Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Shout-Outs (1)

Its wednesday... first "best-of-the-week" of the summer! 

shout out to jack for anti-shoutouting the cops. i feel like i lost a child when they took away my fake

shout out to the herd that leaves memorial library at midnight when they close the stacks and go directly to college library.....mooooooo

ASO to readjusting to new SOs on the bottom. There is just nothing new about being on the bottom. On top is where its at, but kneeling is awesome too.

ASO to unrequited love. Katie, if you're reading this, know that I have totally been crushing on you all year long. Forget your stupid boyfriend, and run away with me!

SO to taking a break from the library to go emergency vibrator shopping at the porn store with a friend. sometimes we are just that desperate.

shout out to the brave duck and her ducklings crossing the street in front of college library this morning, you are so badass.

ASO to those who do not know the rules of campus shoutouts. You never use full names, you always think dirty, and you always had twice as much alcohol than in reality.
Now continue.

SO to the old lady who compared walking up Bascom to walking against the winds of a hurricane

so to juston and his stix. i'm gonna miss you. and all the ed's guys and girls.

ASO to bees.
fuck bees.

ASO to two of my roommates who apparently have been secretly buying toilet paper and sharing it only between them. do you wipe each others asses too?

SO to 300-some SO's in the past 3 days. You make me feel like the crying Indian in the pollution commercial... but in a good way

Shout out to seeing four football players (including TD) studying in the library for over 3 hours straight. I thought athletes studying was myth like unicorns or intelligent coasties

SO to Sexy Prof. Straus. Dear LORD, thank you for wearing jeans during the final. and the low unbuttoned shirt. i could BARELY concentrate on your astounding and intellectually-stimulating exam.

SO to loving sex so much despite my uber religious southern's SINcredible!


Anonymous said...

ASO to the Witte 7B RA, not only are you a huge douchebag, but the kid you got kicked out of housing for something he didnt do, is now with nothing b/c that same kid was living in the Sig Ep House that burned down last night....Way to be Class Act

Anonymous said...

ASO to everyone who said that my fraternity house being burned down was well deserved. First off, how sick do you have to be to criticize a greek organization that you know absolutely nothing about, regardless of behavior, and carelessly remark that they had it coming even if someone could have died. I guess its just easier to say things like that from the comforts of your own keyboard. Second, the "alleged" hazing incident was dropped because it was determined that it WAS NOT HAZING. I understand that you people like to stereotype and generalize all fraternities to be a bunch of ignorant meat-heads, but please gather your information in objective fashion and not draw conclusions from the "honest" badger herald. After all, they were at the scene of the incident and know exactly what happened (catch the sarcasm). Third, stop making up bull shit about how our house was burned down by rival fraternities. No it was not. I would actually like to make a shout out to the other sororities and fraternities on campus that have offered us help with housing, food and class notes, we all really appreciate it. back to what i was saying...... and no we didnt purposely burn down our house in a pledging ceremony. Nobody knows how the fire was started, ask any firefighter at the scene, it is undetermined.

SO to the Sigep Alumni Board, the Deans Office, the Madison Fire Department, The Red Cross, the University Bookstore, Sigep Nationals and all of my brothers in the house.

Anonymous said...

SO to the curly haired cutie that "attempted" to help me put the computer monitor back on the stand... mem info lab is just that ghetto fabulous.

Anonymous said...

SO to all the sex-crazed girls during finals week. Is it bad that I'm like that all year?

Anonymous said...

ASO to seriously wanting to have lesbian sex with one of my friends. SO to her probably wanting to also.

Anonymous said...

"I understand that you people like to stereotype and generalize all fraternities to be a bunch of ignorant meat-head"

ASO to this kid, don't get too cocky not everyone thinks you're that intelligent and that built. I know during halloween me and a couple of friends almost beat up a large group of frat boys but they walked away acting like they were being held back by some divine power that only they could see... GO back to the suburbs and hide behind your daddy's porsche you ignorant sons of bitches.