Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 4

We're gonna keep moderating because there are enough repetitive shoutouts about unrequited love and how much sex you are/aren't having that it's still necessary. The number of shoutouts is declining only because there are less being written, not because of us moderating

if you're gonna make a SO about a hidden crush, or coastie/sconnie wars, at least make it funny in some way

that being said, keep this going it keeps us busy!

Best of Week 3

SO to graduation parties with kegs, jungle boccie ball and watching my best friends cousin face plant off a bike ramp

SO to not having classes and drinking allllll daaaay looooooooong

aso to having nothing to do for the first part of summer and noone to do in all my free time :(

ASO to having a dream that I forgot to take a final for a class I didn't realize I was taking. Worst nightmare EVER

so to blumpkins. 'nuff said

SO to high-waisted shorts being the best diet ever

ASO at working at an ice cream place and having the ice cream machine shoot vanilla soft serve into my eyes and all over my clothes, making it looking like five guys just came all over me

ASO to sharing the home computer with my high-school age younger brother. Why is the mouse so goddamn sticky?

ASO to job hunting. It's like getting rejected over and over and over again. I don't need anything long term! I just need a summer fling! Why are your standards so high?

ASO to wishing you were in Madison just so you would have a job and not have your mom bothering you about getting one over the summer

SO to summer nights..long necks and my best friends. Who could ask for more?

SO to summer. I love being able to drink all day and not having to worry about school. ASO to this being my first summer single in 3 years. I am seriously sex deprived people, i don't know if i can last three months!

SO to the creepy-ass audio captchas that blogger plays if you click that wheelchair icon next to the word verification. I hope to god if I go blind I don't have to sit through a bunch of fucking babbling backwards gibberish every time I want to make fun of someone

SO to my roommate's underage sister. There isn't enough Dial to get those dirty thoughts out of my mind. I'm sure our other roommate is right there with me

SO to my new best friend who puked out his nose during a game of boat races. nicely done sir.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Week 3

alright it seems like moderating the shoutouts is working out well, so we'll keep doing it.

keep posting!

Best-of Week 2

SO to the term 'sconnie' sounding vaguely like it could be an STD. I've got a grisly case of the sconnie!

aso to the tool on the moped who honked and raised his eyebrows at me today... did you expect me to hop on the back so we could ride off into the sunset together?

SO to letting showing way too much cleavage during my final in hopes of distracting people and skewing the curve in my favor

SO to my roommate. You never walked in on me slamming the ham, but you somehow did every other time I was having sex.Bigger SO for being cool about it and just asking for an ETA.

SO to Skittles. I love being able to taste the rainbow without having to munch carpet

SO to the guy in Witte who just shouted "It's my money, and I need it NOW!" out his window. SO to all the people who followed suit. SO to Madison for knowing what's up

ASO to Prof. Dykman for wearing an 80's jogging outfit to our final. Short white shorts and a disturbingly tight cut-off tank top? What were you thinking?

ASO to having to explain to my dad why i have a bottle of rum, a bottle of tequila, two cases of beer, two bottles of wine, a half a bottle of doctors AND a half bottle of vodka when he comes to move me out today. ASO to finals for not allowing me to finish it all before the end of the semester

pelmeni, you ignorant slut. come baaaaack to me!!

SO to my roomate who is currently hooking up with a hooker found via craigslist. He is a WoWer (World of Warcraft) and is drenched from riding his moped to the gas station. Make it worth the $275 an hour buddy

SO to cherry bourbon and backyard barbecues! Finally, it's summer time

SO to finally hooking up with the guy I have been having sex dreams about the entire semester. ASO to him saying "this is so weird" practically the entire time, wtf?

SO to the couple fucking on Bascom friday night. you know we took pictures of you, right?
SO to starting the summer out right: grilling brats on our patio, followed by downing four cases of beer, a 1.75 of martini mix, 2 packs of Mikes & a couple bottles of wine.Summer's looking promising

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Week 2: Summer Summer Summertime

Because so many of you complained about the repetitive and lame shout outs (can't say i disagree...) we're going to try controlling this week. We solemnly swear to update at least once a day, but we're going to shoot for even more. If you all really hate it, send in a post and we can change it back. good luck on finals!

Wednesday Shout-Outs (1)

Its wednesday... first "best-of-the-week" of the summer! 

shout out to jack for anti-shoutouting the cops. i feel like i lost a child when they took away my fake

shout out to the herd that leaves memorial library at midnight when they close the stacks and go directly to college library.....mooooooo

ASO to readjusting to new SOs on the bottom. There is just nothing new about being on the bottom. On top is where its at, but kneeling is awesome too.

ASO to unrequited love. Katie, if you're reading this, know that I have totally been crushing on you all year long. Forget your stupid boyfriend, and run away with me!

SO to taking a break from the library to go emergency vibrator shopping at the porn store with a friend. sometimes we are just that desperate.

shout out to the brave duck and her ducklings crossing the street in front of college library this morning, you are so badass.

ASO to those who do not know the rules of campus shoutouts. You never use full names, you always think dirty, and you always had twice as much alcohol than in reality.
Now continue.

SO to the old lady who compared walking up Bascom to walking against the winds of a hurricane

so to juston and his stix. i'm gonna miss you. and all the ed's guys and girls.

ASO to bees.
fuck bees.

ASO to two of my roommates who apparently have been secretly buying toilet paper and sharing it only between them. do you wipe each others asses too?

SO to 300-some SO's in the past 3 days. You make me feel like the crying Indian in the pollution commercial... but in a good way

Shout out to seeing four football players (including TD) studying in the library for over 3 hours straight. I thought athletes studying was myth like unicorns or intelligent coasties

SO to Sexy Prof. Straus. Dear LORD, thank you for wearing jeans during the final. and the low unbuttoned shirt. i could BARELY concentrate on your astounding and intellectually-stimulating exam.

SO to loving sex so much despite my uber religious southern's SINcredible!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

To get us through this difficult time...

Since most of our campus goes through serious shout out withdrawal in the summer, we decided to keep it going! This will end as soon as shout outs come back in the fall. We'll clear it each week (wednesday to wednesday, of course) and each wednesday we'll post the best of the week!