Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 14

well since the BH decided to randomly start posting shoutouts again, this could be the last week. I guess it depends on how many shoutouts we can pack into this week, and the quality. Everyone knows this was just to tide us over until the real ones got back.

some input would be appreciated :)


Anonymous said...

SO to summer shout-outs. you will be missed...

Anonymous said...

SO to john deere, which may be the only thing good to come from illinois. because of him i get to sit my ass on a tractor all day and have a little kid call me his hero because i know how to drive a tractor. Ahhh the joys of living in wisconsin

Anonymous said...


SOC, you complete me. And for the first time in my life, I'm not being sarcastic. I need you! Madison needs you!

Anonymous said...

DEFINATELY keep these going!

Anonymous said...

SO to keeping THESE shoutouts running until the end of summer. I'm too lazy to add the BH to my bookmarks...

Anonymous said...

shout-out to my roommate. you got hit by a car, now have a broken leg, finger, and clavicle but you're still cheerful "because it could have been so much worse." you are a rockstar and i love you. this world needs 6 billion more people like you.

Anonymous said...

"DEFINATELY keep these going!"

I almost agree. if only people knew how to spell definitely...

Anonymous said...

SO to Bella Swan for liking it rough, I always knew you were a freak.
ASO to Bella Swan because she gets Edward...

Anonymous said...

SO to the fruit stand guy. The young one. Not that I'm against the older ones - they're nice and whatnot, but seriously. The younger one. I swoon.

Anonymous said...

SO to favre becoming a coastie... and bigger SO to the media clusterfuck being over

Anonymous said...

ASO to the ladies I work with telling me that I'm going to get cancer because I keep my phone in my bra. As if I wasn't neurotic enough...

Anonymous said...

ASO to getting my driver's license renewed and getting the ugliest picture taken. There is no way I'm keeping that ID til 2016. Good thing I look hot in my fake.

Anonymous said...

Can we all just ASO to Brett Farve and get it over with? I need to move on with life already.

Anonymous said...

SO to one of the word verification letter combos to type in a SO being "DQ." I want me some blizzards now!

Anonymous said...

shout out to my friend leaking today's headline on huffingtonpost and watching it get picked up by the major networks. maybe mccain should lose his computer virginity so more emails don't get wrongly sent to obama lovin liberals!

Anonymous said...

i just ate a llama.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy walking down Park St. texting someone. First of all, you were walking on the left side of the sidewalk when you should have been on the right. Secondly, when you walk you should watch where you are going. Thirdly, there was someone walking correctly on the right, so I couldn't pass you on the sidewalk. You made me step into the gravel so that I didn't run into your fat ass. Douche.

Anonymous said...

Can we all just ASO to Brett Farve and get it over with? I need to move on with life already.

Who is this Farve you speak of?

Anonymous said...

playing doctor is a game you don't want to lose. know the rules.

Anonymous said...

SO to seeing Professor Donnelly today on State St. wearing his "summer suit." It pretty much made my day..

Anonymous said...

SO to my 7 year old brother crying when he heard brett favre got traded to the jets...we feel for you little guy

Anonymous said...

god, a little bit of competition would make both sites better... which is still not gonna help the BH.

so to the BH. it's cute to see they still have hope. downright adorable.

Anonymous said...

jSO to my local radio station for playing the Jet Song from "West Side Story" while talking about Brett Farve. I'm pretty sure that a musical theatre reference was just salt in the wound for some people!

Anonymous said...

"god, a little bit of competition would make both sites better... which is still not gonna help the BH.

so to the BH. it's cute to see they still have hope. downright adorable."

SO to finding a little too much joy in knowing who wrote that...

Anonymous said...

so to the yoga instructor from the serf, who also works at the fruit stand on library mall. you're pretty doable.

Anonymous said...

aso to getting sexually harrassed at work today by my creepy boss. yeah im desperate, but not that desperate...

Anonymous said...

SO to the Summer Shoutouts, your tales of horny/drunken/awesome shenanigans have made a lame summer at home a little more enjoyable.

Randomly, ASO to the Jets for being the pathetic rebounder in this nasty NFL breakup.

Anonymous said...

ASO to missing out on a booty call because i didn't wanna break a prior commitment. DAMN my mother for teaching me good manners...

Anonymous said...

shout-out to the "mark as unread" button in facebook inbox. hacking into my ex-bf's account and reading his messages without being noticed has never been easier!

Anonymous said...

ASO to being at to my PT job on my only day off from my full time one. SO to making the first hour consist of summer shoutouts and facebook...please don't take these away!

Anonymous said...

ASO to ted thompson, way to pick a 24 year old over your 3,000 yards a season qb. SO to favre for STILL being the man.

Anonymous said...

ASO to the guy walking down Park St. texting someone. First of all, you were walking on the left side of the sidewalk when you should have been on the right. Secondly, when you walk you should watch where you are going. Thirdly, there was someone walking correctly on the right, so I couldn't pass you on the sidewalk. You made me step into the gravel so that I didn't run into your fat ass. Douche.



Anonymous said...

ASO to me for still kinda wanting to bang aaron's not really his fault right?

Anonymous said...

ASO to my own mother sexiling me tonight... my life is an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

SO to summer shoutouts. You may be the only thing that's gotten me through the last 24 hours--during which I sustained a head injury and got my wisdom teeth removed.

Anonymous said...

"so to the yoga instructor from the serf, who also works at the fruit stand on library mall. you're pretty doable."

ASO to me for thinking 'doable' was someone trying to spell "adorable." i should go back to madison and re-learn how to read.

Anonymous said...

SO to everyone on Madison's Missed Connections Craigslist page. Even though you're all creepy, I wish you the best of luck in all of your semi-stalkerish endeavors.

Anonymous said...

"jSO to my local radio station for playing the Jet Song from "West Side Story" while talking about Brett Farve. I'm pretty sure that a musical theatre reference was just salt in the wound for some people!"

A. what's a "jSO"

B. FAVRE. FAVRE. FAVRE. Fa"VR"e. God people. Learn. LEARN!

Anonymous said...

SO to giving blood. ASO to not paying attention to the day and accidentally giving the day before I get my period. I'm going to drop dead at work tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

SO to getting drunk in front of old high school teachers at a cast party/ 70s themed anniversary party when you just graduated last year. You really know how to hide what you learned in Madison...!

ASO to breaking the beer before liquor rule and accidently flushing your fun 70s head band down the toilet :(

Anonymous said...

ASO to people at home (ny) who are starting to wear their jets apparel again. The team just got about 30 times better so you figure it's finally safe to throw it on. grow some balls people.

ASO to thinking about buying a jets t-shirt and realizing that I would get mauled, lynched, and hung from the top of van vleck as soon as I got back to madison...

Anonymous said...

ASO to my buddy who is moving down south to be a carnie. I bet those two degrees from UW will look great next to the "Chicken Wings- $3 and Hot!" sign.

Anonymous said...

SO to finally being done with college.
ASO to realizing i can no longer justify my lifestyle as simple college student its just alcoholism.

Anonymous said...

SO to looking forward to a throwdown between the summer SOC and the Herald's SOC

Anonymous said...

SO to ME. (I know that's kind of an asshole move but...)I got my first missed connection today. I am a rockstar.

Anonymous said...

42? as in short for 420? niiiiiiiiiice

Anonymous said...

SO/ASO to karma. I was just talking about how dumb my ex-friend is for getting an underage a couple months ago. He turned 21 today, and I got an underage last night. Damn, karma, you's a bitch!

Anonymous said...

SO to giving blood. ASO to not paying attention to the day and accidentally giving the day before I get my period. I'm going to drop dead at work tomorrow.

it doesnt make a difference, the blood from your period comes from the uterine lining. duhhhh

Anonymous said...

Huge SO to my priest for coming over while I was standing awkwardly at a wedding reception and saying "What, can't socialize without a beer pong table in the room?"

Anonymous said...

ASO to family vacations that involve llamas.

Double ASO to llamas who escape.

ASO again to running after a llama through the mountain wilderness of wyoming yelling "here llama llama llama".

why cant we take normal family vacations?

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly pissed that none of my friends gave me any birthday greetings.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly pissed that none of my friends gave me any birthday greetings.

happy birthday buddy! hope you have a great fun filled day and a trashed night!! :]

Anonymous said...

SO to uw. i only wish my school could be as cool as you:(

and i would like to give a pity SO to the birthday person above least you got somewhat of a birthday greeting.

Anonymous said...

SO to - when researching where I want to go in Europe over winter break, I found a quote about our beautiful home:

"State Street is where the party happens. The University of Wisconsin student body is one of the most nightlife crazy in the nation..."

SO to you Madison, and finding you in the craziest places.

Anonymous said...

so to hott sex. i look forward to continuing our marathon sessions while my med school roommate is at class for 46 hours a day.

Anonymous said...

"B. FAVRE. FAVRE. FAVRE. Fa"VR"e. God people. Learn. LEARN!"

Actually, I propose a motion that we all spell it 'Farve' now, because Favre is dead to me.

Anonymous said...

aso to my friend for telling me she just LOVES the song 'im on fire' by john mayer. SERIOUSLY, it's by john mayer? the boss frowns on you.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being at a yoga center in colorado all week without internet, and the second i get back to civilization and hear about favre all my zen disappeared.

Anonymous said...

SO to my mom. When I was singing in the car and couldn't remember some of the words she referred to me as a "tard". I'm so glad we're related!

Anonymous said...

ASO to my cousin for thinking the song buffalo soldier is referring to 'rockstars' not 'rasta'. you're 14, you should know better!

Anonymous said...

SO to visualizing the Olympic rings made out of onion rings.

That was some crazy awesome daydream but I would never really eat a green, red, blue or black one incase you were wondering.

Anonymous said...

ASO to never being in the Madison craigslist missed connections. I try so hard-- I run the same route on a regular basis, and I'm usually wearing little more than a sports bra and shorts, and I'm in good shape. Isn't someone appearance-driving enough to feel like we've missed our connection?

Anonymous said...

SO to losing track of what day it is

Anonymous said...

ASO to my roommates who moved out already, leaving the nasty ass fridge, carpet which hasn't been vacuumed for a year, and both the kitchen and bathroom for me to clean by myself. thanks bitches!

Anonymous said...

SO to encountering one of my former high school teachers while out in a hometown bar and saying both "penis" and "vagina" to her during my drunken stupor...

Anonymous said...

SO to getting an cute, sweet, amazing boyfriend and thinking I'll finally be getting some shoutout worthy ass.
ASO to him not being able to get it up.
fuck my life.

Anonymous said...

SO to the "Black People ONLY" sign on Lakeshore path..and I'm white.

Anonymous said...

SO to my dad for telling me if I have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours to go rub one out.

Anonymous said...

SO to giving blood. ASO to not paying attention to the day and accidentally giving the day before I get my period. I'm going to drop dead at work tomorrow.

it doesnt make a difference, the blood from your period comes from the uterine lining. duhhhh

And what, your uterus has some magical outside source of fresh blood? It has to come from somewhere!

Anonymous said...

SO to the irony of the band "Katrina and the Waves" and their song Walking on Sun Shine.

Not so much eh New Orleans?