Tuesday, August 12, 2008

That's All, Folks

I know I posted the best-of a day early but I'll be way too busy cleaning and packing tomorrow. There weren't even 100 SO's this week and the BH is back up and running, so I think we've rode this train as far as it's gonna go... Thanks for everything, check back next summer because we will definitely be back! 

Week 14 Best-Of

SO to summer shout-outs. you will be missed...

SO to favre becoming a coastie... and bigger SO to the media clusterfuck being over

ASO to the ladies I work with telling me that I'm going to get cancer because I keep my phone in my bra. As if I wasn't neurotic enough...

so to the yoga instructor from the serf, who also works at the fruit stand on library mall. you're pretty doable

ASO to missing out on a booty call because i didn't wanna break a prior commitment. DAMN my mother for teaching me good manners

ASO to my own mother sexiling me tonight... my life is an embarrassment

SO to everyone on Madison's Missed Connections Craigslist page. Even though you're all creepy, I wish you the best of luck in all of your semi-stalkerish endeavors

SO to finally being done with college.
ASO to realizing i can no longer justify my lifestyle as simple college student shenanigans..now its just alcoholism

Huge SO to my priest for coming over while I was standing awkwardly at a wedding reception and saying "What, can't socialize without a beer pong table in the room?"

SO to my mom. When I was singing in the car and couldn't remember some of the words she referred to me as a "tard". I'm so glad we're related!

SO to losing track of what day it is

SO to my dad for telling me if I have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours to go rub one out.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Week 14

well since the BH decided to randomly start posting shoutouts again, this could be the last week. I guess it depends on how many shoutouts we can pack into this week, and the quality. Everyone knows this was just to tide us over until the real ones got back.

some input would be appreciated :)

Best of Lucky Week 13

SO to looking up euphemisms for boobs. I never knew there were so many ways to express my appreciation for flesh melons...or lactoids...or blouse bunnies...or Prisoners of the Playtex Penitentiary.

SO to finally finishing all four seasons of House. Hugh Laurie = DILF...Diagnostician I'd Like to Fuck.

ASO to the love triangle's bigger brother, the love tetrahedron.

SO to taking the laptop to the bathroom while i poop so i can continue talking to my crush. im sure he wouldnt mind.

SO to ikea. Your swedish-ness is just so silly.

aso to my little sister learning to drive and playing the entire "whisper song" aka wait til you see my dick... while my mother was in the front seat. kids these days.

so to my mom who just drunk dialed me and told me that my dad was taking advantage of her

SO to my mom and dad for planning a trip to paris the week after my little brother leaves for school and they become empty nesters. At least pretend you're sad we're gone?

ASO to not learning to leave boys at the bar.

aso to the batteries in my vibrator for dying when i needed them the most.

SO to the mallards for signing Gary Coleman. ASO to seeing him get ejected. WHATCHU TALKIN BOUT BLUE?

SO to not being a freshman and knowing what the Allison shoutouts are all about.

shout out to me for getting head from another intern in my MP's office during my internship in the houses of parliament this summer. rather ironic was that i was taking classes at the london school of economics where monica lewinski got her degree.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 13

Only a few weeks left shoutmonkeys... make us laugh

Week 12 Best-of

ASO to my physical and breast exam being the most action I've gotten all summer.

ASO to not being able to SIT UP from my bedroom floor for 21 hrs straight after a long night in mad-town

Potential SO to my coworker saying she'd do me, but it'd be vaguely whoreish...does that mean I should go for it?

SO to the 3-year old I babysit for pointing at the pimple on my face and saying, "You have a boo-boo! We have neosporin and a band-aid if you want?"...I'd make it an ASO, but she's just too damn cute saying it.

SO to finding this on the "about me" section of my Harvard friend's facebook profile:
"Shout Out to introducing my friend at Harvard to Shout-outs. Can we just tack that onto the list of reasons why Madison > Ivy Leagues?" Even bigger SO to the fact that he recognizes the truth.

SO to the stoplight at Doty/Broom for flashing the shocker instead of the stop hand.

ASO to learning that by naming my dog Xena, in Arabic it means adultery...and I just thought I was paying homage to the warrior princess!

SO to managing to swing my rent this month thru a combination of donating plasma and whoring myself out to the psych department.

SO to being a nude photography model-- If these photos show up on the internet someday and my students find them I'm going to be PROUD.

SO to the SOC. i love you and your need for 69 shoutouts.

ASO to my summer being one epic fail after another. I suck.

SO to my Dad - when my brother said, "I can't believe you sold that car, I loved that car, I had sex in that car!" he replied with "with anyone else?" Oh masturbation...

ASO to acid trips at the KK. I swear there were people actually having sex on the dance floor. Damns girls get some self respect!

just a question... where are we with the shoutout shirts?

ASO to getting so drunk that I fell into a load of thorns and couldn't get out for half an hour. SO to the only person who saw being so drunk themselves that they forgot almost instantly. ASO to being so drunk that I then called up the guy I like and informed him of my drunken falling into thorns. I guess once the scratches heal I'll have to find someone else to go see Batman with

Wednesday, July 23, 2008