, seriously?

Anonymous said...

ASO to having O-chem final at 7:45am Saturday, SO to having a reason to be drunk by 10:30am.

Anonymous said...

SO to my parents telling me they they saw my ex's car turning down our street today to come see me. ASO to it not being him. Double ASO to knowing it wasn't him cuz he's still in madison for his g/f's birthday...

Anonymous said...

SO to packing up. ASO to taking your posters off the walls, and actually feeling sad about leaving this shit-hole of a dorm room.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Sig-Ep burning down, extra ASO to my V-card burning down with it.

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting tendinitis in my elbow from boxing on Wii too much.

Anonymous said...

SO the random kid running down the hallways of 3600s Liz Waters butt-naked and then getting spanked by the custodian! Naughty Boy!

Anonymous said...

A huge ASO to our house fellow for making us pour out a liter of grey goose. . .thanks for ruining our last night in madison.

Anonymous said...

"I'm guessing you're on the UW Madison track team? If so, who are you?! Initials."

How I only wish,chicks dig the uni...

Anonymous said...

"A huge ASO to our house fellow for making us pour out a liter of grey goose. . .thanks for ruining our last night in madison."

^oh first floor i love you even though your housefellow is the biggest douche of the century!

Anonymous said...

SO to UWM girls because they are MUCH easier to impress than UW girls.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not having a wireless connection at home, having to steal the neighbor's, and having to hold my laptop 5 feet over my head to connect.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom telling me how she wants to throw out my sister's wardrobe because unlike me, she "dresses like a slut". ASO to wondering if that's why she has a boyfriend and i don't...

Anonymous said...

SO to that hot waiter remembering my name a month after our first encounter. ASO to him ruining our second encounter when he said he's now engaged. Damnit... we would have been so good together!

Anonymous said...

SO or ASO to having to wear three bras when I run?

so. huge fucking so.

Anonymous said...

SO to my future roommate for closing the bars, being out until 4 AM, being absolutely hammered, bringing a 29 year old Canadian back to the dorm, hooking up, and still making it to her 7:45 AM exam! Can't wait for next year!

Anonymous said...

ASO to spending 7 1/2 hours driving through Illinois on the way home.

Anonymous said...

ASO to not finding a summer job... I guess I have no marketable skills.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in Memorial last Thursday who got a phone call and then proceeded to walk through the 2nd floor stacks trying to find better reception. Dude, seriously?!?

Anonymous said...

SO to our housefellow for drinking with us the last night in the dorms... double SO to being my beer pong partner. You are surprisingly good at that for someone who we thought never went out...

Anonymous said...

aso to my TA. its been NINE DAYS since i turned in my last THREE PAGE paper. dude, my spanish grade was posted the next day after an exam with half of it essay.

Anonymous said...

SO to NOT being on the track team, but still being fast, and oh do I love our 'workouts' long & hard..

Anonymous said...

SO to never being a HF again.
You have NO idea how bad we really feel for making you dump your booze.

Anonymous said...

SO to being a drunk HF on our last night. Screw Housing. I'm on your side, residents.

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