Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 13

Only a few weeks left shoutmonkeys... make us laugh

Week 12 Best-of

ASO to my physical and breast exam being the most action I've gotten all summer.

ASO to not being able to SIT UP from my bedroom floor for 21 hrs straight after a long night in mad-town

Potential SO to my coworker saying she'd do me, but it'd be vaguely whoreish...does that mean I should go for it?

SO to the 3-year old I babysit for pointing at the pimple on my face and saying, "You have a boo-boo! We have neosporin and a band-aid if you want?"...I'd make it an ASO, but she's just too damn cute saying it.

SO to finding this on the "about me" section of my Harvard friend's facebook profile:
"Shout Out to introducing my friend at Harvard to Shout-outs. Can we just tack that onto the list of reasons why Madison > Ivy Leagues?" Even bigger SO to the fact that he recognizes the truth.

SO to the stoplight at Doty/Broom for flashing the shocker instead of the stop hand.

ASO to learning that by naming my dog Xena, in Arabic it means adultery...and I just thought I was paying homage to the warrior princess!

SO to managing to swing my rent this month thru a combination of donating plasma and whoring myself out to the psych department.

SO to being a nude photography model-- If these photos show up on the internet someday and my students find them I'm going to be PROUD.

SO to the SOC. i love you and your need for 69 shoutouts.

ASO to my summer being one epic fail after another. I suck.

SO to my Dad - when my brother said, "I can't believe you sold that car, I loved that car, I had sex in that car!" he replied with "with anyone else?" Oh masturbation...

ASO to acid trips at the KK. I swear there were people actually having sex on the dance floor. Damns girls get some self respect!

just a question... where are we with the shoutout shirts?

ASO to getting so drunk that I fell into a load of thorns and couldn't get out for half an hour. SO to the only person who saw being so drunk themselves that they forgot almost instantly. ASO to being so drunk that I then called up the guy I like and informed him of my drunken falling into thorns. I guess once the scratches heal I'll have to find someone else to go see Batman with

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 12

make bucky proud

Week 11 Rockstars

SO to my 10 year old brother who saw my dry legs and said i have reptile there are too many erectile dysfunction commercials on tv

SO to the kid i babysit for, who told me that the reason i didn't have to parallel park during my driving test is that i'm so old that they only had horses in my day.

ASO to the 4 year old boy in my camp class who came up to me and said, "you have a baby in your belly!". Yes I might have gained a little weight while in college but you could have at least asked instead of telling me. god i need a drink.

SO to my brother for explaining the Favre situation as 'So imagine you've had a dog since you were born, and then the dog dies. You cry, and it's hard, but you grieve and get over it. Then, a few months later your dog comes back to life. This zombie dog doesn't want to live with you and your new puppy, instead he goes to live with your neighbors who you HATE. It's so awful.'

"SO to me for being the first poster! ASO to me for being excited about it..."
making fun of you would be like making fun of a midget with down syndrome... it would just feel wrong afterwards

ASO to an inter-state facebook booty call. Ouch.

SO to my friend for falling asleep on my shoulder - it was cuter than cute. ASO to her drooling on my brand new shirt.

SO to my alcoholic aunt. At our family reunion, my niece asked, "What happens to the baby after it comes down, cradle and all?" My aunt traumatized her by responding, "The cradle hits the baby in the head, giving it severe brain trauma, and it dies. Yep, that's life for you," and went back to drinking straight whisky. She keeps it real-er.

"SO to going to Essen Haus, drinking 4 "Das Boot"(s) with my friends, getting into a peanut fight with a bachelor party, and waking up this morning butt-ass naked aside from the one sock on my foot."
which foot?

SO to kegs and cupcakes.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 11

gooooo for it

Week 10 Superstars

SO to the lifeguards at the waterpark where I work. Watching you chase after scattered "fecal matter" in the pool with nets has been one of the more hilarious moments of my summer. I do not envy you...

ASO to our Scrabble game last night. My friend and I had the epic opportunity to play "vagina" twice on one board, only to have it f*ed up by my brother

ASO to not being able to take shots. SO to practicing with ice cold water in dixie cups...Let's face it, we go to Wisconsin, its equally, if not more important than studying

SO to having sex instead of running tonight because I get a better cardio workout

ASO to me, I am the most pitiful franchise in baseball, and am only followed by fat, useless cocksuckers from the north side of the windy city. I wish someone would put me out of my misery.
-Oooh! Oooh! I know this one, Alex! Who are... the Chicago Cubs!

anti shout-out to walk of shaming home at 6:45am to the equinox and running into the cleaning lady, with whom i'm on a first-name basis. she tried to cover up her surprised "oh" by telling me about today's forecast (because she's so super nice) but i couldn't even look her in the eye because of how guilty i felt for her to now know what a bad girl i am

SO to thinking in shoutouts when i see cool shit happening

SO to the guy sitting behind me on the bus talking to himself about killing people in 1988 and the police finding dead bodies in the trunk of his car after he'd shot them twice. i need a car

SO to checking my e-mail at a sketchy European internet cafe to find out whether I got football tickets. Double SO to frightening some backpacking Slovenians with my victory dance, and being completely unable to explain the glory that is Wisconsin football to them

ASO to Farve changing his mind more than a 4 year old at Baskin Robins

shout-out to being a girl and living in a frat next year. walks of shame will be so much shorter!

SO to coming back to madison for the weekend, hooking up with 2 ex's and smoking some of the dankest buds ive ever seen. God i love this town.

If CC, Fielder, McClung, and Gagne were in a lifeboat, how long would it take for that thing to sink? I'd give it 3.14 minutes.
-3.14 minutes.. because they eat so much pi?

SO to my roommate who left behind two fridges, a perfect table for mixing drinks, and a mostly empty room for my one and only kegger this summer! ASO to him randomly coming back with his family the morning after to finish emptying his room, only to discover two fridges full of booze, his table glossed over in liquor, and a futon mattress complete with condom wrappers next to it

Friends don't let friend shout out drunk

SO to the anti-drug commercial where the kid builds a cocoon of pot and emerges a bald loser. If I had enough pot to build a cocoon...

"Um, he's a sprinter on the track team and a business major. SO to that."
-You know what they say about sprinters, they always finish in under fifteen seconds...

Friday, July 11, 2008

shout-out tee shirts!

here's the shout out tee shirt so far. the slogan on the back was a great shout out from this week (author of said shout out, be proud). however, that's subject to change if someone can think of something amazing! post ideas for the shout out on the back that relates to either wisconsin, bucky, badgers, madison or the shout outs and general and we'll pick the best one! happy shouting

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Week 10

last week's shout outs were weak guys... heavy on the complaining, light on the funny. lets step it up!

peace, love and shoutouts

Best of Week 9

SO to you, SOC, for the AMAZING Week 9 starter. I fucking love King's! Let's get together & play... but I call little man.

ASO to dog farts. Seriously not cool.

SO to playing kings and making the best rule ever. It is actually super hilarious to make someone play standing up if everyone is playing on the floor.

SO to week 9 bust a rhyme! I'll go Suckers.

SO to my brother for warning me not to go upstairs for a couple hours. ASO to the ugly pictures he put in my mind of my parents in bed and the fact that I can hear the waterbed swishing. One of those things that makes you go 'uuuuuuuuuuugh'.

ASO to whoever the "controller" is here for not posting my SO. who are you too judge, bitch. $10 bucks you don't even post this.
i can't wait till summer's over and you get off your little power trip. i'm protesting by not posting another single SO the rest of the summer.

oops, looks like somebody owes the shoutout controller $10. well played, making a bet with the person who directly effects the outcome of said bet.

ASO to people who signed up in the lottery just so they could sell their tickets for a higher price. I hope Bucky eats your soul for pricing out my friends.

SO to hitting the refresh button repreatedly solely in order to see the hit counter increase by one each time. please tell me this hasn't been here the whole time, otherwise my summer has been a waste until now.

ASO to the huge disappointment of eating Ian's while sober. You were so delicious when I was trashed and sitting on the curb. Daylight, a table, and no alcohol apparently takes away your magic.

ASO to pEoPlE wHo TyPe lIkE tHiS. iSn'T tHiS aNnOyInG!? eVeRyOnE bUt yOu sEeMs to tHiNk sO. tHeRe sHoUlD bE a lAw, mAnDaTiNg tHaT yOuR fInGeRs aRe bRoKeN uNtIl yOu cAn uSe a kEyBoArD pRoPeRlY. n0oB.

ASO to bad haircuts and to people who say "don't worry, you're hair will grow back". It may grow back, but in the meantime, I look like a 4 year old took a pair of safety scissors to my head. Maybe I'll just shave it all off and get a wig.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Week 9

bust a rhyme

oh wait, we're not playing kings...

Best of Week 8

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