Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Week 14 Best-Of

SO to summer shout-outs. you will be missed...

SO to favre becoming a coastie... and bigger SO to the media clusterfuck being over

ASO to the ladies I work with telling me that I'm going to get cancer because I keep my phone in my bra. As if I wasn't neurotic enough...

so to the yoga instructor from the serf, who also works at the fruit stand on library mall. you're pretty doable

ASO to missing out on a booty call because i didn't wanna break a prior commitment. DAMN my mother for teaching me good manners

ASO to my own mother sexiling me tonight... my life is an embarrassment

SO to everyone on Madison's Missed Connections Craigslist page. Even though you're all creepy, I wish you the best of luck in all of your semi-stalkerish endeavors

SO to finally being done with college.
ASO to realizing i can no longer justify my lifestyle as simple college student shenanigans..now its just alcoholism

Huge SO to my priest for coming over while I was standing awkwardly at a wedding reception and saying "What, can't socialize without a beer pong table in the room?"

SO to my mom. When I was singing in the car and couldn't remember some of the words she referred to me as a "tard". I'm so glad we're related!

SO to losing track of what day it is

SO to my dad for telling me if I have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours to go rub one out.

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