Friday, May 9, 2008

To get us through this difficult time...

Since most of our campus goes through serious shout out withdrawal in the summer, we decided to keep it going! This will end as soon as shout outs come back in the fall. We'll clear it each week (wednesday to wednesday, of course) and each wednesday we'll post the best of the week!


Anonymous said...

ASO to the guys standing at the corner of babcock and linden singing the lyrics of "apple bottom jeans" to the tune of "we wish you a merry christmas" just when summer's about to start...

Anonymous said...

The other thread is proof that the BH needs to update its SO-approval system. This is already more popular, and more satisfying, than the BH's webpage.


Anonymous said...

this past year's so controller basically checked twice a week online and that was it.

you cannot abuse the power, so controller is the second messiah on uw, after bucky of course.

Anonymous said...

SO to the flight of the conchords concert in milwaukee! you were way worth the money even though i'll probably fail my exam in two hours!

Anonymous said...

SO to girls who come up with excuses. guys try and hang out with you, yet every time they do, you make up an excuse; i need to nap, or my uncle's dog died. well you know what, last week when you said you had so much hw, i worked hard to get mine done ahead of time too, what the hell were you doing?

Anonymous said...

SO to baby ducks ASO out to sewer grates that baby ducks can fall through SO to the group of people who saved a baby duck from the sewer near memorial union that made my day...

Anonymous said...

ASO to the two coasties at college who were too lazy to open the door-- so they kicked the handicap button and waited for it to open for them. I think burning those extra calories by opening it yourselves would have been beneficial.

Anonymous said...

ASO to being greasy as hell, smelly, with these old ass boxers on, and tryin to study at college library. Does everyone on this side of campus have a maid to do their laundry and bathe them during this terrible week? I feel like the dirty kid cause the best shower i can get between these finals is an intermittent downpour or the tears from failing my last final. PS: I hope it rains soon.

Anonymous said...

ASO to finding out that the complete profile link of the shoutout controller is a lie. It doesn't send you to a complete profile when you say complete profile I at least expect a name and a picture so that I can find you and complain to you about how you never post my shout outs

Anonymous said...

you really should have a "counter" at the bottom of this page...preferably one with "last hour", "last day", "total"...

i just feel like that would be very interesting.

okay, it's true, i'm a nerd.

Mindy The Poetess said...

ASO To the poor boys of Sig Ep. May things look brighter for you soon!

Anonymous said...

ASO to the SigEp fire. Sorry boys, you can stay at my place the rest of the week but I can't guarentee you'll get any studying done...

Anonymous said...

ASO to natural disasters killing thousands upon thousands. Do you believe my "global warming BS" yet? I hope you still feel good about burning coal, assholes.

Anonymous said...

ASO to going to the bookstore to sell books back and being told that they are ALL now old editions. Anyone want some shitty old textbooks?

Anonymous said...

"ASO to natural disasters killing thousands upon thousands. Do you believe my "global warming BS" yet? I hope you still feel good about burning coal, assholes."

SO to coal. it now causes earthquakes too. what CAN'T it do?

Anonymous said...

SO to the almighty blue book, a.k.a. satan in paper form.

Anonymous said...

SO to having like 4 girls I still want to hook up with, and so few nights to make it all happen.

Fuck my procrastination.

DoubleHelix said...

SO to guessing on 50% of an exam and getting a 94%...test taking skillz are awesome

Anonymous said...

ASO to myself for meeting a random man at Angelics and then going home with him. I stayed over at his place. It turns out he's 38 and an interior designer while I am 18. I left alive and untouched.

Anonymous said...

SO to the guys running out of the Law library at 11:30 at night. did you really need that book that bad??