Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Week 2: Summer Summer Summertime

Because so many of you complained about the repetitive and lame shout outs (can't say i disagree...) we're going to try controlling this week. We solemnly swear to update at least once a day, but we're going to shoot for even more. If you all really hate it, send in a post and we can change it back. good luck on finals!


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Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate leaving the fridge fucking disgusting and not cleaning her side of the room. so to me for telling the front desk that $25+ fee can be charged to your sorry ass. sucker.

Anonymous said...

ASO to moving out. I knew that blueberry shit I spilled on the floor 2 months ago would come back to haunt me.

Anonymous said...

"SO to working GTA4 into my study plans; ASO to figuring it out today, and not a week ago."

SO to working losing the v-card into my study plans; ASO to figuring it out a couple nights ago, and not a couple months ago.

Anonymous said...

SO to waking up at 7 to go to work for 7:30, getting there, realizing you don't work til noon, getting home and having your bed still be nice and warm when you crawl back into it.

ASO to having to get out of it again in 2.5 hours...

Anonymous said...

SO to totally knowing who you are. Let's pretend I don't when we see each other though. P.S. the problem was that the bed WAS lofted. Duh!

there is NO PROBLEM regarding sex and a lofted bed.

Anonymous said...

SO to waking up dazed and confused. ASO to it being because you're not hungover... i miss you madison...

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to hear my mom yell at me to make my bed every morning again

Anonymous said...

ASO to milwaukee. when did you get so effing ghetto?

damn i miss madison....

Anonymous said...

"what if the summer so controller is a coastie?

what if the summer so controller is a sconnie?"

What if its neither...oh snap!

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing all my old friends last night, there's a reason I missed you all.

ASO to realizing why I wanted to get the hell outta my town last summer again. Three and a half months isn't THAT long, is it?

Anonymous said...

ASO to finally getting into it with my roommate two days before we left. Living together next year is going to be an interesting arrangement isn't it?

Anonymous said...

shoutout to the guy who shaves his balls. all guys should do that. thank you. jeeeez i hate hair!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy i've been hooking up with on and off for three years graduating and moving away from me. i'm not sure i'll be able to drive 3 hours every time i need your bod...

Anonymous said...

i hate shoutouts that have multiple SO/ASO's in them. seriously? is that necessary?

Anonymous said...

ASO to having to study for the FM exam 2 weeks after finals! Really, could we not have scheduled this any better??

Anonymous said...

ASO to my neighbor for not knocking before entering my bedroom... thank goodness i wasn't on top. hope you liked my guy's ass in the air, though. thanks for not being here this summer so i don't have to blush every time i see you.

Anonymous said...

SO to the dude who gave a shoutout to Shoutouts yesterday at commencement. I'm not sure this can take much more recursion before it stops making sense.

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting an underage the last night in the dorms. SO to the cop who said that boonesfarm was his personal favorite.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to showing up to commencement drunk on saturday morning... I probably shouldn't have stayed up until 5 drinking.

Anonymous said...

SO to this being the first summer in the past 5 that i'm finally single...

ASO to the guy that i want to be dating this summer. i don't randomly talk to you for nothing, Listen, I know you're interested so please man up a little and just ask me out... we'd be perfect for each other. (and if that's not what you're looking for, i AM on the rebound and everything that implies.)

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ex-boyfriend who just won't get the hint--those nights you thought I was at the library late this semester I was at some other guy's house!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fact that I can't think of a cryptic way to say what I want to say that won't reveal who I am but have you wondering about it enough to bring it up on your own.

Anonymous said...

Huge ASO to my boyfriend. First time I've seen you in almost 3 weeks, I ordered and paid for pizza, was more than willing to have sex with you after said pizza, and you fell asleep about 5 minutes after we ordered it. Way to make a girl feel special.

Anonymous said...

honestly i will pay someone to be my girfriend, or sex buddy, or hookup friend, whatever!
i just cant be single anymore!!!

who are you and when can we make this arrangement. i am tired of being single as well. i dont want your money though.

Anonymous said...

SO to finding out I can delete the "people I may know" on facebook. Finally I can stop seeing their faces everytime I sign on and start forgetting them again.

Anonymous said...

honestly i will pay someone to be my girfriend, or sex buddy, or hookup friend, whatever!
i just cant be single anymore!!!

being most guys are assholes and the ones that arent are already taken... i know how you feel! so i hope u are one of the few nice ones that are still single... caus i will totally take u up on ur offer... and i only accept one form of payment ;)

Anonymous said...

ASO to my drunk friend who heard PJ Hill was at brats so went up to TJ theuis who was standing next to Travis Beckum and started calling him PJ despite TJ correcting him multiple times. he then came back up to me and told me he almost got in a fight with PJ hill. Your stupidity is incredible.

Anonymous said...

ASO to forgetting that i now share a bathroom with boys and that they don't put the toilet seat down and almost falling into the toilet today

Anonymous said...

SO to cherry bourbon and backyard barbecues! Finally, it's summer time.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who was sweet enough to wash my clothes from getting sick the last night at Madison... I'm going to miss you this summer!

Anonymous said...

ASO to everybody who complains about Milwaukee being ghetto. Dude, at least it's interesting here. Madison is just a city of boring, stuck-up people from the suburbs who don't even know what a non-white person looks like.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my mother. did you seriously just show me your engagement ring?!?

Anonymous said...

SO to the thread, you are all absolutely ridiculous and I know everyone of you reads this... miss ya lots and wishing we were back in madison


Anonymous said...

SO to finally hooking up with the guy I have been having sex dreams about the entire semester. ASO to him saying "this is so weird" practically the entire time, wtf?

Anonymous said...

c'mon guys, the summer shout out controller is def ex-chancellor wiley.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for forgetting her two crotchless costumes and a HUGE bag of 50 plus condoms in her bottom drawer

even bigger SO to my dad finding them when checking that everything was packed.... i think the dominatrix sex outfit gave him a bit of a different impression of my roomie.

Anonymous said...

omg. SO to being a Repub. all through college and then, on the day i graduate, watching Michael Moore's SiCKO, and becoming a Democrat. I guess it's been a slow slide. SO to using SOs to confess know how it is, can't tell the fam.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for taking four months to finally realize that I do really like you... only to find out that you are most likely sick of my bs and have since moved on. I don't blame you but it was a rough semester, summer will be different... give me another chance, please??

Anonymous said...

SO to Sombrero Guy. You made graduation mildly tolerable for me to watch today. If you had only put Chance John Wiley.....

Anonymous said...

SO to the boy in my Italian 102 class who looks like John Mayer.
I wish I would have had the courage to talk to you when I had the chance.
After all, Italian is the language of love.

Anonymous said...

SO to my graduation present being two baby bunnies!

Anonymous said...

SO to the mole coming back on tv ASO to it not being hosted by anderson cooper, hopefully this new guy is equally as dramatic.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the guy i've been hooking up with on and off for three years graduating and moving away from me. i'm not sure i'll be able to drive 3 hours every time i need your bod..."

Yeah, well, I have to drive 6 hours every time I want to see my boyfriend. You should consider yourself lucky.

Anonymous said...

"SO to finding out I can delete the "people I may know" on facebook. Finally I can stop seeing their faces everytime I sign on and start forgetting them again."

ASO to the fact that Facebook will forever continue to put them back. There's a reason I'm not friends with those people.

Anonymous said...

SO to knowing if the shoutout controller is a coastie or a sconnie...OR BOTH. dundundun.

Anonymous said...

SO to finally getting back to work and realizing you work every shift with your best friend. even bigger SO to not doing anything and laying everything on the newbies.

Anonymous said...

SO to being from Jersey but having everyone think I'm from Wisconsin. ASO to the very first thing I see when I get off the plane at home is a crazy Italian with spiked up hair. Jager bombs and fuckin skanks anyone?

Anonymous said...

SO to finding more condom wrappers under my bed during move-out. Not only did it remind me of the good times I won't be having this summer, but also made my hope to god my mom didn't see me throw them away.

Anonymous said...

ASO to everybody who complains about Milwaukee being ghetto. Dude, at least it's interesting here. Madison is just a city of boring, stuck-up people from the suburbs who don't even know what a non-white person looks like.

ASO to you! UW may not be the most diverse campus in the world, but stop making generalizations, because clearly we are interesting, most of us aren't stuck up OR from the suburbs, and I think unless you are completely racist at least every student here has a friend that is a different ethnicity than white. So STFU. No one wants to hear your BS.

Anonymous said...

SO to the dirty old man at my church who, on my last sunday b4 school started, told me I was a very sexy girl and who, on my first sunday back, told me it was important for me to play the field and go on dates with other guys besides my bf...even tho id never take you're advice, you still make me lol.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for taking four months to finally realize that I do really like you... only to find out that you are most likely sick of my bs and have since moved on. I don't blame you but it was a rough semester, summer will be different... give me another chance, please??

ASO to knowing thats not the guy i want!! Life is cruel.

Anonymous said...

ASO for blacking out, pissing on my kitchen floor, and invinting my girlfriend over for the night, forgetting i did such, hogging the bed so she had to sleep on the couch, then forgetting she was there till her cellphone went off in the morning. Sorry babe. Sorry AP for throwing up the lunch you bought me the next day at 3ish

Anonymous said...

ASO to girls that don't shave downtown. It's summer so you don't need the extra layer for warmth. Seriously...guys don't find that sexy.

Anonymous said...

SO to the couple fucking on Bascom friday night. you know we took pictures of you, right?

Anonymous said...

ASO to me living at home for the summer. Its day 3 and i'm bored as hell and sick of my mother. Thank God I start work tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

ASO to my girlfriend getting interested in some scrawny wannabe gangsta at her work. ASO to me for failing that bad.

Anonymous said...

ASO to reading the summer shoutouts and missing being wasted in mad town already :(

Anonymous said...

ASO to ECE376. Really? No grades yet? Our final was only 11 days ago

Anonymous said...

ASO to Tyra Banks. Just because you're a fatty now, and Anya is a much better model than you, doesn't mean you cast the plus-size as the winner. Way to try and make a "revolution" in the modeling world; You fail. Now every fat girl is gonna think she can model.
Oh P.S Whitney has a pretty face, but she sucked.

Anonymous said...

aso to thinking i was doing so great wearing heels three days in a row, only to find out that by the end of the third, it was my back that would be killing me and not my feet.

Anonymous said...

so to starting class today. at 7:45 in the morn. until 4:30. awesome.

double so to sa-lhuts. and them all flying back home until august. now i can party with girls who can drink.

Anonymous said...

"SO to two weeks of lots of beer. ASO to the sexual embarassment you've caused me"

It's only embarrassing if it happens 3 times. Make it happen. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

SO to the mole coming back on tv ASO to it not being hosted by anderson cooper, hopefully this new guy is equally as dramatic.

Lets just give Anderson his own SO...

SO to Anderson Cooper...hottest news-guy to ever grace the TV screen. :)

Anonymous said...

aso to graduating.
i feel old, [<--omit comma] and boring already.

i feel like im [change "im" to "i'm"] going to miss you college.......even though i hated you alot [change "alot" to "a lot")]!

looks like you're ready for that diploma.........

Anonymous said...

SO to UW being the biggest party school but still staying classy enough to not be involved in nasty gossip sites like juicy campus... maybe it's because we have the fabulous shout-outs to keep us entertained.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to not being able to have farewell sex because his roomies wanted to play videogame."

OMG i sympathize. sex > xbox, just b/c they aren't getting any doesnt mean we shouldnt.....

Anonymous said...

ASO to the roommate for taking the 56" plasma TV home with him and leaving us with a 24" CRT. There is an empty place in my heart, and on the coffee table.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my bitch ex-roommate who thinks the world revolves around her: i fucking LOVED HOT SEX w/ my boyfriend on your futon. oh yea, i lied when i said i spilled yogurt on it--when was the last time you saw yogurt in our fridge?? dumbass whore.

Anonymous said...

So to no reservations showing him going to a restaurant in china where they only erve animal penises 2 days before i leave for study abroad in china

Anonymous said...

to the guy i've hooked up with the past few weeks...i'm not sure if it should be an aso or a so to you leaving for the summer when things finally started getting good, either way, i hope we can reconnect in the fall!

Anonymous said...

Serious ASO to being driven mad by a raging yet necessarily secret classmate crush for most the semester, only to confirm the object of affection is indeed the perfect girl just four days before leaving town forever. I so direly hope to see you take my blatant hint of interest and return it somehow, but, alas, it probably is not to be.

Anonymous said...

SO to being done with PS106 and that bitch of a professor. ASO to not having the grades posted more than a week later for a purely scantron test

Anonymous said...

ASO to graduation. I'll fake a smile and act all excited for all you graduates, but SERIOUSLY, you're breaking my heart!
Next year will not the same without you!

anonymous said...

ASO to sconnie girls-
do you really think that bad hollister, cheap makeup and an orange fake tan look better than leggings and big sunglasses? at least coasties don't look like deranged fifth graders.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the person who didn't think Whitney should have won. First of all, she wasn't fat AT ALL, Anya was just a skinny hoe and second, Anya was so stupid, she couldn't have gotten into UWM. Who wants a dumbass for America's Next Top Model? I mean none of the girls are geniuses, but Anya seriously had no brain.

Anonymous said...

SO to my week of nothing!!! ASO to it going so fast

Anonymous said...

SO to Prof. Bach and his sodomizer of a Cryptography class. It wouldn't even be so bad if we had had the excuse of discrete math prereqs to lube us up.

"I'm teaching algorithms next semester" -- and no one in this class will see you there!

Anonymous said...

SO to NOT being on the track team, but still being fast, and oh do I love our 'workouts' long & hard..

have fun dying a virgin you skeezy weirdo

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend finally getting his license less than 3 weeks before his 20th birthday! i guess it's 7th time lucky?

Anonymous said...

does anyone else ascribe to the theory that professors who assign large papers as a final, in general, don't read them? because i know there's no way in hell my prof read 30 15-page papers in 3 days...when our first ones took 2 months to get back to us.

Anonymous said...

ASO to everybody who complains about Milwaukee being ghetto. Dude, at least it's interesting here. Madison is just a city of boring, stuck-up people from the suburbs who don't even know what a non-white person looks like.

ASO to you- I've been home in Milwaukee for three days and can't wait to get back to Madison on Saturday. Signed- a non-white person

Anonymous said...

ASO to guys who don't pick up on hints. Even bigger aso to guys who still don't get it even when we blatantly spell it out for them. I want you means i want you, babe. duh.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being at home where nothing is in walking distance, the 'rents are present, and everybody cards. Where the hell am I supposed to drink without getting arrested for DUI?

Anonymous said...

ASO to being home, with nothing to do...when does fall semester start?

Anonymous said...

SO to searching the word coastie and only reading those relevant shoutouts.

Anonymous said...

"c'mon guys, the summer shout out controller is def ex-chancellor wiley."

That's why there are no band related shoutouts....

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fact that my mom cooked dinner...but all i want is a cup of turkey wild rice soup and pop's salad bar.

Anonymous said...

SO to me being a dude and subletting with 5 chicks this summer. ASO to being forced to watch the bachelorette and american idol... Bigger ASO to me for now questioning my sexuality.

Anonymous said...

SO to Victoria Secret commercials. The mini nubby you give me is soo worth it

Anonymous said...

ASO to driving eight hours today, SO for the interview I am going to rock tomorrow

Anonymous said...

"A huge ASO to our house fellow for making us pour out a liter of grey goose. . .thanks for ruining our last night in madison."

^oh first floor i love you even though your housefellow is the biggest douche of the century!

ASO to him for also writing us up... have a heart, get a life, and get up to some "monkey business" of your own... I also love you first floor!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the amount of regret i feel for not starting to date you sooner. you are the perfect guy for me. i constantly am thinking about you. i can't wait to be back in madison with you. :)

Anonymous said...

SO to being completely infatuated with a co-worker. if you ever want to get together and talk about bandanas OR the lyrically inclined bret and jemaine, just slip me a note in my envelope.

Anonymous said...

SO to E-Mart. You rep that calculus, and the girls all secretly love it..

Anonymous said...

SO to starting the summer out right: grilling brats on our patio, followed by downing four cases of beer, a 1.75 of martini mix, 2 packs of Mikes & a couple bottles of wine.

Summer's looking promising.

Anonymous said...

SO to your cryptic ways. im looking forward to the fall. SO to the band, now that wiley's gone, WE WANT SWINGTOWN

Anonymous said...

ASO to shitty university jobs on a sunny day... gots to make that paper

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate's dad finding the sexy lingere and bag of condoms i accidently left in my room during move-out

Anonymous said...

SO to my arabic-speaking pals from class texting me in transliterated Arabic thanking Allah for being wasted.

ASO to me not yashrubing with you :(

Anonymous said...

SO to visiting Ohio State this weekend, getting plastered and walking up to one of their football players and telling him he wasn't nice. When he asked why my response was "because I go to Wisconsin" and walked away. Everyone was staring probably because that was the first time he's been rejected...ever.

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