Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week 1: Finals Suck

Start shouting out! 


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Anonymous said...

shout out to the kid who brought a bright orange extension cord to college library for his computer. as obnoxious as that was, can't deny that you're practical.

Anonymous said...

shout out to going to greenbush bakery and talking about vibrators instead of studying.

Anonymous said...

shout out to summer shout outs

Anonymous said...

SO to not studying and banking on aquired skill and luck to get me through this next week.

Anonymous said...

anti-shout out to the girl wearing a winter coat and flip flops. are you confused or is your body temperature just not evenly distributed?

Anonymous said...

anti shout-out to the cops at johnny o's on thursday who felt it was necessary to take all the girls out and write them tickets. then go back in to do it 3 times over.

shout-out to tom

Anonymous said...

shout out to jack for anti-shoutouting the cops. i feel like i lost a child when they took away my fake.

Anonymous said...

ASO to PJ Hill for straight up BITING my neck in the doorway of Kabul Thursday night...

Anonymous said...

SO to Tom really are the cooler twin.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to realizing you don't have to study that much for finals. ASO to then realizing you stayed in three perfectly amazing drinking nights for no good reason.

Anonymous said...

shoutout to being able to waste just as much time in the summer now that these are up

Anonymous said...

shoutout to the dreary alcohol withdrawal that is finals week, only because the days after will make all of it well worth it

Anonymous said...

aso to the ocd old guy who thought it was a really good idea to sharpen his pencils for 2 minutes in the library.

Anonymous said...

Anti-shoutout to not bieng drunk in Madison on the weekend

Anonymous said...

shout out to the herd that leaves memorial library at midnight when they close the stacks and go directly to college library.....mooooooo

Anonymous said...

SO to my house fellow for breaking quiet hours by doing the dirty with a resident.

Anonymous said...

SO to the adorable Jewish/Irish boy I met on the last day of class. We don't have much time before you leave, so I thoroughly suggest we hook up ASAP.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy who feels the need to sing 10 year old Santana songs at the top of his lungs in College Library.

Anonymous said...

ASO to your mom...and finals. SO to finding this while procrastinating whilst "studying" for my final in four hours.

Anonymous said...

shout out to that feeling of knowing your literaly going to get an A or F in all of your classes this semester

Anonymous said...

anti-shout out to the guy in the silent section of memorial blasting celine dion on his head phones. you're heart won't go on anymore once i rip it out for being so goddamn distracting.

Anonymous said...

ASO to world of warcraft's time-bending abilities - I only wanted to waste a few minutes while my code compiled, how the hell did you make it 12:30 already?

Anonymous said...

shoutout to donnely from the history dept. you are retiring, but i will never forget when you described so thoroughly how Great Britain was encouraged to save water by people bathing together, which led to many threesomes occurring.

Anonymous said...

SO the the couple who was having very EXTREMELY loud sex in Park Terrace on Friday night. We could definitely hear you on our way back from the library through your window. Glad someone had a good finals weekend!

Anonymous said...

aso to my personal vagina tease. what the fuck man? we had all year of this cat and mouse sexual tension, you tell me you wanna fuck me and then you go pick up a GIRLFRIEND???!!!! serious?!! you have done a disservice to my vagina. THANKS A FUCKING LOT.

Anonymous said...

shout out to spending the weekend in milwaukee drunk and at the brewers games, with 3 finals on monday....can you say fucked...

Anonymous said...

Big SO to all you mommys out there. I can list at least a 100 reasons why I will never have kids. (Beginning first and foremost with ripping/getting cut hole to hole to pass a child through a hole that is just not big enough.) Huge amounts of respect.

Anonymous said...

dear summer so controller:

please be better than the one from this past school year. much thanks!

Anonymous said...

ASO to Sunday Finals starting at 7:45AM.
Thank you, UW!

Anonymous said...

shout out to the Polish guy who proposed to me at Ians last night...

i wasnt THAT drunk

Anonymous said...

SO to the crappy weather... you make it not so bad to stay inside and study all day...

Anonymous said...

So to talking to my parents and finding out that they're going to come visit me this summer... just so they can play beer pong with me.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to the friends with benfits situation... it's like sex on tap!

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for bringing back the same girl 3 nights running. It's called a one-night stand for a reason

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the people that are already on summer vacation. i hate you.

Anonymous said...

aso to having a roommate who chews her food as if it is cud. no you do not have to smack your mouth with every f-ing bite you take. no wonder guys won't talk to you. you are disgusting.

Anonymous said...

SO to the person who thinks that there is a summer SO controller...

shoutoutcontroller said...

oh there's definitely a shoutout controller...but this thing might as well get off the ground before we start "controlling"

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for buying a $5 foot long, only intending to eat half of it, but giving in and eating the whole thing simply because it was there. Damn you subway.

Anonymous said...

ASO to readjusting to new SOs on the bottom. There is just nothing new about being on the bottom. On top is where its at, but kneeling is awesome too.

Anonymous said...

ASO the genius in witte bouncing a freaking bouncy ball in the room upstairs, i hate you, SHUT UP! please

Anonymous said...

shout out to the drunk guy next to me in my food science you feel you take exams better wasted? cuz i'm pretty sure B was not the answer to every question...

Anonymous said...

Shout-out to me for finding a tick on the back of my neck in the middle of lecture, putting it on my desk, and proceeding to stab the crap out of it with my pocketknife. What, it's not like I could get up and leave to go flush it!

Anonymous said...

anti shoutout to seeing my breath in may. what the fuck happened to the weather we had two weeks ago?

Anonymous said...

SO to realizing you don't have to study for finals. ASO to actually taking the final and realizing you should have studied.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to going 1-0 on both of my finals today. That's how we do it, boys.

Anonymous said...

"Shoutout to going 1-0 on both of my finals today. That's how we do it, boys."

Let's hope it wasn't math.
"Both of my finals"

Anonymous said...

SO being infatuated with a boy the week of finals...
How am I supposed to study?!

Anonymous said...

SO to being on top (ass to front) while being...umm...pleasured and saying "Maybe we should..." Not having a chance to say lock the door, becuase his roommate walked in..

Anonymous said...

SO to the person that went "1-0" on their finals today. If only we were all like you...
ASO to the person that said "1-0" doesn't compute. You are a shitty Badger. Go to a football game sometime and become enlightened.

Anonymous said...

shoutout to summer. it's blunt-o-clock in t minus 3 days

Anonymous said...

ASO to franzia during finals. you ruin lives!

Anonymous said...

Shout out to going golfing instead of studying for the 5 finals I still have to take...

ASO for still having 5 finals to take...

Anonymous said...

shout out to the librarian who went to the back room of the quiet section and was obnoxiously singing to herself... or so she thought...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the kid who brought in a poster board of notes for our organic final today. You're not impressing anyone by copying all the reactions onto a giant piece of paper.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting so drunk I threw up four times the night before my organic chemistry final. I hope my grade doesn't suffer...

Anonymous said...

Shout out the to awesomeness and boredom of not having a final until Thursday.

Anonymous said...

"Shout out the to awesomeness and boredom of not having a final until Thursday."

ASO to my grammar.

Anonymous said...

shout out to studying for 5 min, hitting refresh, and seeing 5 new shout outs

Anonymous said...

SO to walking in on my friend whacking off, for at least the 10th time this year... nice man

Anonymous said...

ASO to my gf's roommate walking in on us having sex...come on dude we are relieving stress!

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate getting a serious boyfriend and moving into his place... at the end of the year. Next time, start sooner. I can only hope my next roommate can be married off this quickly.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my (former) roommate. You're a filthy slut who is incapable of completing a full thought. I'm glad you make yourself feel better by surrounding yourself with other retarded slutty bitches.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the girl that ditched out on our study date. I'm done trying. I hope you fail all your exams.

Anonymous said...

SO to the 2 girls from Bradley that helped me carry my wasted roomie back to our dorm the other night since she couldn't walk by herself.

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding this... I can feel an F coming on for that Spanish final...

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to my boyfriend for repeatedly texting me about how he wants to have sex, but always being too busy to see me. Your loss, buddy.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for finally doing laundry for the second time this semester. ASO for not being able to hold off for one more week and do it for free at home.

Anonymous said...

Big shout out to realized the miracle I was a part of on Mifflin. I somehow made it off of mifflin gushing blood from my face, completely anhilated and wearing an enormous sombraro without having any encounters with the cops. I'd be more proud if I could remember how I achieved this, or why I was bleeding in the first place.

Anonymous said...

SO to a take home german final and having a german do it

Anonymous said...

so to my roommate finally moving her shit out of our apartment. adios whorebag!

Anonymous said...

"SO to where i can watch every episode of The Office instead of studying"

or where they've always been...

or where they have way, way more shows than just the office, as well as full-length movies.

yup, adios studying.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the ASOs about horrible roommates- they make me feel like a cliche for hating mine, too.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to finals for making it acceptable to sit in the same place for hours on end. ASO to the lethargy packin' on the pounds.

Anonymous said...

SO to the Biocore 303 final. Prepare to have your ass kicked tomorrow at 2:45.

You have been warned.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the two girls who won't stop talking about their boy issues while I'm trying to study. If I really cared that much I would check facebook to learn your whole life story.

Ps... stop giggling. It's really not that funny.

Anonymous said...

so to getting out of my apartment. there are some crazy bitches up in here. seriously. 20 rolls of tp in one week???

Anonymous said...

ASO to the people who randomly add me on facebook. Just because i'm on your 'people you may know' doesn't mean i actually know you, or want to. STOP CREEPING!!

Anonymous said...

But...the Badger Herald does have shout-outs over the summer, just not in print, only online. really. Trust me, I'm the BH shout-out controller's boss.

Anonymous said...

i'll believe it when i see it

Anonymous said...

aso to the guy on the computer next to me at grainger library who's been playing the SAME computer game for over 3 hours. do you know what finals are???

Anonymous said...

But...the Badger Herald does have shout-outs over the summer, just not in print, only online. really. Trust me, I'm the BH shout-out controller's boss.

if that's the case, tell them to fricken UPDATE once in a while!

Anonymous said...

aso to whoever asked our ta the night before our 7:45am history final if we could use notes on the exam. Really? bigger so for him anonymously forwarding his reply. (no)

Anonymous said...

"SO being infatuated with a boy the week of finals...
How am I supposed to study?!"


Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate, Every time you go to the bathroom you take at least ten minutes so i think you've left for good and get really happy... then you return. what the hell do you do in there? on second thought, don't answer that

Anonymous said...

a major SO to the end of any $5 footlong. ASO to the new five for $5, we hate you subway headquarters.

Anonymous said...

SO to the green dragon!

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl wearing a tank top who scratched her armpit then smelt her fingers, @ college...

Anonymous said...

Shout out to being at flat top grill and seeing this creeper jesus look a like with not just one but two dates...our theories? either a porn director or online add for similar "interests" was basically insane

Anonymous said...

SO to my coastie friend, i wish i could study you for 4 to 6 hours... just to be clear, in case you didnt get that, i want to have sex with you

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to getting drafted. Mad money, bitches!

Anti-Shoutout to selfishness. Cmon man, I was just "borrowing" your xbox! Chill out! How 'bout not calling the po-po next time, I almost didn't get to play in the bowl game, fool.

Anonymous said...

ASO to unrequited love. Katie, if you're reading this, know that I have totally been crushing on you all year long. Forget your stupid boyfriend, and run away with me!

Anonymous said...

SO to Narrow Stairs. ASO to realizing I'm a wee-bit emo.

Anonymous said...

ASO to agreeing to a study date really early tomorrow morning not because i have a lot to do, but because you leave at the end of the week... can't you just stay up late like normal people?

Anonymous said... least I'm not the only one to find a love interest just before summer

Anonymous said...

SO to doing it for fun in 2 loud till dawn

Anonymous said...

SO to me doing more studying in the last 6 hours than I have all semester put together

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for taking one of her finals wasted, and drinking more beer out of her nalgene during the exam!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to completely empathizing with the people who found a love interest right before the end of the semester. i found mine earlier...but distance is a bitch. enjoy the week you've got together, guys....

Anonymous said...

ASO to the bitches who stole all the toilet paper to tp the hallway. you're making me sooo glad to be out of the dorms in four days.

Anonymous said...

aso to having two boyfriends who live in the same town. bigger aso to going home to said town in one week. we'll see how long this lasts.

Anonymous said...

ASO to HK. I don't know what is going on with you, but you need to stop breaking my balls. I have been nothing but good to you. We are so fucking done.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to my boyfriend who studied abroad this semester in Mexico and broke up with me a month into it. Your attempt to make me jealous and want you back has failed and I don't believe your story about dating two girls. Seriously I am over you and definitely not jealous. I've moved on, so get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

ASO to kines 119 being a ridiculous easy class and then getting raped on the exams because they decided to ask complex questions.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Shoutout to this entire blog and thread. It's not the same as the real SO's because theres nobody actually controlling what gets posted, so all of the lame repetitive finals jokes, bitching about coasties, or freshmen annoyances get through.

AGREED. summer SO controller....where are you???

Anonymous said...

ASO to the bitch in the lamproom eating everything she can stuff in her face. CRUNCH!

Anonymous said...

Shout out to the university meter maids giving tickets at the lib during finals.... taking advantage of a bitch of a situ. Thanks UW

Anonymous said...

SO to taking you to the hospital during exam week so the doctor could wipe off your little cut, put a bandaid on it, and then say that it will heal in a day or two. Time well spent.

Thanks JLF!
love, your favorite co-worker

Anonymous said...

ASO to my sex life, where the HELL DID YOU GO?! Remember the hour long sessions? The multiple orgasms? All the work that didn't get done because if I wasn't fucking I was definitely sleeping to prepare for more? I MISS YOU!!!

shoutoutcontroller said...

we're leaving all shout outs (except inexcusably lame ones) up until finals are over- after then it'll be like the real shout outs. check next wednesday, may 21, for the first best-of-the-week!

happy shouting.

Anonymous said...

shout to the dude taking the econ final in pen...Dude its a scantron, you are fucked

Anonymous said...

ASO to you for being power hungry

Anonymous said...

SO to every study session I end up going to just being an hour and a half of talking about how the professor sucks, how the class isn't taught correctly, and how there's no fucking way were going to pass.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to my gf... We need to keep the sleepover streak going and start studying harder at the library....if you catch my drift

Anonymous said...

SO to everyone (and I mean everyone) at the library friday night rearranging their drinking plans b/c they couldn't drink on the weekend.

only in madison

Anonymous said...

SO to my room mate who dropped out of school the week before finals. You've got a bright future ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

aso to roommates who think they are the only people in the house who have exams...we all have to study so quit bitching and slamming doors!

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who just fell on the corner of Lake Street and sat on the ground talking into her phone. And to staying put & continuing to talk while a stranger picked up the shoe you lost- classy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to, for the last 4 years, reading all these shoutouts about random hookups, but never actually having one.

Anonymous said...

SO to taking a break from the library to go emergency vibrator shopping at the porn store with a friend. sometimes we are just that desperate.

Anonymous said...

SO to the emergency vibrator shopper. That's hot.

Anonymous said...

aso for not fucking my hot friend this year. even bigger aso to him transferring next year. seriously, wtf was i thinking?

Anonymous said...

"we're leaving all shout outs (except inexcusably lame ones) up until finals are over- after then it'll be like the real shout outs. check next wednesday, may 21, for the first best-of-the-week!"

Why go back to how the real shout-outs are? I've been enjoying these more

Anonymous said...

shout out to my semester fuck buddy... cmon, with all our hard work this semester, i assumed there'd be a final... !!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate for having her ENTIRE family stay overnight in our DORM ROOM this weekend.
#2 it's the weekend before finals, come on...i've respected you all year by not inviting people to stay in our room without asking you first, you can't return the favor?
#3 why would your family want to stay in a dorm room? honestly?
oh well i'll never have to see you again in a couple days

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to girls getting as horny as guys during the summer. I have never seen so many sex related shoutouts in my entire life

Anonymous said...

ASO to people hating on my posterboards, I'm sorry that I'll get a better grade than you.

Anonymous said...

Hey shoutout controller: I kind of like this. I don't think we need controlling. This wastes more time. Don't change a good thing!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to the grout messages above the urinal at Helen C. There's something a grout mary, eat her grout. thanks for entertaining me while I pee out the venti sized coffee I just slammed

Anonymous said...

so to readjusting to scrolling down. aso to feeling like i'm cheating on someone.

Anonymous said...

huge SO to the girl who held up her math exam in the row ahead of me, thanks to you I was able to do problems 3 and 4, and therefore, probably pass

Anonymous said...

ASO to ending something that could have been great. SO to me — it wasn't my fault this time.

Anonymous said...

SO to me for realizing that beer makes take-home finals sooo much better.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend for ditching out on studying to come to the porn store last night. The vibrator situation really was an emergency.

Anonymous said...

SO to my fuck buddy rejecting me because he's studying for a final that he has on...friday. am i really that bad??

Anonymous said...

ASO to my fuck buddy who's mad at me for studying. Please, studying is more fun.

Anonymous said...

aso to trying to masturbate while studying for finance.
let's hope missing sex was worth it.

Anonymous said...

SO to Posterboard Guy - You are not alone.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Jaime for always getting poop on the back of the toilet seat, how does that even happen?

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl that likes to be on top and thinks being on her knees is awesome too! I'll help you cope with the new SO's being on the bottom by giving you some time on top. Get together to help pass the time???

Anonymous said...

SO to guys not knowing that girls are as horny as guys in the summer... ASO to guys not knowing that girls are as horny as guys all the time

Anonymous said...

ASO to BR for not pursuing spanish girl... get some balls

Anonymous said...

double ASO to BR. call sc from your spanish class. or i will for you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the lamo ignoring me these last two weeks when he is leaving this week for LA... and you expect to get lucky? That's funny.

Anonymous said...

anti-shout out to studying on Friday night instead of going out.

Anonymous said...

SO to all the hotties showing up at college during finals... I am here all semester... wanna play?

Anonymous said...

SO to Matt Subramani and his inability to talk to girls.

Anonymous said...

shout out to my roommate, who, in preparation for my econ final today, hooked me up with NyQuil to knock me out last night.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Dan Schmidt. You are a creeper.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Dan Schmidt. You are racist.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the Dan Schmidt comments. Take em down already.

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate moving out today while I was at my Chem final. Double SO to being done with finals and having plans to get crunk with everyone tomorrow night, regardless of whether they're done with finals or not.

I love you, Madison

Anonymous said...

SO to discovering this at work at 2:00 today. Wasting a solid hour. Then checking back at 6:30 while I'm studying to find a solid 20 more posts. Finals rock.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my ovaries feeling like they're about to pop. Is this my punishment for having hot sex when I should have been studying?

Anonymous said...

shout out to the girl just now in the memorial library bathroom getting ready for what appeared to be a hot date.
you smell like a middle school dance... just thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

SO to the boys in college library that recognized me because they had facebook stalked me. Normally I'd be freaked out, but I'm kinda flattered. I have a distinct feeling you're going to be awesome neighbors next year.

Anonymous said...

SO to the adorable boy in college library sunday. I'm really sorry you had to endure my rendition of the John Sterling New York Yankees victory call ("Yankees Win! Theeeeee Yankees Win!") after I watched the game. Perhaps next time I'll learn to keep my enthusiasm to myself.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Yankees

Anonymous said...

ASO to my boyfriend who won't say "I Love You" when his roommate is there!

Anonymous said...

SO to the person who just ASO the Yankees.

Anonymous said...

SO to being able to read my roommate's mind

Anonymous said...

ASO to actually being able to study at college. I come here to be distracted, people. where's your A-game?

Anonymous said...

ASO to those who do not know the rules of campus shoutouts. You never use full names, you always think dirty, and you always had twice as much alcohol than in reality.
Now continue.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Tiffany & Co. for selling a sterling silver money clip for $95. Even bigger ASO to anyone who buys it for someone as a graduation gift.

Anonymous said...

so to the 68

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommate who feels the need to bring someone home with her EVERY SINGLE TIME she goes out. I'm all about good times, but when your definition of a fun night out relies on a random hook up it's time to take a break. Self-Control: look into it.

Anonymous said...

SO to andrew in my women's studies discussion. my heart jumped when hannah made us work in a small group together. you are drop dead gorgeous, come find me in the fall?

Calla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

SO to the girl in my oceanography final who asked if we had to put our social security number down instead of our student ID...

also, SO to whomever made said final, there is no letter F on the scantron. Thanks for making number 17 that much easier.

Anonymous said...

SO to the middle-aged guys I work with who stay late on Monday nights to watch "Dancing with the Stars" and "The Bachellor"...

Anonymous said...

ASO to "beat the bookstore" - your offer of NOTHING and 2.50 for my textbooks doesn't beat anything. thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

SO to the boy on sellery 10B who lives right above me. finally i know that the consistent, repetitive, daily tapping noise is not you having wild crazy sex. it's just you bouncing your fucking lacrosse ball on the floor. with that said, i've listened to it ALL year. can you please stop??????

Anonymous said...

SO to blackhawk - thanks for all the free food.

ASO to your sucks.

Anonymous said...

SO to the old lady who compared walking up Bascom to walking against the winds of a hurricane

Anonymous said...

SO to my friends and I making special brownies today. They are delicious. ASO to remembering I have two finals tomorrow & not being able to study...

Anonymous said...

SO to the summerfest line up starting to come out. Now i can dream about being drunk along the lakefront and wandering around the stages instead of studying

Anonymous said...

SO to my bf for passing the national EMT exam today. you were already a stud, now you can save lives. it doesn't get any better than that...

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy in my Oceanography final who pointed out to the people asking what they were being handed that they were in fact the exams.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the bachelor for picking the dumb blonde

Anonymous said...

ASO to thinking that essays only take one hour per page and realizing that that is only true if actual work is done for an hour. Damn you ADD and super fun shit that distracts my feeble mind.

Anonymous said...

SO to having my food funds run out and eating peanut butter for dinner.

Anonymous said...

ASO to college library for not refilling the toliet paper in the womyn's rest room last night when i pulled my all nighter, don't you realize you were my home??

Anonymous said...

ASO to the kids playing wolrd of warcraft in college lib at 3am, thanks for making my study session all the more painful.

Anonymous said...

SO to facebook stalking harder this week than ever before...damn you facebook and your evil ways

Anonymous said...

so to finals week...

or "spending abnormal amounts of time on facebook" week

Anonymous said...

SO to the women being open about their sexuality when no one knows who they are.........

Anonymous said...

SO to Posterboard Boy. I've been watching you make them all year, and I think they're sexy.

Anonymous said...

ASO to saying good bye to a "great" guy last year this time and him coming back in the fall as a complete it bad that I still want to do him?

Anonymous said...

ASO for listening to the bloodhound gang's the bad touch and wondering if instead of watching x-files i could study for my math final.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the girls wearing ugg boots the past few days, I know there's a cold breeze, but for pete's sake, it's May already, put them in the closet. Do you really need your feet that warm, or are you just too anxious to fly back to the coast after this week.

Anonymous said...

SO to whoever can invent a time machine asap to take me to Saturday when this all will be over

Anonymous said...

shoutout to study day at blackhawk church. i don't think i've ever eaten so much food in my life...and it was all free! and i'm way more productive when i'm eating. because of you, i might actually do well on my final tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

SO to no shoutout controller right now...this last one sucked and never posted any of my "brilliant" shoutouts.

Anonymous said...

SO to my bf - let's hit up the library super early one day this week. better chance of finding a good place to study..

Anonymous said...

SO to the ever-changing facebook relationship status. you know it's official when you're facebook official.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for not finding my soulmate at Helen C yet... Don't make me stoop down to going to Memorial, make things happen new shoutout controller

Anonymous said...

When is super early for this studying that only the library can give us?

Anonymous said...

SO to obsessively checking Student Center to see if my grades are listed 3 hours after my final.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the brave duck and her ducklings crossing the street in front of college library this morning, you are so badass.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to the desk guy with the tight pants at pinacle fitness. Please just take them off, clearly you only want to show off your ass, so let's see it.

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