Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week 1: Finals Suck

Start shouting out! 


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Anonymous said...

shout out to jenna for dropping a bottle of wine on the floor during a math final

Anonymous said...

so to sex and the city being my finals medication and my fill for sex while i'm studying. aso to not having a sex slave in my time of need.

Anonymous said...

so to juston and his stix. i'm gonna miss you. and all the ed's guys and girls.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the Madhatters being such pimps. Another ASO to the fact that they don't realize there are WAY better girls on campus than just TUIB girls.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being horny and filling the vast emptiness with finding every D-bag around Helen C. They just turn me on, especially them frat boys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the summer shot-outs for starting already it just gives me one more way to procrastinate studying for finals when facebook gets boring

Anonymous said...

SO to getting head at Helen C. White. SO to the cleaning lady to coming BEFORE things got a tad heated.

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to Joel Myerson
You're great!

Anonymous said...

ASO to Sig Ep being on fire
I wanna stay and watch but I have this thing called finals tomorrow.
ps. Sorry guys, hope everybody is alright

Anonymous said...

SO to getting head at Helen C. White. SO to the cleaning lady to coming BEFORE things got a tad heated

sounds like the beginning of a very interesting erotic film to me

Anonymous said...

shout to the dude taking the econ final in pen...Dude its a scantron, you are fucked

actually I'd say he's a genius because if we all decided to use a pen we could get revenge on our professors for being lazy and using multiple choice answers. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the student center website for telling me there's an error. I get it. Now somebody fix it so I can obsessively refresh it to see if my grades are up.

Anonymous said...

SO to the old guy having cyber sex at memorial library..for 2 hours. wow.

Anonymous said...

"aso for not fucking my hot friend this year. even bigger aso to him transferring next year. seriously, wtf was i thinking?"

SO to being pretty sure I know exactly who you are talking about and yes, I feel the same way.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the student center website for telling me there's an error. I get it. Now somebody fix it so I can obsessively refresh it to see if my grades are up.

I'm having the same problem. wtf?

Anonymous said...

SO to Prof. Mark Harrower! Thanks for the tip about those certain fonts that look like Times New Roman but take up more space, definitely took advantage of that! ....because I suck at college that much.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me having no clue Sig Ep was on fire until just now. maybe I should leave my room every once and awhile.

Anonymous said...

aso to this blog not using courier new font like the real shoutouts.
they just don't look the same in times new roman.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the fucking manatees.

Anonymous said...

shout out to the guy next to me in the computer lab who's been here for 8 hours watching movie trailers and last week's episode of the office. dude, just because you have some books out doesn't mean we buy your whole "i'm pulling an all-nighter" bit.

Anonymous said...

SO to "Beat the Bookstore"
Being paid 5x more by you than university and underground were going to pay me def qualifies.

Anonymous said...

shoutout to being up all night writing papers instead of studying for the final i have in 8 hours. oops.

Anonymous said...

Shout out to seeing four football players (including TD) studying in the library for over 3 hours straight. I thought athletes studying was myth like unicorns or intelligent coasties.

Anonymous said...

SO to finals giving me an excuse for staying up all night watching star wars and boondock saints while studying

Anonymous said...

SO to Prof Donnelly saying he'll bring Justin some pastries, green tea and full outlines to the study questions. That completely made my night of studying. We're gonna miss you Donnelly

Anonymous said...

Shoutout to Krabbenhoft who's moped died directly in front of me on Park Street as the light turned green. It only took about 6 seconds to get it up and going again, but it might have been the best 6 seconds ever.

Anonymous said...

SO to my ex-girlfriend still holding a grudge against me five months later...if i remember right, you were the one who dumped me for another guy, and then talked shit about me to an entire room full of strangers. good thing is, i think your bitchiness still turns me on.

Anonymous said...

SO to the kid who when told a month ago we could make a cheat sheet for our math final did it 10 seconds before exams were handed out

Anonymous said...

to everyone checking the student center obsessively... it only refreshes at midnight every day, you can stop all that nonsense

Anonymous said...

ASO to MHR 300 and its professor. This class sucks & I'd suggest that no one take it next semester. Furthermore, ASO to TA Jed; you're a douche. Now, time to try to study for the final which I likely wont do well on.. ASO to that also!

Anonymous said...

ASO to all you neurotic people who have been checking student center compulsively to see your grades... and then posting on here about it. STOP SUCKING THE FUN OUT OF SHOUTOUTS.

Anonymous said...

SO to Brothers Bar!!! ASO to how your specials of $2 pitchers made me feel on Friday's. Oh well, I made it through this semester, and will strive to do better next!

Anonymous said...

shout out to being done with finals and being able to drink again.

Anonymous said...

shout-out to gossip girl being so good!

Anonymous said...

SO to having lots of sex during finals!

Anonymous said...

aso to the annoying girl studying next to me in lakefront at langdon. you're annoying, not intelligent, everybody in this room can hear you shrill voice and hates you, and contrary to your belief, you will not get an A on the exam you're studying for. please go annoy someone else. fuckin' dyke.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the fucking manatees."

ASO to you, buddy.

Anonymous said...

SO to being with the most wonderful guy ever. ASO to meeting his roomie in awkward timing.. i didn't mean to be that loud. ps. you may want to clean your bathroom counter before you set your toothbrush on it. opps.

Anonymous said...

so to prof. donnolly. you are the best, even if you do like the damn yankees. enjoy your retirement

Anonymous said...

ASO to everyone changing their facebook status to a celebration of their finals being over. i don't care if your done, i still have till friday. thanks for rubbing it it.

Anonymous said...

aso to living next door to sig ep and not being able to breathe...
good luck guys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to HK for making poli sci 103 really really unenjoyable... who knew anyone could make the world so boring... ASO to the ridiculous test we are all going to take... SO to the TAs giving us the answers so we don't all fail your dumb class.

Anonymous said...

Should out to the chick next to me in Steenbock last night clipping her fingernails. Seriously, who clips their fingernails in public?

Anonymous said...

SO to all the sig eps who came to the velv last night for some shots after everything they had was guys needed them

Anonymous said...

huge ASO to seeing all the "hot" sorority girls outside in their sweats and no makeup last night to watch the should have stayed inside, we're all officially scared

Anonymous said...

SO to my roomie going home early... My bf and I made good use of your desk! ASO to 22 hr quiet hours in the dorm... sorry everyone had to hear us.

Anonymous said...

ASO to everyone having the wildest sex of their lives, and being overly vague about it.

SO to last night being mindblowing baby.

Anonymous said...

SO to girls these days, they're down for just about anything... They even do ass to mouth!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to discovering Beyond Seven Studded Condoms. Suddenly, that History of Science exam isn't seeming too deadly.

Anonymous said...

"SO to girls these days, they're down for just about anything... They even do ass to mouth!!!"

Yep, that's what you learn when you pay $20 a month for porn.

Anonymous said...

aso to not figuring out that i had to check the comments...i was so sad no shoutouts were coming up whenever i looked at the blog!

Anonymous said...

"SO to girls these days, they're down for just about anything... They even do ass to mouth!!!"

Yep, that's what you learn when you pay $20 a month for porn.

Well if your smart you can save your money, isn't that what college is about getting to experience this first hand... So glad I did!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to the guy at Starbucks this morning who was so intent on making sure I got the Mint Chocolate Frappucino and not the Mint Chocolate Mocha Frappucino. Thanks, it was delicious.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the shoutouts becoming an unregulated desolate wasteland of people pretending they're having a ton of sex...this is what the controller has to deal with?

Anonymous said...

SO to "Sketchy Dan"...just becuase ;]

Anonymous said...

ASO to girls who weep into their pillow after making out.

Anonymous said...

SO to the love of my life who keeps fucking with my head. Not only do I have to worry about failing my Math class, but the fact that you leave in two days is bringing my eye twitch back. Lets just hope the hives to pop-up.

Anonymous said...

"SO to girls these days, they're down for just about anything... They even do ass to mouth!!!"

Thats quoted from Clerks II... Really can't come up with your own lines... Lame ass

Anonymous said...

ASO to college students who still haven't mastered "your/you're". Seriously? Seriously?

Anonymous said...

SO to the momma duck and her cute ducklings... You make me really want to pick one of them up and run home. Stay free little ones!!

Anonymous said...

Anti-SO to Grand Theft Auto IV...I need to study damn it!

Anonymous said...

Anti-Shout-Out to Those cute LOLCATS sure do know how to distract me!

Anonymous said...

geez, with all these crazy sex shout-outs I feel like my boyfriend and I are the only couple having lame 10 minute fully-clothed sex on a bed.

Anonymous said...

Fuck LOLcats.
The internet called from 2001, it wants its image macros back

Anonymous said...

ASO to SigEp going up in flames. Although it was a neat site to see a house up in flames in your neighborhood, I feel for you guys. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

ASO to everyone having sex but me....fuck i need to get laid...

Anonymous said...

aso to dan schmidt. all females who cherish their bodies should run away from you.

Anonymous said...

SO/ASO to my freshman roommate. You started the facebook group "I hate my roommate and he knows it." I'm graduating. Are you even still alive? You disappeared from facebook a couple years ago and the one friend I thought you had asked ME what happened to you...too many drugs man.

Anonymous said...

SO to all of the talking dirty and sexual tension...only for it to end with you never fulfilling the benefits part of "friend with benefits"

Anonymous said...

SO to Prof. Louge for moving our 7:45am test to 8:30... ASO to Louge for making tests whos class means are 50%, is it just me or do you suck at teaching?

Anonymous said...

SO to finding this because 33 of my friends joined the facebook group. No wonder my gpa sucks...I have the biggest bunch of procrastinating friends EVER.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for bitching about all of the noisy sirens last night. I'm heartless.

Anonymous said...

SO to yip yip know who you are girls!! I will miss you this summer!!

Anonymous said...

SO to me for trying to bike home with Ian's pizza in one hand, getting cut off by a phone book (not kidding), falling and breaking my right arm. Bigger SO to my dad for coming down so I could dictate my final papers to him.

John said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

SO to Sergey - you're a horrrrrible teacher, but so HOT. and so russian.

Anonymous said...

SO to Brody for quitting facebook and when we asked him why he started shaking, saying "too much stress, too much stress." Dude, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? Cuz last time I looked you had like 12 facebook friends...

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting 16 mpg ... FUCK, there goes the summer roadtrips.

Anonymous said...

"SO to Prof. Louge for moving our 7:45am test to 8:30... ASO to Louge for making tests whos class means are 50%, is it just me or do you suck at teaching?"

WORD!!! If a 5/100 is passing you're doing something wrong as a professor. This isnt intermediate time-travel. Huge SO to 8:30!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the costie girl who as watching Sig Ep burn down asked if the cars were ok-you are cold.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

SO to shamelessly using a dude that I met at SOAR, two summers ago. Normally I would feel bad, but I've been fucked over so many times, I really don't care.

Anonymous said...

ASO to dreaming about calculus last night, Bigger ASO to getting a diarrhea in the exam hall !!!!

Anonymous said...

SO to everyone laughing when I told them my roommate got hit by a car. Another SO to the same roommate falling of his motorcycle once, then crashing it after you got new parts for it, then getting hit by that car. You make our lives here more enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommates who continue to eat my food..get your own damn food

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the people talking about the wild sex they're having during exam week. You all make me realize I'm a complete failure at life.

SO to any attractive lady who wants to change that and play with my wiener!

Anonymous said...

ASO to "lets just be friends." I want you. You want me. Let's get to it.

Anonymous said...

SO to the undercover-ish cop car parked next to me today... I dont pay granger's meters either!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being half-naked and horny in my bf's bed and not getting any... are girls really hornier than guys these days? i'm beginning to wonder...

Anonymous said...

aso to the annoying girl on the 3rd floor of college lib whose life story we all now know, and no i don't think it is unfair people on adderal get to eat whatever they want... maybe if you stopped being a superficial leech on society and focused on that studying you might get those grades your complaining about

Anonymous said...

ASO to they guy i'm seeing but not actually in a relationship with. you're not getting any if you just show up tomorrow, so you better call me, idiot...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the WI legislature having to balance the budget... and make me work one more session day before quitting!

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate for being gone forever-- I think I'll spend the rest of the night walking around the room naked.

Anonymous said...

ASO to those people complaining about not being able to get to the student center to get their grades. Read!

There is an unscheduled, emergency outage for ISIS from 5:45 - 10:45 PM, Tuesday, May 13. As a result, students will not able to view course reserves/links or remove any other information found in the student center.

Anonymous said...

according to these shoutouts, if i had a sexdetector, it'd be going crazy.

Anonymous said...

... I wish I had a sexdetector.

Anonymous said...

...I wish I could meet any of these sex-deprived girls.

Anonymous said...

SO to whoever left cupcakes on a table in the cafe @ Helen C today. Not only did you provide me and my friends a quality discussion of what objects qualify as saving a spot in the library during finals, but you also provided me entertainment by watching them eat them. SO to my friends, I know you were hungry, but you have no idea what was in those....

Anonymous said...

SO to Rm 1290 Granger, cept it would've been easier if there was a bed

Anonymous said...

SO to my roommate - Here is a list of reasons that I hate you. 1)You eat all my food and lie about it. 2)After you take a shower it looks like The Great Flood in the bathroom. 3)You only do your dishes at 4 am when the rest of us are trying to sleep. 4)You work out 3 hours a day and you're so skinny its sick 5) Your forehead is huge - you have an 8 head.

Anonymous said...

ASO to me for being surprised that no coasties have defended their oxymoronic existence in the shoutouts and thinking they must just not read them. SO to me for realizing they MUST read them after stumbling upon this selection of genius: aso to not figuring out that i had to check the comments...i was so sad no shoutouts were coming up whenever i looked at the blog!

Anonymous said...

ASO to previous poster for ever giving coasties the benefit of the doubt in that they had a shred of common sense. Enjoy heading back to the coast, 'tards.

Anonymous said...

ASO to bees.

fuck bees.

Anonymous said...

SO to skipping class to go to Michelangelo's with some friends. Even bigger SO to finding out I think I have a crush on one of them. ASO to realizing this so late...

Anonymous said...

SO to the ladies of lodge. Love you!

Anonymous said...

ASO to not being able to get my mind off a friend with benefits from last semester. i can't figure out why i still really want you...
SO to me having enough self control to not post a shoutout with your name and "is so damn sexy"

Anonymous said...

ASO to myself for my game of playing hard to get. I really hate myself right now. And my libido.

Anonymous said...

SO to my gay boyfriend. Without you, I would not have an amazing cock block, hilarious advice on straight men, or amazingly f--ked up drunken nights. Happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

ASO to not having a boyfriend in a year... UGH. ASO to the guy I've been crushing on, for making it extra hard to tell if you actually like me or are just really nice.. :(

Anonymous said...

shout out to hillary clinton, you hang in there.

Anonymous said...

SO to Carson's for feeding my drunk/high/lazy ass ALL year... ASO to not delivering to the apartments. I'm gonna miss you Carson's...

Anonymous said...

SO to getting drunk on monday of finals week and going to work an hour later. ASO to the difficulties that ensued..

Anonymous said...

ASO to two of my roommates who apparently have been secretly buying toilet paper and sharing it only between them. do you wipe each others asses too?

Anonymous said...

SO to my serial monogamous gf... wait is that a fedora?

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the inside jokes being posted as one else gets them and they aren't funny...that's what facebook is for

Anonymous said...

SO to finding the perfect girl this semester, but both of us being too busy, sick or injured to spend time together. Here's to summer, hon!

Anonymous said...

SO to 300-some SO's in the past 3 days. You make me feel like the crying Indian in the pollution commercial... but in a good way

Anonymous said...

"aso to not figuring out that i had to check the comments...i was so sad no shoutouts were coming up whenever i looked at the blog!"

i may have posted that, but im not a coastie, im from wisconsin, i swear. im just not smart...but i am on academic probation if that explains anything

Anonymous said...

SO to Sexy Prof. Straus. Dear LORD, thank you for wearing jeans during the final. and the low unbuttoned shirt. i could BARELY concentrate on your astounding and intellectually-stimulating exam.

Anonymous said...

ASO to their being way to many shout outs that they just repeat over and over again, controller please!

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the girls who complain that guys don't realize that you are into them ... help us out, give us a sign - we are thinking the same thing!

Anonymous said...

"ASO to all the people talking about the wild sex they're having during exam week. You all make me realize I'm a complete failure at life.

SO to any attractive lady who wants to change that and play with my wiener!"

I'll give you a call!! :P

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Witte 7B RA, not only are you a huge douchebag, but the kid you got kicked out of housing for something he didnt do, is now with nothing b/c that same kid was living in the Sig Ep House that burned down last night....Way to be Class Act

Anonymous said...

there is at least one sex-deprived girl on the second floor of college right now. i should know, i'm writing this...

Anonymous said...

SO to wishing I was at college to see the stampede of horny guys going to the second floor

Anonymous said...

i just spent 5 minutes trying to remember what to do to post a SO...i thought it disappeared. love, the girl that couldn't even figure out how to read the little guys.

Anonymous said...

ASO to all the sex-deprived girls who post anonymously about it and think it makes them "edgey" and will do something about their deprivation.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to all the girls who complain that guys don't realize that you are into them ... help us out, give us a sign - we are thinking the same thing!"

Eye contact. Initiating conversations about relationships/dating/sex. Casual touching. Seriously, chicks are NOT that hard to figure out. If guys would just grow some balls and be aggressive..

Anonymous said...

"so to sex and the city being my finals medication and my fill for sex while i'm studying. aso to not having a sex slave in my time of need."
I read this and decided to watch 6 episodes in a row while "studying" for my spanish final. Perfect solution.

Anonymous said...

SO to just now waking up after falling asleep while listening to the podcasts for biz law. ASO to falling the exam in 8 hours.

Anonymous said...

SO to all the kids bitching about their sexual frustrations, and a big SO to all those who do something about it

Anonymous said...

SO to the person who posted this..."ASO to college students who still haven't mastered "your/you're". Seriously? Seriously?"

Also, ASO to those who haven't figured out then/than and their/there/they' know who you are...

Anonymous said...

SO to having a crush on someone for 15 weeks in my geo class and doing absolutely nothing about it...ASO to doing nothing because i am in a long distance wrong

Anonymous said...

SO to Jeff. so you're virginal, I still wanna sleep with you...

Anonymous said...

ASO to sconnies assuming the worst of coasties. We're not all rich bitches with an imagined sense of entitlement. And ASO to me not being able to make friends with a single person from Wisconsin all year. I hate this segregation.

Anonymous said...

SO to a few hundred miles keeping me from a boy i almost dated. mullet? 20 pounds and a second chin? i know i go to uw but drinking every night of the week isn't doing much for your body OR your studies..

Anonymous said...

ASO to all shoutouts against coasties that have been printed in the herald over the years. i love them.

Anonymous said...

...and, yes, ASO to coastie segregation also. i'm from illinois, so i'm not a "sconnie," but i'm always for making friends with coasties.

Anonymous said...

SO to loving sex so much despite my uber religious southern's SINcredible!

Anonymous said...

SO to the South. Sweet tea forever.

Jon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ASO to having to just delete my shout out because apparently blogger knows who I am (and announces it to everyone else)if I am logged into g-mail. Thanks internet.

Anonymous said...

SO to tuesday night, near two in the morning, and all I really want to do is create some type of campus late night/daytime talk show, with a my desk located in Library Mall, Bucky's Band with the fountain in the background, special football episodes, scheduled/random guests, viewer mail, real shout outs .......any support here?

Anonymous said...

ASO to USA Network for showing two Heath Ledger movies already this week. Too soon... too soon.

Anonymous said...

shout out to hot carls

Anonymous said...

I'll be a guest.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the girl who said guys need to be more aggressive at making the first move. Some of us don't like feeling like rapists. Girls make an uncalled for first move and its whatever. Guys do it and turn into that creepy douche who tried to hook up with you the other night.

Anonymous said...

HUGE ASO to the MHR 300 final being worth the same as our semester long application project.

Anonymous said...

ASO to study abroad students returning....4 months of doing your boy was fun while it lasted

Anonymous said...

aso to the dude who says guys don't like feeling like rapists. i get it. but asking a girl to something casual can either make you just seem nice or into her. win-win if she accepts. bigger win-win if she thinks of it as a date like you'd like her to. hello, study dates??

Anonymous said...

Sout Out to the guy I delivered to who was so drunk at 8o'clock this evening that he could not manage to sign his name on the delivery slip, but still insisted that I come in to take shots with him and his buddys.

Anonymous said...

let's just put it this way, we're all in college and we're all looking to get some so if i drunkenly hook up with someone down the hall it doesn't mean i want anything else from him but it also doesn't mean i'd object to something happening again... ;-D

Anonymous said...

ASO to coastie hate. Seriously sconnies (I am one) get over yourselves, you're not any better than anyone else. SO to coasties for putting up for the abuse/adding at least some variety to campus.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the absent shout-out controller this summer. Don't shout out unless it's funny. We don't care that you're going to get an F because you got wasted instead of studying. Go figure, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

SO to the girl who always comes late to Ress's chem class and sits in the back row. You make me feel like a good student.

PS you are beautiful will you marry me?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the coasties who only started defending themselves in the Shout-Outs after someone pointed out here that they never have. Way to lift stereotypes and think for yourselves.

Anonymous said...

SO to guys acting like girls on this board talking about how they want sex(as girls) to feel good about how creepy they are(as guys) in real life... Especially that guy posting as a girl in College today(you know who you are).

Anonymous said...

SO to subway finally ending the five dollar footlong deal. ASO to everyone who thinks it's still going on and is shocked by the chicken bacon ranch costing over 7 bucks. maybe that will keep you from coming in everyday.

Anonymous said...

SO or ASO to the college library coffee. im up and i dont even have a final tomorrow.WHAT IS IN YOU?!

Anonymous said...

SO to Jess G in history, its only been a week since I last saw you in class but those days were so worth it

Anonymous said...

Especially that guy posting as a girl in College today(you know who you are).

if you're referring to the girl on second floor, i am a girl. these boobies don't lie.

Anonymous said...

ASO to having your period during finals. SO to just giving head instead... mmm, semen.

Anonymous said...

ASO to living with someone who cannot get over themself. Your not as great as you think you are, your controling and you don't care about anyone but yourself. I don't know why your so in love with yourself when you only get laid when the other person is really drunk.

Anonymous said...

SO to my friend who asked what day the United States' Independence was....all those fireworks on July 4th are just for a random fiesta!

Anonymous said...

shout out to the sconnies who think moving their kid out is a fucking family vacation...and you wonder why we think you guys are hicks?

Anonymous said...

SO to the people looking for the Wizards Training last night in Steenbock - i've been seriously trying to copy your awesome newspaper sword...

Anonymous said...

ASO to whoever is still a virgin after first year of college. y'all are 0-1. there's always next year.

super ASO to those who are virgins for religious reasons. y'all are 0-1, like, for life.

Anonymous said...

"ASO to the girl who said guys need to be more aggressive at making the first move. Some of us don't like feeling like rapists. Girls make an uncalled for first move and its whatever. Guys do it and turn into that creepy douche who tried to hook up with you the other night."

i think i know who you are and i am so sorry for telling all of your friends/hall/frat that you are a huge creeper.kiss and make up?

Anonymous said...

ASO to the obnoxious dudes on bascom. The frisbee flying over my head really made my day. You really need to get a life and stop bring so arrogant.

Anonymous said...

ASO to graduating and still being a virgin... i still have 3 days so who wants to have sex with me?

Anonymous said...

SO to Drunk accounting. How I have missed you since Freshman year.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the coasties who only started defending themselves in the Shout-Outs after someone pointed out here that they never have. Way to lift stereotypes and think for yourselves.

ASO to you. I defended coasties only after so many aso against us. and it's not like i even attacked sconnies--all I said is we should be friends. sorry if that offended you. and not like it matters, but I was going to right it earlier, but I was studying sorry.

Anonymous said...

SO to Whitney for winning America's Next Top Model, Cycle 10! Girl, I knew you could do it, with your "full-figured fetus" picture!! Way to be plus-sized and bootylicious!!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my friends taking down their "man wall." Honestly, I only came and talked to you so I could stare at the thirty gorgeous, half-naked men on your wall.

Anonymous said...

SO to wishing I was having sex right now....but not with my boyfriend

Anonymous said...

ASO to cumulative exams. come on, my grade was already destroyed by that stuff on the first exam...bring it back to haunt me again 4 months later is just cruel.

Anonymous said...

Let's make a sexy time. Niiiiice.

Anonymous said...

To all of you who complain that us Wisconsin folks segregate ourselves from outsiders! Go to Milwaukee and learn what segregation is. How about learning to pull away from your click and making an effort!

Anonymous said...

ASO to reading so's instead of preparing for the exam I have tonight. ASO to getting ripped as soon as I step foot out of the humanities building tonight in order to celebrate finals being over as an excuse to get unnecessarily...ripped.

Anonymous said...

ASO to Tomasik. first you destroy your credibility as a prof and then you destroy the curve. Next up, my gpa. how does it feel to waste the time of 200 kids in one try?
SO to you leaving so that next year's group has a better chance at graduating in 4 years

Anonymous said...

ASO to Prof Dykman. Seriously could you make that exam any harder? You make me want to kill myself and what the hell where you wearing today?

Anonymous said...

"SO being infatuated with a boy the week of finals...
How am I supposed to study?!"


I had to laugh at this... dont know if im the Mindy ur talking about but it does sound like something i would do... or did. haha. :)

Anonymous said...

ASO to the Madhatters in general, they're all just chubby wannabe players . . .

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