Tuesday, August 12, 2008

That's All, Folks

I know I posted the best-of a day early but I'll be way too busy cleaning and packing tomorrow. There weren't even 100 SO's this week and the BH is back up and running, so I think we've rode this train as far as it's gonna go... Thanks for everything, check back next summer because we will definitely be back! 


Anonymous said...


I don't want summer to end!

Anonymous said...

bye soc. i love you.

Anonymous said...

i'll miss you summer shout outs.. you provided hours of entertainment for me in my very old, retired people town

Anonymous said...

ASO to the summer SOs being over... seriously this makes me so freaking sad it's ridiculous. i check back like 15-25 times a day just to make sure it's over for real... i can't speak for everyone, but i know the really cool/awesome/amazing people miss the summer SOs immensely.... almost as much as we miss madison.

Anonymous said...

come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!